Ok, so I was trying to look this up via internet and found barely any info on it to clear my mind... So I thought I should ask here... Anyway, anyone know what this is? Reason I ask because I got this message today saying I got to book a Trait Self Descriptive questionnaire and well I thought I was done the ''processing'' phase since I'm currently merit listed... Anyway if anyone knows what this is for post post post.
** Moderators** (If this information is too sensitive to the testing process please remove)..... Old thread but in case anyone is looking this up currently. There is a paper written on this by Major Hawthorne. Good Read on the history of personality testing and its application in the Canadian Forces. This test is based on 5 factors of personality. Extraversion, Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experiences. The most important are Extraversion, Conscientiousness and Openness. Basically these personality traits all historically have been shown by many Psychology researchers to indicate how successful you will be during training and on the job in the Forces. They were given a scoring system and how employees relate certain traits to certain job success and training efficiencies. Different traits will be more important than others depending on occupation. Even if someone's a genius and ACES the CFAT, they could be placed low on recruitment scale due to Personality Traits. They want some kind of assurance that you aren't going to waste taxpayers money and resources not being able to cut it. Well...not just that but these tests were originally created after WW1 when soldiers were getting shell shock and freezing up due to horrors of war. The military needed to know who had the personalities to do what needed to be done. Unfortunately a lot of great men were labelled as cowards. It was then applied to the civilian corporate sector. Also it's really to your own benefit to not waste years on your life for something you really aren't suited for. Trust me... been there, done that. The important thing is just to answer honestly, but it's good to be aware of your specific situation and how you can work on yourself as a person. Who do you want to see looking back at you in the mirror?
Extraversion - Talkativeness, frankness, adventurousness, assertiveness, sociability, energetic, composed, interest in opposite sex, cheerfulness, excitement seeking, positive emotions.
Emotional Stability - calm, poised, self sufficient, lack of jealousy, emotional maturity, cooperativeness, trustfulness, adaptability, responsibility, perseverance, independent mindedness (as opposed to depressed, anxious, angry, embarrassed, emotional, worried, insecure).
Agreeableness - Good natured, not jealous, mildness, cooperative, truthful, kindliness, attractiveness to people, self sufficiency, courteous, flexible, trusting, forgiving, soft hearted, tolerant.
Conscientiousness - orderliness, responsibility, conventionality, competence, dutifulness, self discipline, achievement striving, deliberation, organized, planful, thorough, hard working.
Openness to Experience - imaginative, socially polished, independent minded, feelings, actions, ideas, values, fantasy, curious, broad minded, intelligence.