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Canadian Forces Recruiting Status

The person who did my interview told me, they will hold a spot for me, I called a week later and was told I was flagged for a job offer. I will get a call in a week from someone with an official job offer and details.

The holidays kinda messed stuff up but its been about 2 weeks im calling them tommorrow.

I was wondering even if med tech and INT Op were different things , did not apply to either. some people would say it is a waste of time. I still am very much interested in doing both, since they are both fields I have interest in. Even though this may take more time, I still want to do it. Do you think this is possible.

Thank you very much
Not exactly sure what you are asking sean M, are you asking if you can apply for Med Tech and Int Op?  If so put them down as your first and second trade preference, whether they are hiring for those positions i have no idea.  My opinion is that it is better to wait till a trade you are interested in is open instead of taking the first available one with the hope that you can remuster later.  It is not easy to change trades.
Thank you very much for both of your posts. I was thinking of joining the reserves in INT while studying the be a Med tech at home, then applying to INT school and either later or earlier medical school for army Med Tech training. Hopefully working in both fields in different intervals in the year. would this be good? even if it make take more time?

Again thank you very much

If you join as an Int Op you are an Int Op. You can later change to Med Tech, and if accepted, you are a Med Tech.  If you then try to change back to Int Op you will probably be told to  STFU and hand out some more cepacol (jk to the real med techs).

You do not get to switch between jobs as you desire.  It is possible to fill any trade required positions and basically work outside your trade, but for jobs more complex than general duties you have to be more qualified than Pte/Cpl.

I suggest you read through the threads which describe how long it takes to get qualified in a particular trade in the CF.  Think 3+ years rather than six months.
sean m said:
Thank you very much for both of your posts. I was thinking of joining the reserves in INT while studying the be a Med tech at home, then applying to INT school and either later or earlier medical school for army Med Tech training. Hopefully working in both fields in different intervals in the year. would this be good? even if it make take more time?

Again thank you very much

The military isn't really like a James Bond movie where you go for jet training in the morning and then underwater demolitions after lunch.

When you sign up, you enter a single trade and generally do that job until you retire or conduct an occupational transfer. Occupational transfers are somewhat common but they're by no means fast. It's not unusual for the entire process to take over a year.

Also, if you were to OT out of Int Op to another trade, then try to OT back into Int Op you'd probably receive some really strange looks and I don't think it's likely you'd get the recommendation of your COC or PSO.

It would be in your best interests to do as much research as you can and pick a trade you really think would be a good fit for you. I'm on my third trade right now and it's basically like starting over every time.
sean m said:
would this be good?


You can't be a Int Op part of the year and a Med Tech the other. At this point, you should focus you energy on making up your mind.
sean m said:
Thank you very much for both of your posts. I was thinking of joining the reserves in INT while studying the be a Med tech at home, then applying to INT school and either later or earlier medical school for army Med Tech training. Hopefully working in both fields in different intervals in the year. would this be good? even if it make take more time?

Again thank you very much

You REALLY HAVE A HARD TIME ACCEPTING NO FOR AN ANSWER - I already discussed this with you in PM's and told you the same thing.  This really reminds me of the game that little kids play when they were told NO by mummy then go ask daddy to see if he'll say yes.  BTW, you don't apply to medical school to be a Military Medical Technician - you go there to be a physician.  Med Techs are trained at civilian colleges and the CF Health Services Training Centre in Borden.  If you want to study to be a paramedic on your own time, feel free.  Want to be a spook in the military, again, feel free.  Want to be a Med Tech, again feel free.  Just don't expect to be employed as both at the same time, switching hat badges as you feel the whim to. 

Truly sorry for the confusion everyone. I am not writing what I mean correctly, what I mean to say is, is it possible to have a background in two things yet only work in one of them.

Thank you very much
sean m said:
Truly sorry for the confusion everyone. I am not writing what I mean correctly, what I mean to say is, is it possible to have a background in two things yet only work in one of them.

Thank you very much

Isn't that a REALLY obvious self-answering question?  Seriously.

You can have a background in a gazillion things.  You can only have 1 (one) trade in the CF.
niceasdrhuxtable said:
The military isn't really like a James Bond movie where you go for jet training in the morning and then underwater demolitions after lunch.

Hahaha, this should be stickied. Best explanation I've seen yet, new signature.
I am sorry again but is it okay to ask to be explained what the security reasons would be for the canadian forces, if someone who wanted to join the forces and gain experience in areas the forces are looking for such as knowing knowing how to speak farsi pashto and arabic, would it be because they would be unsure if the person could become a double agent type or be converted to islam, or are they worried about the risk of the person while there?  Is this okay to ask or is this considered OPSEC. I ask because it is not exactly easy to pick up arabic, farsi etc just on a whim or simply in a class since it is a completely different language family from what we are used to.

Thank you
When are you just going to give it up on this Int question stuff you've been doing for months?  Like...seriously.  Give it a rest.

I can't remember how many times you've reworded the same friggin' question and said "sorry I didn't say what I mean right" or words to that effect.

Most people, you know, catch on after awhile. 

The CF does not simply recruit people because they want to learn a foreign language.  The CF trains people in languages when the CF has a requirement for them to learn those languages, and it is intended to employ them in positions where it would be inappropriate to use interpreters. If someone is already fluent in certain languages, they may be employed at times where that skill is useful, but there are no guarantees that will happen for any one individual.  For most other purposes, it's far more efficient to use locally hired interpreters.

If you want to learn a language, then do it.  But do not expect the military to offer you that training unless the CF first identifies a requirement for you to have it.
niceasdrhuxtable said:
The military isn't really like a James Bond movie where you go for jet training in the morning and then underwater demolitions after lunch.

Aw man, and I was just going to apply to go to DHTC to become a superhero. Maybe I should give CSIS a try  >:D