Aaron97 said:
I have my interview coming up in less than a week. I understand getting an offer and being slotted into BMQ can be as little as a month of around a year. I search up my local reserve BMQ dates and they begin in February. If for some unlikely reason I am fortunate enough to somehow get an offer, I have these questions:
1. During Reserve Weekend BMQ, I am expected to attend Parade nights or just the Weekend BMQ's?
It depends I've been in two units and when I was on basic we didn't have much to do, but occasionally where invited to do some stuff. The unit I'm currently at has the PAT's coming out to everything. Like Stealthy said it is a unit by question, but if you can go. Your unit will tell you. They might also be able to help you with anything you are finding challenging.
Aaron97 said:
2. In terms of stress/intensity, would Summer RESERVE BMQ be more stressful/intense since you are on a base and on course the whole time whereas weekend BMQ's, you return to your civilian life right after the weekend?
I've done "
both". I did a weekend BMQ, and a full time SQ (obviously not the same content, but similar), I think they both have their pro's and cons.
Weekend BMQ Pros
- not necessary to take time off work (Usually)
- allows you to get your feet wet if you aren't sure
- Steady income for a students.
- You'll stay within your geographical area.
- You'll get qualified quicker.
Weekend BMQ Cons
- Skill fade because the course drags on
- It takes time to "Switch ON" to Army mode back off to Civvy Mode.
- Other Stressors could impact your performance (Relationships, School, Work). It is quite possible to take a show up already being in a shitty mood.
- If you are a student it is usually a challenge to balance, school, army, and social life. It usually just takes one bad semester >

Full Time SQ Pros
- It is all over in one shot
- You are solely focused on the course and really don't have much bothering you
- No Skill Fade
- You "Feel" like you are in the Army
Full Time SQ Cons
- If you don't get leave you can be kept at the base for the weekend and depending on your staff that will suck.
- Likely will be a lot farther away from your home so while you may have the weekend off you'll likely just drink beer. :subbies:
- Challenge for people to get time off work
- If you are student and you can only get a full time basic in the summer and can't get on your 3's it will slow everything down.
I think they both have their advantages. I think the Weekend Basic exists so that people can try the reserves before they convince their employer that they need 1 month or 2 months for a course in the summer. It also qualifies people quicker. There were times when I preferred the weekend basic and there was time when I preferred the part time.
Aaron97 said:
3. If I need to bus to my local reserve unit, can I do so in uniform (combats) as long as everything is worn up to standard
Shouldn't be a problem I routinely take the bus to ex to and from in combats. One thing to remember is that people may try and talk to you ask questions about you the army and in general so be prepared to answer in the best of your ability. If you don't know, you don't know. You also may get told to "Fuck off" or something on those lines. The worst I had was when some guy was drunk and gave me shit for about 20 minutes which was fun :nod:... All in all people are generally pretty helpful and genuinely curious about the army but there is the odd idiot here or there.
Point C: My basic made us bring everything (Ruck, 2 duffells and a barrack box). I never tried to take it on the bus because it is awkward enough with just a ruck sack. I got rides when I could and took cabs when I couldn't (out of pocket). I've seen people do it, but it might be something to think about.