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Can someone tell me what this means in plain english!


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If someone could PM with a laymans explanation of this following line I would be very happy.

"OCDT commissioned in the rank of 2lt on successful completion of BMOQ eff 20 Aug 2009 minus and leave LWOP"

Additionally how do I find out what pay grade I am?
You will be paid as an Officer Cadet until you have completed the Basic Military Officer Qualification. (BMOQ)  Upon completed of BMOQ you will be commissioned and promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant, effective 20 Aug 09.  You would  add any number of days of leave or leave without pay to the 20 Aug 09 date to to establish your seniority as a 2Lt.
Hastings said:
Additionally how do I find out what pay grade I am?

Your pay grade is OCdt 0, and when promoted you'll move to 2Lt 0.
Not nessisarily true. This is moreso stating Hasting's current and future rank, and the seniority within said rank. For purposes of commissioned time, and for when to grant the annual pay increase, 20 Aug will be used as the date he was "commissioned", even if he does not actually recieve his commission until months later.

Actually, looking at some of his other posts, it specifies that he is on leave without pay until Sept 7, so that date would be the one used.

Pay grade can be, and likely is different. Typically, DEO officers start off being paid on the 2LT scale immediately. In some cases, they may even be at an elevated incentive category, as occured when I enrolled. At the time, those joining DEO with an engineering degree started off being paid on the 2LT scale at the 2nd incentive level. (I'm unsure if this is only for those oging into trades that require them.) This policy may have changed, but again, looking over his posts, it does not appear that Hastings has an engineering degree, or is going into an engineering trade, so the point may be somewhat moot.
Last question about this.  Do I get back pay for the period I was an OCDT prior to getting my commision?  I have heard, but cannot verify that upon the completion of BMOQ when I get my commision that I am paid the difference between my OCDT pay and my 2LT pay for the period that I was an OCDT getting paid (Sept 5th the date my LWOP ends).

Just wondering if this is true or not.  If it isn't not a big deal, if it is wow that will help with a down payment!
Was there any other information on the message? It may be that you're not actually going to be be paid as a OCdt at all. Like I said, that one line on your message specifies rank and time in, not pay scale.
Hastings said:
Last question about this.  Do I get back pay for the period I was an OCDT prior to getting my commision?  I have heard, but cannot verify that upon the completion of BMOQ when I get my commision that I am paid the difference between my OCDT pay and my 2LT pay for the period that I was an OCDT getting paid (Sept 5th the date my LWOP ends).

Just wondering if this is true or not.  If it isn't not a big deal, if it is wow that will help with a down payment!

What is your entry plan? That will help in determining.
Quag said:
What is your entry plan? That will help in determining.

I have the same question and herd the same thing. What if I get in with DEO ? Will I get back pay for the difference of OCdt and 2nd Lt. after BMOQ ?
Good day. As junior officers, you will be expected to know your pay, plus what your men are paid. If you don't know the answer, ask an RMS clerk with experience in finance. Your company clerk is a good place to start.

Now let me speak to you about sentence structure, spelling and command of the English language.

"Herd" is a grouping of animals, for instance a "herd" of bison. I beleive that you meant "heard".

If you wonder why I'm picking up on a minor spelling error, I used to work for two officers who were of German heritage. They taught me the benefits of good staff work.

One is retired, the other is in my chain of command, way up there.
Big Sliverback ...

Thank goodness you're not a Jr Officer with all those typos in your post - I think we'll keep you down here with the rest of the herd.  >:D
Big Silverback said:
Now let me speak to you about sentence structure, spelling and command of the English language.

"Herd" is a grouping of animals, for instance a "herd" of bison. I beleive that you meant "heard".

Thank you very much for the correction. I am francophone and try to write as well as I can in english. Since you understood what I meant I think I am doing not so bad. If everyone helps me like you did my english will soon be good for a "B" grade in the CF!

Have a nice day.
There are many, many ways to become an officer in the CF (somebody once told me there were well over a hundred, but I don't know for sure).  All of them affect your pay.  The bottom line is that junior officers' pay is frequently screwed up.  It usually settles down by the time you make Capt/LT(N). ;D