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Canada copying americans

This particular thread seems to be addressing the recruiting efforts of the Canadian Forces and the American Forces. 15 of my 24 year career with the US Air Force were spent in Recruiting. The time frame -  late 60s to mid 80s. The training that AF Recruiters received revolved around salemanship ( that is, selling how the Air Force could meet YOUR needs). I recruited young men (many with Draft notices in their pocket) and women right out of high school, Pilots & Navigators (right out of college, doctors (many from Canada), dentists and veterinarians. Each of these individuals had personal reasons for joining the Air Force.  And for each need, want, or desire, The Air Force recruiter was ready with an Air Force benefit. We called it "The Mattress of Benefits" - MONEY, ADVANCEMENT, TRAINING, TRAVEL, RECREATION, EDUCATION, SATISFACTION and SUCCESS. Using Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, we discovered that one or more  of these elements satisfied our enlistee's personal need. < so Joe, you say that you want to go to college and can't afford it... Well, forunately the Air Force has a program that may be just down your alley.. Let me show you>.
The American Armed Forces are currently in a struggle attempting to meet their 2005 and 2006 recruiting goals. The negativity of Iraq and other foreign sites have turned off many American families, and patriotism and the "Mattress of benefits" are having a tough time balancing the scales. All American services, except the all volunteer Air Force are currently behind in meeting their goals. As I look back in reflection, my 24 years in the Air Force were certainly a highlight . I was fortunate. During my 6 enlistments, I benefits from each of the elements of the Mattress. From personal experience then, I can tell most young people considering a tour with the Armed Forces of either Canada or the US taht life is what you make of it and that the military services can be a great way of life.
My best!
GO!!! said:
Where do you get the idea that our troops are better trained than our neighbours to the south? I would assume through some recent relevant study or years of experience....

Think of it logically.
1. our forces are smaller and therefore better to train
2. we have endowments that are similar to some around the world
"logic" can lead you to any conclusion you desire and is never a substitute for direct observation through experience.  I'd suggest you do the logical thing and pay attention to those who know what they're talking about.

And what the hell kind of "endowmnets" are you talking about?  I hope you're not trying to compare the size of our genitals....
Sorry its supposed to be environments for some reason i didn't show up when i hit spell check sorry.
Cabose said:
I think all the sites look the same in one way or another and our recruiting video was pretty good.   And don't underestimate the nave we have the most advanced ships around and will we may have 55,000 or so troops they are better trained then our friendly neighbours to the south. I do how ever agree that driving by "welcome to Victoria home of Canada's Pacific navel fleet" is pretty sad because or whole navy is about 64 ships (or maybe it was 32 cant remember   ;D ) but hey we can be proud of the fact that we have a small force that is in it way strong.   Remember bigger is not always better. and who says we copied them maybe they copied us who nows.
So you have no frame of reference here, Donny. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know...
I'm not wasting any more time here...

<leaves thread>
paracowboy said:
So you have no frame of reference here, Donny. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know...

S**t ever since i came on this form everybody i have talked to has been a big jerk your supposed to be representing the CF and your not doing a good job of it just because something is new doesn't mean its bad (eg people freaked out when i said "u", "r", or "lol") if u guys are stuck that far back in the past then I truly feel sorry for you and maybe you should maybe think about how the person on the other end is going to interpret it especially when the don't under stand it ( where did you get Donny)  thats all I'm going to say and some of you will freak out again eg) "well if you don't like it then leave"  every time I hear this said to some one this comes in to my head 
:gunner: :akimbo:  :flame: the person  :fifty: and if u dont like it then suck it up cuz i dont give a S**T

Cabose, rein in your attitude. Before you continue on this path, you should review the following threads:

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

okay read my post again then if you don't get what I am getting at say so and ill try to explain further
OK go follow the direction Michael gave you and it will explain things for you. You may want to pay attention to the Warning Procedure, how it works and combined with contraventions of the guidelines, how you will get started on it.
Cabose, what is at issue here is not whether I understand your last posts, it is whether or not you understand the acceptable rules of conduct for posting at Army.ca. the links above are there for your review and eduction. I can see that you spent a few minutes at each, but your performance will prove if you have hoisted aboard the salient points.

You get to choose - you can either play by the site owner's rules, by which the Moderators police activities here, and spend your time learning about the CF through Army.ca ...... or ...... you can continue to be argumentative, protesting and banging your virtual head against the conduct guidelines and wind up being marched out on the Warning System.

It's your choice.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the rules what I'm saying is that people hear are not treating me with respect and it appears to be for no reason (and don't you earn respect I know that) and I hate being shut down everytime I say something I have not posted a single thread/ post with out being shut down. That is what I am saying not talking about rules talking about the people.
Cabose said:
what I'm saying is that people hear are not treating me with respect and it appears to be for no reason (and don't you earn respect I know that)
Yes, respect is earned, and your not doing a great job of it here, sorry.

Cabose said:
and I hate being shut down everytime I say something I have not posted a single thread/ post with out being shut down.

Because your way out of your lane. All the statements you made, had no basis in fact and you weren't willing to qualify them. That's a standard we maintain around here.

I'll make one more suggestion to try and ease your way into our community. Sit back for a few days, and read, unhook your keyboard and just read. Read as many threads as you can, and try and fathom the flow of things. Then come back and join in on a subject you know something about, and get the feel for things.
I know right now I'm not earning much respect I'm not stupid you know.  would you like to explain to me how to reference stuff you pick up and put togeather... cuz i have know idea and finally why don't u read my first ever thread and post http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/32913.0.html
did anybody say he dude the net slang is not appreciated on this forum then give me a site that proved this. and then when i corrected my mistake it got worse.
now i will take your advice and just watch for a few days but I hope I got my point across

sorry tired and pissed
Cabose said:
I know right now I'm not earning much respect I'm not stupid you know.

Your writing style tells me otherwise.

If I get some kid running up to me smacking himself in the head and trying to bite his ear, I'll know that we're not going to be able to communicate very well, and I'm not going to have much interest in debating anything with him.  Same thing goes for online discussions.  If your spelling, grammar, and abbreviations are so atrocious that I have to make an effort just to try and understand you, I'm automatically going to assume there's something wrong with you.  When, in addition to that, you fail to provide any evidence and instead claim that your viewpoint is "only logical", I'll know that you should probably be wearing a safety helmet and oven mitts.  You want to take part in discussions like these?  Learn to think, and learn to express yourself properly.  At the VERY LEAST, learn to keep your mouth shut when you're told what you're doing wrong, and make an effort to correct those shortcomings instead of telling us we're "old" and "un-cool" because we don't understand your l33tsp34k.  Otherwise nobody here will have much time for you.
I like the comment about the  oven mitts. I have never heard that. I am still laughing. ;D