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Canadian vs American LE Incident/Media Management (split from Tesla explosion thread)

I heard the same thing from a couple of American commentators like Dan Abrams and on the Julie Mason show. Congressman John Kennedy* was mentioned as an example of a politician sticking his nose where it didn't belong.

* No relation to the other Kennedys.
Yep, John Kennedy was mentioned in Smerconish’s commentary as well.
Perhaps one of the factors in the appearance of American LE authorities managing media differently is the greater "political" aspect. While there will always be an elected official at the top of the heap, often, south of the border, that elected official is also the most senior LEO or prosecutor. Not only may they have practical or statutory reasons for media involvement but they, like all politicians, are always campaigning.
Las Vegas Metro is a bit of an odd duck in US terms as it is a combined municipal/county department headed by the sheriff who are traditionally elected in the US. The head of the New Orleans PD (Superintendent) is hired by the municipality just like we are used to.

One thing you will never see up here is a Crown Attorney (prosecutor) at law enforcement presser. Even elected officials like the mayor are rare unless there is a ongoing public safety angle.