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Canada Day, Patriotism, and Foreign Nationals

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You should have tooned the guy at the pizza pizza,but alas I've ran into the same type of anglos in the west Edmonton mall casino...we won.

But I really don't see the big deal in someone getting really into their soccer game and driving armound yelling go brazil.
Put it into western prespective,imagine edmonton was playing on canada day.

but of course:

-edmonton fans were not beating people up in the streets

-destroying property

-and yelling and making a big scene.

oh wait yes they were.The only differnce is they were rooting for countries instead of regional teams.My view on your situation guys is the fans in the pizza pizza was the real problem and tiffed you off more so than the yelling.

So as I said imagine "GO EDMONTON" that should put it in perspective.

xmarcx said:
I actually specified that it was two separate incidents, but I will furnish full details if you so desire.

Soccer Fans: If you've never spent Canada Day in Ottawa,

yep lived there for 3 years.
rcac_011 said:
You should have tooned the guy at the pizza pizza,but alas I've ran into the same type of anglos in the west Edmonton mall casino...we won.

But I really don't see the big deal in someone getting really into their soccer game and driving armound yelling go brazil.
Put it into western prespective,imagine edmonton was playing on canada day.

but of course:

-edmonton fans were not beating people up in the streets

-destroying property

-and yelling and making a big scene.

oh wait yes they were.The only differnce is they were rooting for countries instead of regional teams.My view on your situation guys is the fans in the pizza pizza was the real problem and tiffed you off more so than the yelling.

So as I said imagine "GO EDMONTON" that should put it in perspective.

yep lived there for 3 years.
wrong again. I stated quite clearly that any sort of shit about a GAME, a damn GAME, takes a distant second place to my nation's birthday. They can run around in their fruity little underpants, and wave their silly little flags all they want, but their GAME does not come before my Nation's birthday. Regardless if it's throwing a ball around, kicking a ball around, or chasing a piece of rubber on ice. It's all equally below and beneath the importance of the celebration of my Country.
just an aside, have you ever tried to fight ONE soccer fan, regardless of nationality, when the mob mentality is on them?  Good luck with that,  if you'd have "tuned" one, every guy in the same coloured shirt would have swarmed you.  As a reformed soccer houligan, I know whereof I speak.
paracowboy said:
wrong again. I stated quite clearly that any sort of crap about a GAME, a damn GAME, takes a distant second place to my nation's birthday. They can run around in their fruity little underpants, and wave their silly little flags all they want, but their GAME does not come before my Nation's birthday. Regardless if it's throwing a ball around, kicking a ball around, or chasing a piece of rubber on ice. It's all equally below and beneath the importance of the celebration of my Country.

SO your saying everyone on canada day should be wearing bright red t-shirts,drinking Canadian only beer (no dam brit beer...it just isnt canadian) singing o canada and every conversation has to do with how great this country is.

Canada is a cultural mosaic, we are not assimiliated (i.e the name paracowboy and a few post written in a coyboy drawl).We are a regional country with people from many differnt lands.You can be very proud of where you come from and still be a proud canadian.

So what do you do for 24 hours on canada's birthday?i watched world cup,fireworks,croatian chicks and then it get blurry.How do you celebrate a multinational country like canada?

Kat Stevens said:
just an aside, have you ever tried to fight ONE soccer fan, regardless of nationality, when the mob mentality is on them?  Good luck with that,  if you'd have "tuned" one, every guy in the same coloured shirt would have swarmed you.  As a reformed soccer houligan, I know whereof I speak.

Being a soccer holligan you should know the fun times to be had doing it!  ;D
rcac_011 said:
SO your saying everyone on canada day should be wearing bright red t-shirts,drinking Canadian only beer (no dam brit beer...it just isnt canadian) singing o canada and every conversation has to do with how great this country is.

Canada is a cultural mosaic, we are not assimiliated (i.e the name paracowboy and a few post written in a coyboy drawl).We are a regional country with people from many differnt lands.You can be very proud of where you come from and still be a proud canadian.

