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Cadets in Maroon Berets??

I think you're a little old for cadets if you remember the Airborne Regiment being in Edmonton.
Hi all:
I realize that this is an old topic, but thought I could "shed some light" on it for those who might still be interested.

Firstly, the 2551 PPCLI Cadet Corp changed affiliations to the CAR in 1968, when the regiment was formed.  There was an official ceremony on the parade square with Col. Rochester at which we removed our green berets and replaced them with maroon ones.  At the time, the CAR did not have a cap badge, so we had to wear the generic RCACC cap badge.

With regard to the "clipped wings":  this was started by our corps, shortly after we got the opportunity to use the mock tower.  Our CO (Howard (Howie) Cook) was able to persuade the Regt'l Commander to allow us to wear the clipped wings after five successful exits from the mock tower.  Given this approval, the local Area Cadet Officer (Captain Ed Morris ) was in no position to argue, and left us alone.  As a matter of fact, I have a photo of Col. Rochester presenting me with my clipped wings. 

The clipped wings carried on through several years, only ending with the start of the Cadet Para Course.  During those years, several cadet corps from other parts of Alberta came to CFB Edmonton and they also were able to use the mock tower.  The corps in Mayerthorpe Alberta (then commanded by Captain Tom McKnight - a protestant minister, btw) was a regular participant, and they too began to wear the clipped wings.  As time went on, several cadet corps in Alberta became affilitated with the Airborne Center, and they too were wearing the maroon berets.

I noticed a post about a photo from Vernon showing a captain wearing the clipped wings - that is Tom McKnight.  As far as I know, he is probably the only Cadet Instructor to wear the clipped wings.

I saw another post about my coming second in the Master Cadet Exams in Alberta in 1969.  I looked at my certificate and found that it was issued April 1970 - so I think that was the year we took the test.  I was bested by Ray Romses from Lethbridge - who went on to a very successful military career, including command of the Special Service Force.  He got a trip to Barbados for his efforts - I got a trip to Vernon (it would have been some other island in the Caribbean, but as I was turining 19 that June I was not eligible).   

ArmyVern said:

Check your link and scroll down to the 1969 pics. Note the two cadets standing in front of the aircraft.

Cadet CWO Mann ... and Cadet Sergeant Buxton.

Something tells me that Cadet Sgt Buxton (who placed second that year in the province on his Master Cadet Examinations) may be Pat Buxton (went on to serve with 3 PPCLI??) the son of RSM Dick Buxton who has that DZ in Namao named in his memory.

DZ Buxton

Hi there:
I couldn't get to the picture you mention - it may have been replaced with another at that site?  I would like to see it, if you happen to know what might have become of it.

At any rate, I am the eldest son of RSM Buxton, both of us named Richard, sometimes nicknamed "Dick".  Unfortunately, I have no idea who that Pat Buxton is.

Another pic

Yep, interesting indeed. Wow, how small the world is.  :)
2551 said:
I couldn't get to the picture you mention - it may have been replaced with another at that site?  I would like to see it, if you happen to know what might have become of it.

At any rate, I am the eldest son of RSM Buxton, both of us named Richard, sometimes nicknamed "Dick".  Unfortunately, I have no idea who that Pat Buxton is.

This may be the picture Vern originally mentioned. 
(I will refrain from making comment about your appearance.  Luckily, there are no photos of me at a similiar age on the web to haunt me)

This you in any of these? (a little google goes a long way)



You're also mentioned in this forum.
Many thanks!

That is me beside Wyndham Webb (the poster had said Mann), both of us by a Chinook. 

And yes, I am in the other photos as well.
Forsyth said:
We wear that on our right shoulder and the normal RCAC badge on the left.
I just did a quick look through the dress regs. I couldn't find anything authorizing that. If it is auth'd, then maybe you could correct me with a reference?

Also, on the topic of maroon berets, I know of some PPCLI cadet corps' that wear them.
way to give a quick answer......crooks ;D

A joy to read anything airborne though.

                I noticed someone in one of your pictures from 2 Cdo 77.......
                ......now I know where he came from. ;D  well done  :nod:

crooks.a said:
I just did a quick look through the dress regs. I couldn't find anything authorizing that. If it is auth'd, then maybe you could correct me with a reference?

Also, on the topic of maroon berets, I know of some PPCLI cadet corps' that wear them.

Sorry about the delay, I'm not in a position to give you any paper work but I know of three corps that use custom badges,
Yellowknife, NT - 2837 PPCLI
Hay River, NT - 3004 RCACC (No affiliated Unit)
er and third one is some other northern corp.
I've only seen corps down south wear different shoulder flashes but never a difference in the RCACC bafege. Maybe it's a JTF(N) thing?
No. They should wear either:

1. A regimental shoulder flash (ex. British Columbia Dragoons);
2. A corps shoulder flash (ex. 903 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps); or
3. The default shoulder flash (Royal Canadian Army Cadets).

That flash should be on both shoulders. You aren't able to mix and match, or use only one shoulder.

Below the shoulder flash should be the circular "RCAC" badge. The measurements will be found in the Dress Regs.
  Take it up with RCSU (N) because the majority of Army Cadet Corps in the north have them :P I can put up pics of the other corps flashes if you want. Btw our corp has had high ranking officers ie. col, maj from the CIC (yes im sure your corp has too) they've never brought up an issue with us having our own flashes.

  If you have a CATO specifically stating that we can't do so post it here and I'll forward it to my CO.
The Sgt Tommy Prince MM cadet corps in Winnipeg has been granted permission to wear the maroon beret in honour of Tommy Prince who was a member of the 2Btn PPCLI and also the 1SSF during WW2 and Korea
Yukonner said:
The Sgt Tommy Prince MM cadet corps in Winnipeg has been granted permission to wear the maroon beret in honour of Tommy Prince who was a member of the 2Btn PPCLI and also the 1SSF during WW2 and Korea

It's 2PPCLI, not 2Btn PPCLI

Also, the FSSF was disbanded during WW2, so how could that unit have been in Korea? He served with 2PPCLI in Korea.

FYI Sgt Prince also served with the Engineers and 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion before becoming a member of the FSSF.
There are four cadet corps in canada that wear a maroon beret . My corps was affiliated with the airborne regiment and we wear maroon berets. But, what bugs me is when people diss us because of the color of our berets . We didn't get to chose the color . We did nothing wrong . So i don't know why people hate on us for it.  We're not claiming that we're airborne ,  nor that we're para qualified . Don't hate the player hate the game ....
mikkilovesyou said:
My corps is affiliated with the airborne regiment

Airborrne Regiment was disbanded in 1995, how are you affiliated to it still?
Lol FAIL !  i meant to put was :P . we were affiliated with them . we changed to 3 rcr when it disbanded. haha hope that clears things up :D
I was looking through recent pics of the CTC Blackdown Cadet Summer training camp in CFB Borden and noticed a pic of a boy with maroon beret and airborne cap badge.  I was wondering why a cadet corps would maintain an affiliation with a disbanded unit.  My search brought me to this thread.  Here is the pic from the CTC Blackdown Facebook page.  June 11, 2015.  https://www.facebook.com/CSTCBlackdown/photos/pcb.979777972055125/979776395388616/?type=1&theater
Here is an article about that specific Cadet Corps.

