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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

George Wallace said:
Perhaps on that note, we should press to build a 'Kiosk'/Education Center near the monument, along the lines of the Juno Center, to educate those who haven't been educated by our Education System, and Tourists.  It could be an extension of the CWM and the Public Archives. 

I like this idea.  Aren't their other Kiosk/Education Centre's at a few other Canadian Battle sites?
Believe there is one at Beaumont Hamel.
Definitively one at Vimy.
George Wallace said:
Perhaps on that note, we should press to build a 'Kiosk'/Education Center near the monument, along the lines of the Juno Center, to educate those who haven't been educated by our Education System, and Tourists.  It could be an extension of the CWM and the Public Archives. 
that's what I was trying to get at with the use of a Commissionaire. One dude with comms to LEO for serious trouble.
George Wallace said:
Perhaps on that note, we should press to build a 'Kiosk'/Education Center near the monument, along the lines of the Juno Center, to educate those who haven't been educated by our Education System, and Tourists.  It could be an extension of the CWM and the Public Archives. 

Historical sites in Calgary have a simple metal interpretive board set up, sometimes with photos - I think that would be appropriate at the site of the tomb and memorial, plus instructions on how to get to the CWM if people are really interested.  Surely the tomb and the memorial are "national historic sites" in any event, so they should be identified as such if not already, by a plaque.

Trouble with those boards is, they get vandalized, too...
Michael Dorosh said:
Historical sites in Calgary have a simple metal interpretive board set up, sometimes with photos - I think that would be appropriate at the site of the tomb and memorial, plus instructions on how to get to the CWM if people are really interested.  Surely the tomb and the memorial are "national historic sites" in any event, so they should be identified as such if not already, by a plaque.

Trouble with those boards is, they get vandalized, too...

That is an idea, but you also provided a rather good con.  I am not sure where it would be placed if they did that, as this is a very busy location at times for Remembrance Services at various times of the year.

I was thinking that the Kiosk/Education Center would be better as a 'Year Round' facility and as you pointed out, less likely to be vandalized if it was manned. 

I am sure that like examples already mentioned of other nations memorials, the Ottawa City Police could easily arrange or rearrange patrols to cover the area more frequently.
I think that this is an idea that we should try to motivate.  What are the thoughts here on calling our MP's, here in Ontario MLA's and here in Ottawa our City/Ward Councillors to get the idea going?  Actions do speak louder, so to say.
Just occured to me: instead of a "Police Cam", put up a web cam, 24/7 on the National War Memorial, and ANYONE ANYWHERE can have a gander at it.  Just imagine: someone from army.ca is watching the memorial from Nova Scotia, then they notice some "punk" doing "stuff" to it.  So, they capture the image, alert others on the chat forum, and then there are a whole bunch of people watching, including someone from Ottawa who then dials 911 to alert the authorities :D

High tech/Low cost solution?
You've just provided them with a wider audience. The kids who spray-paint/tag walls for local neighbourhood viewing would now have global spectators for their "artwork," increasing the likelihood of vandalism to enhance their "reps."
Never thought about the "braggards" who would then try to show off to their hoodlum chums :(
Yes there would be some "bragging" going on by the taggers BUT they could also watch their buddies being led away in handcuffs live.
Dr Mike again, latest on the Canada Day proposals. A fellow from CBC international short wave has sent a petition signed by 70 people to the PM and says if I can get an education arrea going he will narrate it.
Another fellow in the Niagara region suggested some sort of essay contest for kids to publicize what the Cenotaph stands for.
I met a prof of Media from Algonquin and he likes the idea of having students get some form of bursary to do up a Video...
And I have approached a few companies to sponsor this. I told them it would be amazing PR considering the fall out....
I am working on it and will present it to the Heritage Minister as a fait acomplis...they willt ake it or leave it...I am not interested in "meetings and studies" between various Government offices...
Any ideas welcome...

Story LINK

War hero's Chelsea grave desecrated
'They damaged a sacred holy resting place,' says shocked resident who reported incident.


Queen Victoria personally crocheted eight scarves to be presented to heroes of the Boer War. This one was given to Canadian Pte. Richard Rowland Thompson and is on display at the Canadian War Museum. Photograph by : Chris Mikula, The Ottawa Citizen

Bruce Ward, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Vandals have desecrated the historic Pioneer Cemetery in Chelsea, toppling several gravestones, including those of a Canadian war hero and his wife.

