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Buying/selling Medals Superthread [merged]

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On numerous occasions, I have read that in Canada it is not illegal to sell military decorations or medals. Although this is true as far as the Criminal Code is concerned, individuals subject to the Code of Service Discipline conduct an illegal act if they do so.

The National Defence Act states:

"s116. Every person who...

(c) sells, pawns or otherwise disposes of any cross, medal, insignia or other decoration granted by or with the approval of Her Majesty,

is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to imprisonment for less than two years or to less punishment."


Now the question. On first reading, it would seem that this would apply to someone disposing of a medal granted or awarded to him. But when you read it a second or third time, it does not state that. Could it be that a person subject to the Code could be charged if he sold his grandfather‘s medals?

Hope this keeps the Barrack Room Lawyers busy (at least for the time it takes to bang back a reply).

Oh My God! I sent my Queen‘s Jubilee Medal, along with the certificate, to my Mom. My CD2, is still in the box!They are " Give Me‘s". Now if I had a Bravery Medal, something that meant I had "Exeeded Expectations", that would be a different story. I have enough "Been Away From Home" medals.
After all , going overseas is part of the job. I can‘t wait until we get a medal for passing Basic, or passing our Trades Training. We knock the American Army ,for getting recognition , for every little thing they do, we are becoming the same way ,get a "Gong" or a ribbon for showing up.A guy "in the rear wth the gear", who never leaves the base camp ,gets the same benefits , same medal, as a Combat Engineer , clearing mines, digging up mass graves,etc,that‘s wrong. And if anyone out there doesn‘t like my attitude , " Bite Me".
Originally posted by Old Cent‘ Hand:
[qb]And if anyone out there doesn‘t like my attitude , " Bite Me". [/qb]
Best way to get rid of a troll is to ignore him. So my response to you is as follows:
I got bad news for you " Sunshine " , I just stated my "point of view", and " If the shoe fits , wear it" .
A guy "in the rear wth the gear", who never leaves the base camp ,gets the same benefits , same medal, as a Combat Engineer , clearing mines, digging up mass graves,etc,that‘s wrong. And if anyone out there doesn‘t like my attitude , " Bite Me".
I remember sitting with an old veteran at a unit dinner who had quite an impressive salad bar from Italy and Northern Europe. He was a truck driver; nothing more, nothing less.

Who are you to tell this old guy "Hey pogue, you don‘t deserve s**t because you weren‘t at the front...."

A campaign ribbon is precisly that, a campaign ribbon.

PS - The rear ech guys in Iraq running convoys and getting rocketed everyday appreciate your support. Bite me.
I remember sitting with an old veteran at a unit dinner who had quite an impressive salad bar from Italy and Northern Europe. He was a truck driver; nothing more, nothing less.

Who are you to tell this old guy "Hey pogue, you don‘t deserve s**t because you weren‘t at the front...."

A campaign ribbon is precisly that, a campaign ribbon.

PS - The rear ech guys in Iraq running convoys and getting rocketed everyday appreciate your support. Bite me.
Amen to that, Infanteer. It‘s nice to have a cold beer, fresh rations, fuel and ammunition for your weapons and vehicle, travel assistance, hardship, risk, FSP bonuses, etc, etc. They are all provided by the rear echelon guys.

