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BMQ - St. Jean - March 2011

I'm in week 5 at the mega.  To give you guys a few tips prior to arriving that I have noticed so far.  Do push ups, sit ups, squats and plank position all to the maximum if you can. Think of what your going to say before you speak to your staff.  Don't be a sh*t pump.  Try not to cluster *&^* things.  This one depends on your staff if you can have it but bring ibuprofen, some sort of anti inflammatory topical ointment, cold medication, halls or fishermen friends (alot of them).  The mega is like one big sickness, literally.  Our floor alone has been hit by a GI bug, the flu and the cold, and we can't control it even after cleaning every inch of our floor after station job.  Just try to be as healthy as you can before you arrive.  Cheers.  See you all in a few weeks.
Rafterman1 said:
This one depends on your staff if you can have it but bring ibuprofen, some sort of anti inflammatory topical ointment, cold medication, halls or fishermen friends (alot of them).  The mega is like one big sickness, literally.  Our floor alone has been hit by a GI bug, the flu and the cold, and we can't control it even after cleaning every inch of our floor after station job.  Just try to be as healthy as you can before you arrive.

Washing your hands frequently will have more effect than any of that other stuff.  :nod:  Bring hand sanitizer.
One major advantage the old Cornwallis had. Every course stayed in its own Barracks. I never did like the concept of the "megaplex" anyways, its like their aiming more for a university style training center. Thats me though, Roaaaar (Dinosaurs roar don't they?)
11 days to go, woohoo!  The old-style barracks sound a bit nicer, Rick.  How long have you been in the CF?  I've been warned about the dreaded "gastro" by several people; is it really that much of an issue?
Anytime you have people living in close proximity, look out. Alot of GI bugs can come and go within 1-3 days.

The older style barracks would have cost more to upgrade and upkeep, so as far as I know, thats why they didn't simply rebuild them. In Wainwright we also had awesome "tin cans" to live in (real joy to Kit and Quarters), but Meaford and Wainwright have "dorms" now.

Really it doesn't matter a HUGE deal what you live in as long as you learn the basics.

Mouth shut, eyes forward, ears wide open, attention span fully engaged, motivation high at all times, sense of humour maintained at the worst times and look out for each other, success should be well in your hands.
This may come off as changing the current tune of this thread, but I see it as jumping back to the original premise behind the thread.

Now that I've been sworn in, and everything is official, this all feels even more realistic. And now, I wait 11 days, wherein the waiting just may kill me lol. (Thank God for P/T employment at Home Depot).
Dang, dont know what the deal is for me then, i applied in December of '09, was Merit Listed in September of '10, and i have yet to be called about everything being official, i just keep being told, call back next month, i know that the fiscal year starts in April, but geez its been a long wait :P. Well i just hope that because i have been merit listed it kinda somewhat guarantees me a Job :D and hopefully i get on BMQ soon :(

One question i have, does anyone know when the next BMQ starts (the next one after the March one). i dont see it on the CFLRS site, the reason i ask is, say i do get picked up in april (Fingers Crossed) i am hoping to get on BMQ before i go to school in september, i am going through the NCMSEP.
Lively, merit listed simply means you are qualified to do a trade.  The only guaranteed job comes after you get an offer.  Trades open in April; it is very likely you will get a call, good or bad, fairly soon.
Good luck!

Oh I noticed you mentioned SEP.  I was initially merit listed for the SEP of my trade.  I ended up being offered the military trained version instead.  Be ready for that possibility and jump on it.
alright so its just a matter of waiting and hoping. oh well all i can do is hope for the best i guess, i am really excited to go and cant wait, but i dont want to get my hope to high and then not go at all :S

So what you are saying is they might pick me up and not have me go to school and just train me in the military instead?

I am merit listed for NWT.
Lively18 said:
So what you are saying is they might pick me up and not have me go to school and just train me in the military instead?

I am merit listed for NWT.

You're going to be trained in the military regardless. It's your occupation.

If you applied for NCM-SEP, then that's what you'll be Merit Listed for. If you didn't apply for NCM-SEP, then you're going to be going in as a regular Naval Weapons Tech.
yea i applied for NCM-SEP, thanks i must have just read the previous post wrong.
Nope.  You read it correctly.  Even if you are merit listed for SEP, you could conceivably be offerred a NON-SEP spot.  That's exactly the case with me.  Just make sure you jump on the offer either way; where you go to school doesn't matter as much as how willing you are to learn.
Either way doesn't really matter to me, i am a very quick learner. Its just when i was applying it was a long tedious process that every time i would go down a hallway with them the door would close, was really a pain. So the last resort on getting in, in any sort of timely manner was to go NCM-SEP but that didn't work out either, so now it is just waiting till i get offered a job :( hopefully it will come soon what ever way it happens.
If you've been merit listed, then you just have to be patient.
A job will show up eventually, as long as everything is OK'd with your file.

I know it's cliché, but "patience is a virtue"

Sharp is correct. Patience is a virtue. You will only drive yourself crazy watching the clock. Try and keep yourself occupied as much as possible and March will be over in no time. I was told by my recruiter in years past, calls could potentially go out before April for 'In Demand' jobs. This year, they have changed their practises and April is the earliest.

I, like you, have applied to NCM SEP as NWT. I have my acceptance letter from a Forces approved college in my area and have passed all aspects of my enrolment. I have been merit listed for the trade and now it's just a waiting game. We are all in the same boat so don't get discouraged.
dev_tech said:
Hmm, I need to look into that, Terry.  Here I've been saying the RC made a mistake when, really, I might just need to clean the wax from my ears.  I look forward to meeting you and the others in QC.  Hopefully it will be a nice March and not like the hellish March months we get here in S. Ontario.

Edit: spelling mistake due to tiny cell keyboard.

I really hate to burst your bubble but Ontario has nothing on Quebec in March. Brrrr!  It's really bitter cold. Just make it a point to get to mannequin pis, a great little bistro in downtown st-Jean. Congrats and don't forget to have fun  :)
What is THE best smoked meat/pastrami joint in Montreal?  Living that close to gastronomic awsomeness, I need details.  No pork.
dev_tech said:
What is THE best smoked meat/pastrami joint in Montreal?  Living that close to gastronomic awsomeness, I need details.  No pork.

Schwartz delicatessen.  :stirpot: