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Roger that.  However, what I am saying is...let's use an Armour Sqn.  Each Patrol Commander does things alittle different inside the Troop, each Troop Ldr and WO does things differently from the other ones inside a Sqn, each Sqn OC and Sgt-Major do things differently from the other OCs and SSMs in the regiment...its normal.  Higher lays out the boundaries...you just make sure you stay inside them...

Running courses isn't exactly like making cookies, where you just use the same cutter and everything looks the same  ;).

Each Commander, at their own level, is afforded the ability to run things at the Section/Platoon/Company etc level, within certain parameters, as he/she sees fit.  K?
CDN Aviator said:
8 months right ?

Is that whole months ?

I know long time eh....  ::)

You know what I love being told how the training system works when I have first hand knowledge of it....

I like that about as much as I like someones girlfirend coming and telling me how works too....Yeah surething you know how it works  ::)
Cat said:
8 whole months on Oct 2nd

My advice to you is..the people you are debating this with...well their socks have more time-in the CF than you do.  You might want to conside that...your call.
I've yet to say much argumentitivly. I'm stating what I see on a daily basis as to what happens specifically at CFLRS on the training platoons. Which was the original questions.

I'm not arguing and to prove that point I'm out of the conversation, feel free to debate all you guys want.
Eye In The Sky said:
My advice to you is..the people you are debating this with...well their socks have more time-in the CF than you do.  You might want to conside that...your call.

Your point has merit...

But one could argue, that his 8 months is quite recent experience (thus more valid and accurate) than say, someone who was there for two years time, but 6 years ago...

Sure ,the socks may be old, but things DO change.

I personally would be keeping quiet if I was at St. Jean for 8 months....

Oh yes things change....But having seen St Jean a year ago (slightly less actually and not as a candidate) I can say that it really hasn't changed significantly since I was there in 99. The course material may have changed but the way Recruits are treated and the standard of dress and deportment have not changed one little bit. Heck I can remember phones calls from my stressed out 9er saying the staff said this or they wanted something done like this etc etc etc, I remember also thinking "hmm yup week X right about the time they told me the near exact samething".
Niteshade said:
Your point has merit...

But one could argue, that his 8 months is quite recent experience (thus more valid and accurate) than say, someone who was there for two years time, but 6 years ago...

Sure ,the socks may be old, but things DO change....
I personally would be keeping quiet if I was at St. Jean for 8 months....

Indeed Nites...things do change...many of the old guard here went through at a time when things in the training system were much much different...when many a persons personal rights were violated...pretty sure we don't wear what my grandfathers did in WWII...and I thank God for that  :)
Hot Lips said:
pretty sure we don't wear what my grandfathers did in WWII...and I thank God for that  :)

No but we still put socks on the exact same way.
Bet you have more than a pair or two and don't have to peel them off with your knife CA...

Polish our boots...Same
Make bed....Same
Station Jobs...Same(ish) No more floor waxing in CFLRS
Jackings...Lordy Lordy SAME! LMAO

Hot Lips said:
Bet you have more than a pair or two and don't have to peel them off with your knife CA...

I've had to cut several pairs off my feet............
I find that most peolple who spew this " you dont know, things have changed so much" are the ones who have not seen how it was before and thus have no frame of reference.

I've been at this 16 years and the more things change, the more they stay the same.
BulletMagnet said:
Polish our boots...Same
Make bed....Same
Station Jobs...Same(ish) No more floor waxing in CFLRS
Jackings...Lordy Lordy SAME! LMAO

The jackings aren't allowed to have swears in them any more though... ;)  Indeed...the basic principles have remained...we still put our boots one foot at a time  :P

BulletMagnet said:
Jackings...Lordy Lordy SAME! LMAO

I was just watching Truth, Duty, Valour on OLN this evening and they were showing a group at St. Jean going through BMQ. It was interesting to see how much 'jacking up' there was. I'm going to need to grow a much thicker skin before January. At the end of the show, they said to 'tune in next time' to find out which of the 5 recruits they were profiling would be marching in the final parade (ONE out of the five). I am interested to know what happened to the others.  ???

Now, if they would just do one of these shows - TDV, Basic Up - about the officer training, that would be great.  ;D
Celticgirl said:
I was just watching Truth, Duty, Valour on OLN this evening and they were showing a group at St. Jean going through BMQ. It was interesting to see how much 'jacking up' there was. I'm going to need to grow a much thicker skin before January. At the end of the show, they said to 'tune in next time' to find out which of the 5 recruits they were profiling would be marching in the final parade (ONE out of the five). I am interested to know what happened to the others.  ???

Now, if they would just do one of these shows - TDV, Basic Up - about the officer training, that would be great.  ;D

CG - 2-3 probably VR'd and the remainder are injured sitting on PAT. Or they might have gotten lucky and been sent to postingbefore their grad parade.
Hey CG...

Be happy to share what I know about the Officer Training at CFLRS...send me a PM if you like  :)

Cat said:
CG - 2-3 probably VR'd and the remainder are injured sitting on PAT. Or they might have gotten lucky and been sent to postingbefore their grad parade.

I'm guessing VR, too. I only saw a few minutes of it, but it looked like the 5 were all women, or maybe 4 of the 5. There was one guy there who seemed pretty intense...he was all "They'd have to carry me out on my back"... ;D I kind of hope one of the women made it, though.

Hot Lips said:
Hey CG...

Be happy to share what I know about the Officer Training at CFLRS...send me a PM if you like  :)


Thanks. I was just saying (kind of half-joking) that there should be a TV show on officer training, too...why do NCMs get all the air time?  :D

CA...they weren't allowed when I went through that long ago at CFLRS...prolly different all over though...