So what do you do for 24 hours on canada's birthday?i watched world cup,fireworks,croatian chicks and then it get blurry.How do you celebrate a multinational country like canada?
I don't give a rat's ass if you choose not to participate in my country's birthday. But, I will not allow anyone to deride anyone who does, especially if they are wearing the colours of another nation while doing so. And if they talk about "Canadians" meaning they are not one, then they can get the hell out.

Me, I spent some time on here, some time with family, and some time just being thankful for being born here.
rcac_011 said:
Canada is a cultural mosaic, we are not assimiliated (i.e the name paracowboy and a few post written in a coyboy drawl).We are a regional country with people from many differnt lands.You can be very proud of where you come from and still be a proud canadian.

Oh, right, because saying "Canada Day is bullshit" and talking about how your country of origin is so much better than Canada is REALLY all about being a proud Canadian!

Stop digging your own grave.
paracowboy said:
where does it say anything about starting crap in a bar filled with soccer fans?

Sorry,here in bumpkinland restaruants usually have the big t.v's.And double as bars.
"Being a soccer holligan you should know the fun times to be had doing it!  Grin"

yeah great heaps of fun, then I grew up.  That is without a doubt one of the stupidest things you've ever said here.... and the choices are many and varied.
paracowboy said:
wrong again. I stated quite clearly that any sort of crap about a GAME, a damn GAME, takes a distant second place to my nation's birthday. They can run around in their fruity little underpants, and wave their silly little flags all they want, but their GAME does not come before my Nation's birthday. Regardless if it's throwing a ball around, kicking a ball around, or chasing a piece of rubber on ice. It's all equally below and beneath the importance of the celebration of my Country.


And it should go without saying there's a difference between enjoying a game and rubbing your preferred nationality in the face of people who are proudly celebrating the country that keeps them safe and sound and free to enjoy whatever hobbies and games they prefer. Your country should contend only with your religion for your dedication and devotion, not a soccer ball.

The point of Canada day is that we spend at least one day a year formally acknowledging the value and importance of our nation. There's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself but there are many opportunities to pay your respects to your country on the day, least of which is to be civil and friendly to your fellow Canadians. To brag about your preference for a foreign nation is to offend the idea of Canada, a nation greater than its individual components that allows people of all cultures to coexist peacefully. Screaming and shouting that your country is better, especially just because they're not awful at sports, attacks the very ideals of equality that our country is founded upon.
rcac, I do not see any logic behind your thought. We are multicultural and that is how Canada is made, on Canada Day respect should be paid tribute to the country Canada for allowing your multiculturalism.

Seriously anyone in this country who rubs their home nations "greatness" in someones face who is proud of Canada should possibly re-evaluate their choice of moving here, or even staying here if they were born. It is good and all to have pride in a team if you enjoy the sport but why should that come before the country that gives you the ability to watch the world cup and so many countless freedoms. Hell if you don't like our proud nation of Canada coming first go move your disrespectful arse to a Communist country then ask yourself why paying tribute to Canada over your home or preferred nation seems a little more logical.
xmarcx said:

The point of Canada day is that we spend at least one day a year formally acknowledging the value and importance of our nation.

We do that everyday in the army I believe.Was fredrick running around with you officer cadets in Ottawa also?http://rmcnavyguy.blogspot.com/
being he has a hard time with dressing himself and showing up on time.All Im picturing is a bunch of officer cadets drunk on Canada day,high on testosterone and beer.Being "Im canadas defender" cause im almost a soldier and these people yelling back.Im picturing them cheering on the game and commando cadets yelling frig brazil canada rules due to their stature most cadet hold downtown here in frederiction.

I dunno I picture it differnt I guess,two sides to every story.

Kat Stevens said:
"yeah great heaps of fun, then I grew up.  That is without a doubt one of the stupidest things you've ever said here.... and the choices are many and varied.