Old Cent Hand seems to be simply a troll. Reminds me of Recce41 until he smartened up.
Hey guys , I said a " Guy in the rear with , the gear", I mean‘t a guy who never leaves the the safety of the base. I have alot of respect, for MSE OPS, Supply Techs, Mechs, etc, that came under fire.Read between the lines. I hate the " Bin Rat " that says " Combat Arms" guys are Dummies, and that his trade should get " Spec Pay". Call me a " Troll", look in the mirror " Loser.
Call me a " Troll", look in the mirror " Loser.
Old Cent Hand, you are a ******* new guy to this forum. You have pissed off many long time and respected contributors to this site. Give and show respect and you will slowly earn respect at this site. Until you do this, your infantile name calling simply diminishes the esteem I hold for Sr NCOs. As you were probably told many years ago, think before you speak. :D
Just stating my opinion, sorry, I am very opinionated by the way.I will go to the UMS , and seek , " stress management". As for the negative comments, I will be punished,I will place myself in a burlap bag , and have my peers beat me.
Lets nip this one in the bud before it gets out of control.
Old Cent Hand, I am VERY opininated also but I wait untill I‘m called out before I would ever spout a line like "and if anyone does‘nt like my attitude they can bite me". Next time just try stating your opinion and save the remarks for a better time and place. Trust me they do[and will] occur here.
OK back to the topic.......
You‘re right! Thank God , for the Guns.You gunners have a habit of , showing up , when we need you most!
Originally posted by Old Cent‘ Hand:
[qb] Just stating my opinion, sorry, I am very opinionated by the way.I will go to the UMS , and seek , " stress management". As for the negative comments, I will be punished,I will place myself in a burlap bag , and have my peers beat me. [/qb]
Don‘t worry son us old timers always get stick. ;)
I can call you son because I‘m 1yr 3 months and 1 day older :D .
To all we where born when a Centurion was a Tank not a Rank. ;)
I wonder if this is enforceable. Section 116 of Part III of the National Defence Act states:-

"Every person who...

(c) sells, pawns or otherwise disposes of any cross, medal, insignia or other decoration granted by or with the approval of Her Majesty,

is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to imprisonment for less than two years or to less punishment."

To me it does not seem to specify that the medals, etc, need be the individual's own.

It would appear from the interpretation of persons subject to the Code of Military Discipline that this would apply to all regular force members at all times, and to reserve force members when:

Section 60 (1)

(c) an officer or non-commissioned member of the reserve force when the officer or non-commissioned member is

(i) undergoing drill or training, whether in uniform or not,

(ii) in uniform,

(iii) on duty,

(iv) [Repealed, 1998, c. 35, s. 19]

(v) called out under Part VI in aid of the civil power,

(vi) called out on service,

(vii) placed on active service,

(viii) in or on any vessel, vehicle or aircraft of the Canadian Forces or in or on any defence establishment or work for defence,

(ix) serving with any unit or other element of the regular force or the special force, or

(x) present, whether in uniform or not, at any drill or training of a unit or other element of the Canadian Forces"

Just some thoughts and questions from a bored old man.  :boring:

If you really want to help enshrine Mr. Trudeau's concept that private property does not exist under the Canadian Constitution, go for it.

And do the regulations specify what the desired disposition of a medal upon the termination of the awardee's life is?
The associated article in the Queen's Regulations and Orders, article 103.48
(http://www.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/qr_o/vol2/ch103_e.asp#103.48) has this specific example under Specimen Charges:

Para. 116 (c) N.D.A.


Particulars: In that he, on (date), at (indicate place of offence), sold to (name and address), the George Cross granted to him by Her Majesty.

Also, I suspect if you sold someone else's, then a charge of theft would take precedence, if that were the case. But I rather doubt the interpretation is meant to exclude any member of the CF from dealing in medals as a collector.

Michael OLeary said:
Also, I suspect if you sold someone else's, then a charge of theft would take precedence, if that were the case. But I rather doubt the interpretation is meant to exclude any member of the CF from dealing in medals as a collector.

I always suspected it was meant to exclude serving soldiers from pawning their medals for beer money.  ;D

Like to see the charge stick; the press would have a field day....
If you really want to help enshrine Mr. Trudeau's concept that private property does not exist under the Canadian Constitution, go for it.

Michael. Did I say this? Sometimes your responses appear to me to be arrogant and condescending!

And do the regulations specify what the desired disposition of a medal upon the termination of the awardee's life is?

No. But what does that have to do with the original question?