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Bruised Heel


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I'm leaving for BMQ on August 10th. I bruised my heel the 12th of July. It still hurts but I think it will be okay for the 10th. If it still hurts when I arrive to St-Jean, what will happen? Will they send me home and I'll have to wait for another BMQ or will they put me on a PAT platoon?
Hey Nic (Canadian Forces Applicants),

If your heel isn't all healed up and you feel you cannot continue with your course you may be placed into PAT and recoursed,


- Jarryd R
Okay thanks for the reply. Kind of sucks to get injured a few weeks before BMQ. Never got injured before lol. What a bad timing
berubenic said:
I'm leaving for BMQ on August 10th. I bruised my heel the 12th of July. It still hurts but I think it will be okay for the 10th. If it still hurts when I arrive to St-Jean, what will happen? Will they send me home and I'll have to wait for another BMQ or will they put me on a PAT platoon?

It depends.
Can you push through the pain (that is, is it more discomfort than pain)? If so, you carry on.
If it is actual pain, you could end up worsening your condition by trying to push through. Something to think about.
Also, if you got to the MIR at BMQ for your heel, you will miss classes. There are a certain number of classes you can miss before they recourse you. If you are recoursed medically, then you cannot go back on course until you are cleared by the MO or physio or who ever it is in your case. But once you are cleared, you go from AWT (medical) to WFT (PAT platoon).
You don't want to go on PAT platoon at basic. You will pick up all sorts of nasty habits. Plus you will have to wait for a spot to open up on platoon. This could be a quick turnaround or a long one, especially if there are other troops that have been there longer who are ready to go. It definitely will NOT be the platoon you just left, and you may have to start over from week zero, depending on how long you were on PAT.
AT BMQ it is GO GO GO from 0500hrs to 1800hrs, and then a slower pace until 2300hrs generally. You will march everywhere and you will here staff shout "Dig in your heels". They like to hear your heel strikes as you march.
Make sure you don't have a stress fracture or something BEFORE you get there.
Thanks, I sure as hell don't want to be on PAT platoon. It's getting better everyday so ill keep my hopes up and rest it as much as I can before BMQ
Ice, heat ice, heat. Stay off it as much as you can now. Your going Infantry, your feet and fingers are your lively hood! I would power through it. The first few days of basic are all paperwork and such anyways, Yes you are going to be marched around like a banshee, but if it helps, get a set of gel insoles for your boots. It will help cushion your heel during its healing process. I wouldn't mention anything to anyone at CFLRS or the RC unless it comes to the point you cant walk. You have waited this long to get where you are, why slow things down now lol.

Just my 0.02 cents.
Yah Im thinking the same way. Don't want to be stuck waiting again after waiting all this time. Just bought some of those gel heel cups and I think they will do the trick