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Cadet sues MoD for £20,000 after training accident left her scarred

I hope she wins this case, I really do.  She's received a deformity because of someone else's actions, and if she's successful, I can sue the pants of my parents.
"All right troops, today we are going to learn how to rock climb, then we are going to go climb on a rock face."

This thing needs to get tossed straight out the window. Why?!?

1. She volunteered (to be a cadet)
2. You can have no expectation of safety when doing something inherently dangerous like rock climbing
3. She was airlifted to a hospital for a 6 cm cut I don't think anyone dropped the ball as far as taking care of her injury
4. Just on grounds of being a stupid case
Its to bad she got hurt, but **it happens. She got fixed up its time to get over it.
Lesson 1 of EVERY Rock Climbing School/Instructor on the planet;

"When someone yells 'rock', step close to the rock face and don't look up"

What? In this day and age she never signed a waiver? There were always several involved whenever I did any absailing/climbing with army cadets, on base or at civvie facilities. I specifically remember the abundance of waivers all over the place. We always knew there was a degree of danger (small, of course) that came with the training. One of the few remaining things keeping it from being taxpayer-funded boy scouts with rank.
If we got hurt in the forces today and we had a large facial scar I think they would cover some basic surgery to fix it??  If they didn't and you went to a social worker and said it was effecting you mentally they would get it fixed pretty quick. This was some kid and a young girl at the time, on what comes down too MoD time.  She has a facial injury and if not as a solider than as a Cadet you should be covered for the plastic surgery.  If she was suing for millions well that's just crap but 20,000 pounds that's just enough for some minor surgery to cover up a scar.

I'm with Navy_Blue on this one without knowing all the details.  It is probably the lack of private health care in this country that is confusing the issue. We generally work under the assumption that you get what you need free of charge.  Therefore if you have to pay for it you don't need it.  From that it follows that if you're suing it is for frivolous or punitive reasons.

In Britain they have a public/private system with some doctors being outside the system. If you want their services you have to pay for them.  More often than not that means finding an insurance company to pay up.

In the US it is not uncommon for neighbours, friends or even family to sue each other, with no rancour involved at all, in order to get the medical coverage needed.  A buddy of mine in the states had a 13 year old boy, by definition and idiot, who got a hold of some of his dad's black powder, a length of pipe and a couple of potatoes.  He and his buddy thought the first couple of rounds went off just fine so they upped the charge and the load and the inevitable happened with trips to the hospital all round.  Painful memories and a learning experience.  Although both idiots were complicit in the activity Dan's buddy sued him to get the medical treatment that his son needed.  Because it was my buddy's powder he won the coverage.  My buddy was fine with this.  The neighbour was fine with it and they still drink and hunt together.  It was strictly a cash transaction.

That's the way I see this situation.  The cadet has likely received treatment but has a scar.  She has also likely gone to a private plastic surgeon who has given her an estimate on getting a better job done.  This is likely to cover that cost.

And if any of you have ever had teenage girls or been a teenage girl then you can probably guess how important a scar on the face might be.  Pimples call for couselling.  ;D
Teenage girls - I could completely understand...
Teenage Cadet females - Not so much... I've met ones who are proud of training scars.

Of course, as was said - we don't know the details...
Only 20l GBS? Thats not kmuch money for compo, and trhe scar must be pretty tiny. The payout is worth more than the court costs.

20K does not buy much these days period!