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When i enlisted in '85, all the CFRC literature had Canadian Armed Forces stamped on it.  When was the "Armed" part dropped?  Haven't seen it in years.
I think the reason for the change is that now CAF stands for Canadian Air Force, which makes sense. However even when i joined back in 81 we were calling the forces the CF so we didn't confuse what we were talking about. Anyone have another reason for the change?
Do people refer to the 'Canadian Air Force'?  I know that one can informally speak of Air command as such but I thought that since the air element was not formally referred to as such, there would be no confusion of acronyms (as acronyms are usually used formally).  By this logic, we should worry about Canadian National railways being confused with our Canadian Navy.  Of course the this particular service...er, element (Freudian slip!) is never abbreviated to CN so never mind.

I know one can see many old aeroplanes with CAF painted beside our roundel (rondel?).  I used to think this was Canadian Air Force but then learned it was Canadian Armed Forces.

Perhaps this acronym-change is indicitave of a plan to make the CF unarmed: we'll be forbidden to carry weapons and have to learn unarmed combat.
I tend to agree with the idea of dropping Armed because of some silly idea that armed was too agressive for our Canadiian sensibilities.

But then again, shouldn't it be implied that your Army, Navy and Air Force are armed anyway?
From the National Defence Act:
14. The Canadian Forces are the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada and consist . . .

It never was CAF.  It has always been CF

We did go through a period where everything comming out of the recruiting world had "Canadian Armed Forces" stamped on it, but I don't think I've ever seen it reduced to acronym on anything official.

There is no secret conspiracy to make the CF less aggressive through a name change.

The CAF is not the air force.

casca said:
I think the reason for the change is that now CAF stands for Canadian Air Force, which makes sense. However even when i joined back in 81 we were calling the forces the CF so we didn't confuse what we were talking about. Anyone have another reason for the change?

As the others have stated, CAF does not stand for Canadian Air Force and never has. After CAF was dropped from aircraft paint schemes, there was a short time when it said "Armed Forces/ Forces Armee" next to the roundel. This was also dropped and now it's simply the roundel with the trademark "Canada" with the little flag over the last "a" painted on the fuselage. There's also a flag with "Canadian Forces" painted on the aircraft.

I too don't believe it's some big PCness conspiracy to remove the "Armed" from the name, I've only ever heard it called the CF besides what the recruiting posters said.
I just came from the staff Chritmas party, so I'm three sheets to the wind, but the removal of "armed" was a budgetary cut. It save more money to cut armed from the paiint sceme.
Inch said:
As the others have stated, CAF does not stand for Canadian Air Force and never has. After CAF was dropped from aircraft paint schemes, there was a short time when it said "Armed Forces/ Forces Armee" next to the roundel. This was also dropped and now it's simply the roundel with the trademark "Canada" with the little flag over the last "a" painted on the fuselage. There's also a flag with "Canadian Forces" painted on the aircraft.

I too don't believe it's some big PCness conspiracy to remove the "Armed" from the name, I've only ever heard it called the CF besides what the recruiting posters said.

Maybe this is just the traditionalist in me talking but, I am a little disturbed about the "TRADEMARK" symbol on our aircraft. I uaually thank god everytime I am walking towards one of our warships and there isn't a trademark symbol over my ships name or on the funnel.
FSTO said:
Maybe this is just the traditionalist in me talking but, I am a little disturbed about the "TRADEMARK" symbol on our aircraft. I uaually thank god everytime I am walking towards one of our warships and there isn't a trademark symbol over my ships name or on the funnel.

I didn't really mean "trademark" in the marketing sense, I was just trying to describe the symbol so everyone could understand the one I was talking about. Traditionally, aircraft have always been marked in such a manner, from Sqn symbols and paint jobs to the Roundel and other related insignia that's always been found on aircraft. At least nowadays it's all low vis grey/dark grey or green/black (SAR being the obvious exception), there was a time when aircraft were painted in full colour. The Snowbirds are another example, the red and white paint scheme is as recognizable as anything. You know it's them from a distance simply from the paint job.

It's really weird cuz all the French medias call the Canadian Forces, the Canadian Armed Forces, even though it's officially called Canadian Forces. It sounds like "Forces armées canadiennes" and not "Forces canadiennes", which (the later) I find cleaner (shorter? ;) ) or maybe more diplomatic.

Its weird.  I tried searching for official designations but I didn't come away with anything clearly stated.
As posted above, all the official documents describe the "Canadian Forces" and not the Canadian
Armed Forces.  The air force in Canada is 1CAD or the 1 Canadian Air Division not the
Canadian Air Force as it may be casually referred.  Personally, I'd like to see the RCAF back as it
represents us better.
Air Command would be the closest we have to air force.  1 CAD is a formation of Air Command.
I understand but I don't believe "Air Command" is the official reference for the air force.
The Air Force www site and various documents I've come accross provide contradictions.
Funny to say, many in the Air Force will give different answers but it commonly referred
to as 1CAD or CAD.
MCG said:
From the National Defence Act:
14. The Canadian Forces are the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada and consist . . .

It never was CAF.  It has always been CF

We did go through a period where everything comming out of the recruiting world had "Canadian Armed Forces" stamped on it, but I don't think I've ever seen it reduced to acronym on anything official.

Again, from the National Defence Act (Part II, Sect 14):

"The Canadian Forces are the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada and consist of one Service called the Canadian Armed Forces."

So, unless I'm missing something, I think it is incorrect to say that it was never CAF.

OK.  This is embarrassing.  I belong to the CF but I don't definitively know what the heck
its properly called.  I've wondered about it from time to time.  Everywhere I go there are differences
or contradictions in naming.  Added to this, the wife is insisting I go shopping with her right
now and I can't search further.  If anyone has the time or specific knowledge, what is the
correct term for the Canadian Forces (or what is it properly called), the Air Force, the Navy,
and the Army?
To those interested, I found this link: 


In many CF, DND, and government documents, elements of the CF
are described using different terms or variations of terms.  This link
so far has provided the best context.
Sam69 said:
Again, from the National Defence Act (Part II, Sect 14):

"The Canadian Forces are the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada and consist of one Service called the Canadian Armed Forces."
It is amazing what you can miss when your .PDF version has the right edge of the page cut off.
It seems the Canadian Armed Forces are the one and only component of the CF.  Odd.