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CE in Toronto

If CE even exists any more ( a number of its functions in the GTA were being farmed out to contractors...) it should be in the ASU HQ in that big monster HQ bldg on the Downsview site. Cheers.
If you mean "Combat Engineers" vice "construction engineers", 2 FER is located in the Denison Armoury:

Postal address:
2 Field Engineer Regiment
The LCol George Taylor Denison III Armoury
PO Box 5000
Downsview, ON  M3M

Street address:
1 Yukon Lane, Downsview (North York) - one street WEST of Dufferin/Allen Road, off Sheppard
(there are two Shermans and some Bailey bridge on the front lawn, across from the Esso)

(same location as ASU Toronto, if you're talking "CE"/construction engineering, although I think it's largely ASD/contracted out ... which means fewer troops on pde ... or aval for duties ...)