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Canadian Citizen in the US Marines

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I did it.

I am not quite sure why. I tell people its because I can‘t feel like I am going to make a difference serving in a country that won‘t commit itself to anything... but thats probably a lie.

When people ask me why I am risking my life for someone elses country I tell them that I am doing it not for one country but for the common good of all people who are oppressed by those who wish to take away the freedoms that we all endure. That‘s probably 50% of the reason.

I guess the other part is that I was afraid that I would never see any "action" while serving my native Canada. So I am off to the USMC. Even though I scored a 96 of 99 on my ASVAB... I am still going infantry.

What do you guys think about all this? Respect?
Great sniper teams. Very mobile.
You will not be bored.Ever.
semper fi


good luck and much respect...

im a dual citizen of canada and the states...when im finished here ill be going down there
Wow,good for you man.Ive tried to get over to the US a few times for the same reasons.I cant because i dont have any family over there.But i did apply for the british paras,just waiting for word back.
I totaly agree,wether u serve Canada,US or Britan your basicly fighting side by side towards a common goal.Im sure there will be some that dont agree with your descisions,just remember there yours and you should be proud.Nothing but respect from here,good luck and semper fi.
Good luck with the Marines, I think you will fit in just fine.
Ick...the idea doesn‘t sit well with me...maybe I‘m just a nationalist...but you are free to do your own thing...

You will have plenty of support from the others in the CF...
Not to contradict your decision or anything, and with all due respect, I don‘t understand? I mean, why would you leave your native land? I personally would die for Canada. Even though I considered joining the U.S. Army, I would never do so. I would not die for a country that has superiority over the entire world, not to mention influence. Forget equipment and all, fight for your country. Think about it for a moment, if every soldier left Canada and joined another country‘s army, we‘d have an army the size of a high-school. Best to just stick around with your side. This is just an opinion.
Hey congrats Kusiak ! I must say the idea did zip trough my mind but im proud to be canadian and I dont think I ever would be able to feel at home in another country‘s army.

Im not trying to hijack your post but there‘s something I always wanted to know and need to ask :) How can a canadian citizen get involve with the U.S. Army, Marines, Navy, etc ??? Do you need dual citizen ship or can you do it via other channels like special visas or whatever ? I always hear about mexicans, africans or europians joining the U.S. Army and I could never find out how they did it.
Kusiak... I would definitely like details... I have been considering doing this but the cost of the visa‘s and the uncertaininty of even being allowed to stay there is not enough to convince me to do it... but I do have a job in Tampa, FL if I need the employer support.... how did you do it?
Kusiak, I am sure most of us have thought about joining a foreign powers military, the USMC, British, French Foreign Legion, etc.

But the longer I am in the Canadian Army, the more my urge to do this declines. Politics and the philosophy of "we are all fighting for the same things" aside, there is always the worry that joining the USMC will be simply to become a "mercenary" for the Bush/Money reign....
I don‘t understand. Loyalty...I could understand joining the Brits if you were Canadian. Same Queen, same empire.
Best of luck. I think it would take a lot of courage; to willingly offer your life to another country.
First of all,i think he was brave by simply posting this haha.I know some people on this forums would not like the idea and quite possibly take offence to it,anyways...

Personaly,i dont feel that joining any military has much to do with serveing your country.I want to join for the good of it.To help someone,To make the world a better place.To be honest joining the US or UK would probaly give you more of a chance to make a differece.
I am Canadian but i know,if Canada was attacked,the US and the UK would take the lead so might as well.
The best would be if the government dropped some cash and got us back up to par with the UK,and gave us back the CAR.
Considering my reply in support, and notice that I wish to do the same, let me hop in here..

But the longer I am in the Canadian Army, the more my urge to do this declines. Politics and the philosophy of "we are all fighting for the same things" aside, there is always the worry that joining the USMC will be simply to become a "mercenary" for the Bush/Money reign....
The Bush reign will last 4 years... 8 years max. Much less than a career would, and I am fairly certain that the longer the current middle east campaigns carry on, the less popular Mr. Bush is oging to become... But I am not a political analyst by trade, and have been known to be wrong.

