Originally posted by willy:
[qb] The Bible is irrelevant. How would those of you who make religious arguments against homosexuality feel if a Taliban style government were to come to power in Canada and proclaim Shari`ah? We shouldn‘t make law based on the moralistic preaching of any particular group.
I‘m not a homosexual. I‘m also not a Christian, nor do I belong to any other religious denomination. Why should I care if two homosexuals want to get married any more than I care whether or not Christians want to go to church? Neither affects me, so neither is any of my business. [/qb]
You are right on. Thank you. I was reading over this thread and thought the entire Canadian military had gone insane, until I had gone to your point.
The fact is I still have yet to hear a single solitary argument for having homosexual marriages illegal. Other then "we dont like them and we want to restrict their freedom, and treat them like second class citizens".
I wonder how many people knew homosexuals could not get married to eachother before this issue came up? I sure didn‘t, as it makes no sense. In a supposedly free country like Canada it seems completely backwards to deny people the right to get married, based on their sexuality, race, or anything of the sort.
Listen to this carefully: If it does not hurt anyone, and does not effect you at all, the only way you could condemn it, is if you have unfounded prejudice against it. This makes you a bigot.
Main Entry: big ·ot
Pronunciation: ‘bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
The government should not and cannot support bigorty in a free nation such as Canada. You cannot claim that allowing gay marriage is discriminatory against your religion, because no one is forcing anyone to get in a gay marriage, the option is there for people who want it. If straight marriage was banned, there would be no debate that that would be discriminatory towards heterosexuals. So same goes for homosexuals like it or not. Suck it up and accept it.
Be religious if you choose, be happy that you live in a free country where you are allowed to be religious. But do not for one single second think that your bible or koran or anything applies to anyone else in the country in the slightest. They are your own personal religious beliefs, not one single others. Believe in what you want, but when it comes to the real world, realize we are not in some fairytale fantasyland with gods and wizards and jesuses and dragons and angels, we are in the real world, and your beliefs must be seperated from reality when it comes to things like laws and acceptance of others.
The government is ideally a secular institution, as they need to govern this place which exists in reality. Their policies should reflect that, and not be caught up in fantasy matters.
To the religious people: put yourselves in the homosexuals fabulous looking shoes for a moment. Canada is a hardline Athiest country. The only way to get married is by the government since priests are outlawed. You religious people want the ability to get married in churches by priests, and the government introduces a bill and if it is past then you may be able to.
Then a bunch of people come around and start campaigning to prevent you from being able to get married in a church by a priest. The way in which you want to get married will not effect them at all, yet they still want to prevent you guys from doing it.
"We dont care one way or another if they are religious, but our society cannot allow them to get married by priests. It is an affront to our nation and our ideals and morals. If they get married in churches then what will happen to the kids? They will get brought up with the same morals as the parents. Do you want a bunch of religious people taking over your schools and influincing your children to worship some naked guy on a cross? It starts with christians, but soon they will let muslims, hindus, satanists, scientologists and any number of whacko religious death cults get married and spread their disgusting ideals. We need to protect our children and our families, so we must prevent the religious people from getting married to eachother by priests."
Like it or not, gay marriage will become accepted, just as interracial marriage did. Peope will either adapt and accept or remain stubborn and die off. Its evolution, those that adapt to changes survive, and those who dont will die off.