Just a joke kat

But i have to say piper put it best so far...except the girls sport thing.
rcac_011 said:
We do that everyday in the army I believe.Was fredrick running around with you officer cadets in Ottawa also?http://rmcnavyguy.blogspot.com/
being he has a hard time with dressing himself and showing up on time.All Im picturing is a bunch of officer cadets drunk on Canada day,high on testosterone and beer.Being "Im canadas defender" cause im almost a soldier and these people yelling back.Im picturing them cheering on the game and commando cadets yelling frig brazil canada rules due to their stature most cadet hold downtown here in frederiction.
Best pull in your horns
rcac_011 said:
We do that everyday in the army I believe.Was Fredrick running around with you officer cadets in Ottawa also?http://rmcnavyguy.blogspot.com/
being he has a hard time with dressing himself and showing up on time.All Im picturing is a bunch of officer cadets drunk on Canada day,high on testosterone and beer.Being "Im canadas defender" cause im almost a soldier and these people yelling back.Im picturing them cheering on the game and commando cadets yelling frig brazil canada rules due to their stature most cadet hold downtown here in frederiction.

I dunno I picture it differnt I guess,two sides to every story.

Just a joke kat

OK, you really need to catch yourself on all these assumptions. I am not an officer cadet nor did I ever say I was one nor does my profile say I am one. I have been busting my ass for a while now finishing up school so I can join the Army, but Army or not every Canadian has the right to be proud of their country and demand respect from its residents.

And while I do appreciate that you are a serving member of the armed forces, there is a difference between showing up to work everyday and being ideologically committed to the institution you serve. In an increasingly individual-centered society it is sadly rare to see people stand firmly for the principles of their nation - to resort to personal attacks on Fredrick is beyond reproach, especially given that he is also a member of the military.

When I make it into the Army, I certainly don't want to die or lose men for a country that cares more about foreign sports teams then pride in its own history, value, and meaning. As someone who is already in a position to risk their death for the country, I can't understand how you don't demand the same from its citizens.
RCAC, you know that Fred could very well someday not be an "Almost soldier" and actually be your superior...OK well he already proved his is your superior but that's a different tangent.

the point is and it has been made to you before...It's CANADA DAY! not world cup day not Brazil day, not England day (man we lost to Portugal?) So I could have caredless what game was on TV if I want to stand up in front of it and sing MY nations anthem I bloody well will and if it's not followed by people joining in and cheering then perhaps they should re examine what day they think it is and why it should be special to them.

+1 with Para you don't want to celebrate this day or you want to talk about how your country is better then ours on this day you can get out!
xmarcx said:
OK, you really need to catch yourself on all these assumptions. I am not an officer cadet nor did I ever say I was one nor does my profile say I am one. I have been busting my ass for a while now finishing up school so I can join the Army, but Army or not every Canadian has the right to be proud of their country and demand respect from its residents.

And while I do appreciate that you are a serving member of the armed forces, there is a difference between showing up to work everyday and being ideologically committed to the institution you serve. In an increasingly individual-centered society it is sadly rare to see people stand firmly for the principles of their nation - to resort to personal attacks on Fredrick is beyond reproach, especially given that he is also a member of the military.

When I make it into the Army, I certainly don't want to die or lose men for a country that cares more about foreign sports teams then pride in its own history, value, and meaning. As someone who is already in a position to risk their death for the country, I can't understand how you don't demand the same from its citizens.

Very well said, especially about the myriad of assumptions made, just in this thread alone.
Pssst, xmarcx, my name doesn't contain a C. Just call me Fred; it's a lot easier to spell. ;)
Frederik G said:
Pssst, xmarcx, my name doesn't contain a C. Just call me Fred; it's a lot easier to spell. ;)

I plead innocent and blame the spell checker!

But seriously, why not just go with Fred, that's four less letters you've got to carry around! ;)
The issue is a group of loudmouths in a restaurant calling down the (Insert country here)_________ in which they are "visiting". 

What is simpler than that?  I ask anyone, to go to any country and call it down, it the language of the locals, in a local restaurant or bar, and see what kind of reception they get?
..and with George's comment, I believe this can be closed. PM a Mod if you have anything earth shattering to add.
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