A flagpole flying the Canadian flag was knocked over as well, and a bench was broken in two.

The damage was noticed Monday afternoon by Caryl Green, a Chelsea resident who was walking her dogs nearby.

"I first saw the bench was split in half," she said yesterday in an interview at the cemetery, which is nestled in a stand of trees off Highway 105 near Old Chelsea Road.

"Then I looked over and saw gravestones were knocked over. It's a sanctuary, and they damaged a sacred holy resting place. At this time, with our troops overseas in Afghanistan, there's just no respect for that contribution. It has shaken us all," she said in a voice quavering with emotion.

The cemetery is the final resting place for several families who settled in Chelsea in the 1850s.

It is also the site of a memorial commemorating Pte. Richard Rowland Thompson, who won the Queen's Scarf for bravery more than a century ago.

The cemetery is preserved by the Gatineau Valley Historical Society, which bought it in 1962.

"We bought this cemetery to save it," said Carol Martin, a member of the historical society who has written a book about pioneer graveyards in the area.

"It's a small little cemetery, and I think that every stone that could be broken, was," she said, pointing out the damage to a reporter.

"The big shock is Thompson, the recipient of a unique award scarf crocheted by Queen Victoria. His gravestone is toppled, and his wife's next to it."

During the Boer War, Queen Victoria crocheted eight scarves to be presented to soldiers fighting in South Africa. Four were presented to "the most distinguished private soldier" serving in the forces of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa." The other four scarves went to members of the British regular army.

The Canadian scarf was awarded to Pte. Thompson, 2nd (Special Service) Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, for his bravery at the battle of Paardeberg in February 1900. The scarf is on display at the Canadian War Museum.

The smashed bench was one of two at the cemetery.

"The Royal Canadian Regiment from Petawawa made these benches so that people could sit here and contemplate the area where Pte. Thompson is buried. They must have had to hit it hard to break that bench," said Ms. Martin.

Of the 13 gravestones at the cemetery, seven were knocked over. The flagpole was snapped and two flags -- the Canadian flag and the Royal Canadian Regiment's flag -- were stolen.

"I guess the stunning thing is that this wasn't somebody going through on an ATV who rammed into something by accident. It really is kind of shocking that they went at things, one after another," said Ms. Martin.

"You would have to ask why anyone would come in a small community or who would live in a small community, would destroy something in it."

Historical society volunteers act as caretakers for the cemetery, she explained.

"We have work parties here several time a year, and we maintain it ourselves," said Ms. Martin. "The Royal Canadian Regiment helps with the cleanup in the spring, and the Chelsea fire department.

"We only pay for things we can't do ourselves, like keeping the hedges trimmed and removing dead branches. This is what we do."

Damage to the gravestones alone was estimated at about $1,800, said Ms. Martin, who has already talked to a company about repairing the graves.

"It's going to cost $250 each, just to re-cement each of the damaged gravestones."

MRC des Collines police are investigating the incident, a spokesman said yesterday.

"We were so proud of the cemetery because it went right back in time to the beginning of Chelsea," said Ms. Martin.

"In that sense, it is kind of a unique little microcosm. This was originally a family plot for the Church family. Some of the relatives began to be buried here because it's such a lovely spot.

There's one Meech from Meech Lake here.

An honour guard of 50 troops and officers from the Royal Canadian Regiment in Petawawa marked Remembrance Day at the Chelsea cemetery this year. As wreaths were laid, two paratroopers stood vigil at Pte. Thompson's grave.

© The Ottawa Citizen 2006

I think these sorts should be included in the GO!! Show.

Scott said:
I think these sorts should be included in the GO!! Show.

A special, with guest Para...and a ditch.

absolutely incredible how low people slimy beings can go.
Bunch of Freaking A$%#$  >:(  

Where can I send my $2 to help the  folks who are going to have to repair this.
I am totally disgusted at this type of vandalism, period!
I remember a song from my youth called, "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner", Could this be a ballad about him???  Or just strang coinsedance?
If not, then maybe a return of the ghost of Roland to show some people some respect.
RIP Thompson>

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