I waited 4 months for a phonecall that should have came 3 months and 2 weeks earlier. :threat:
there is nothing you can do but wait - and that is what makes it so hard.
many courses run across the country throughout the year, res or reg. You could be placed in a summer program that lasts two months, or you could be placed in a fall program that runs until the end of the winter. It all depends on many, many factors.
If everyone gets accepted into the canadian forces, you will be placed on a bmq course , you just have to wait for it.
i myself leave in just under two weeks to connaught ranges, ottawa. I'm excited, but anxious because i've been in the military for just over 2.5 months, and the majority of people i've talked to claimed to me that they did their bmq directly after they were sworn in. have patience, use all the extra time you can get to get yourself in shape [trust me, you don't know how bad of shape you're in until you do your first run], enjoy your civilian life, and god bless.