I don‘t understand. Loyalty...I could understand joining the Brits if you were Canadian. Same Queen, same empire.
Best of luck. I think it would take a lot of courage; to willingly offer your life to another country.
It has nothing to do with a lack of loyalty. After all, we are becoming a global community. As stated by Rian_ca, the US or Brits would step in, therefore you are indirectly supporting Canada, regardless. I think it has to do with the fact that we are not raised to think of our military first. Hollywood glorification insinuates the US military is the only capable military... That combined with the fact that the US is at least active, it would seem to me that the US would offer more opportunity. I suppose it would also depend on what you want to do later on... Personally, I like the idea that I could face Hon.Disch. and have opportunity to retire in Colorado in 20 yrs, or somewhere hot and rocky (like AZ) where I could wheel my CJ5 year round... Canada is a great country, but to the average citizen it does not do itself justice when it comes to pride at a national and international level. As well.. ‘once a marine, always a marine‘ ...
It depends what you joined for. If I really wanted to help out, I would join something like the red cross, or some sort of aid organisation, or be a firefighter or a paramedic or something like that. The primary reason for having soldiers in Canada is not to "help out". Armies are created and exist for war. The main reason that any country would have an army is for national defence. If you are in the Canadian Army, you are serving Canada, and your purpose first and foremost, would be the defence of Canada.
The US Army is not the world/global army. It is a tool of the US gov.
So by joining the army your soul purpose is to destroy things,and to wait for someone to attack your nation so you may defend it?I dont agree with what you said Aquilus Lupin.
Out of all the wars or conflicts Canada or any of the allies has been involved in,how many of them have been in defence? Not many i dont think.
I want to join to help out in a sence,and i dont mean by handing out food and medicine.By help,i mean by liberating oppressed peoples around the world,ridding the world of cruel tyrants who massecre their own peoples,stop racial/ethnic cleansing ect ect. and do it with force.I dont beleive these tree hugging chit chat organizations can really do anything to stop such events without the support of men at arms.

I dont remember being threatend by rwanda,somalia,bosnia ect.
Militaries are political tools, to be used by the government to acheive their political goals which may or may not be for the good of the global community, but rather for their own good.

I, personally, joined the Canadian Army because I‘m proud to be Canadian, and don‘t want to take for granted how good my way of life in Canada is. Sure it would be nice to serve in a military with lots of high tech kit, but.. well, I‘m not a proud American.

If you‘re joining for no real reason other than wanting to see action, to see buddy‘s head explode in a shower of pink mist, if not your own, and don‘t mind serving another nations political purposes.. well...
Well lets go above and beyond the political and pink mist things... How about the whole comraderie... IMHO I could understand if someone said regular GI in the US Army, or boatswain in the US Navy but we do not have a Marine Corps.. We do not have a SEAL team or other... (we have JTF2 which no one seems to know about.. how can one pursue something that technically does not exist?)....

We had an elite group. We closed the doors on it. And tie that in to the comraderie of the Corps and you have an awful appealing invitation.... But thats also coming from a civi.. not an enlisted person..
What happened to the comaraderie between fellow Canadians? I guess it doesn‘t make as good of a movie as one about Marines, but I‘ve met some **** good people in the CF, and I‘m proud to put the uniform on. A lot of it is what you make of it.

Yes, the CF does have problems, but it doesn‘t help the CF to run from them to join a military that is thought to be "better". Are you joining for yourself or the organization?

But you‘re free to do what you want, and that freedom is something I serve to protect, and to honor the legacy of those who have fought and died for those freedoms...
Someone asked the question..what does it require to join the US Military... all you need is a Social Security Number and a Residence Card (I think its called a 551 or something). The American Embassy on Sussex can assist you and you will need to get in touch with a recruiter. As long as you are not past the cut off age, which is 35, anyone can join the American Army. And no, I‘m not recruiting here. I‘m proud to be a Canadian!
I did not say that the "soul purpose of joining the army" is to destry things. I said that the primary reason why we have an army is so that another country simply cant walk in and take Canada as their own. We actually have something to defend ourselves with. Secondary reason would be to promote Canadian interests/policy. Simply, the Canadian Army, or the US Army, or any army really, has not been created to police the world, or to make the world a better place. They represent the "force" of a government.

BTW, the boer war, and the great war, had nothing to do with Canada, Britain controlled our foriegn policy. WWII was in defence of Britain. Every major war that Canada has been involved in was defensive, save Korea, which I dont know anything about.