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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

GUNS said:
They should be made to clean the Memorial with a toothbrush with Veterians standing watch on them.

It was great that the retired Major was there to catch them with his camera. He must not have been in the Combat Arm of the CF's.

If he was, he would have done more than take pictures.

You think a dentist is unable to lay a hurting on someone? He just didn't have his chair with him, is all. He'd probably like your toothbrush idea, though. ;D
I think that timeless punishment of cleaning the Parade Square with a toothbrush would be an appropriate punishment.  It would give them several dozen days to reflect on their actions and public humiliation.  Not only that, but it would give the memorial a good cleaning, right into its' tinyest nooks and crannies.
Michael Dorosh said:
There are memorials across the country, too, as mentioned in my post. That's a huge ball of wax to open - I don't think we need to guard every Sherman Tank from coast to coast, but I'd like to see some money freed up to at least polish the brass letters on the plaques.

It would seem that the government has a program in place now for restoration efforts. There are some conditions set in place to qualify but it would probably take care of your cenotaph.
if nothing else if and when they find the person in the pciture, he should be made to disinfect the area and clean the area up while in the heat of the day as part of his punishment. Let the media piblish those pics and his name on the front page or page 3 .
that  would be a fair punishment.

a change of the guard routine like the US army  would be cool but Reg F and Res troops are kind of busy  with all the normal summer taskings and other parades and courses and missions etc. would be cool to watch, some day I will have to go see the change of the guard on the hill. i have never seen it , my drill was never good enough to even think about it. lol
Posting sentries is the extreme answer, when an extreme answer is not needed. Its not the fault that no sentries were posted, its more of a lack of understanding on thier part. Sentries would not educate this type of people, they would only keep them away and ignorant of the memorials purpose.
I'm surprised no one has made a poll for this thread yet (I haven't figured out how). Say:

1. I would favour a 24/7 Reg force / Res force sentry.

2. I would favour a Reg force / Res force sentry during busy summer months.

3. I would favour a police guard.

4. I would favour a camera surveillance system

5. I would favour a Commissionaire presence (cable TV to be installed  ;) )

6. I would favour a plain clothed guard with a 'hit me' vest

7. I would favour no guard at all
given the nature of our weather, these acts are most prone to happen during the May to Oct period. While I am certain that it would be possible to schedule a rotation schedule of personnel on Class A, it will always become a matter of $$$.  Who is going to pay for it?.

To all our chagrin, it ain't going to happen anytime soon.
Disgusting!  These young men have indeed shown the nation their "short-comings" (both physically and mentally).    That being said, please do not make excuses for them.  How can we say "they don't understand" and "we don't teach enough military history"?  There is NO excuse for that behaviour.  Most of us have been "under the influence" at one time or another but somehow manage to control ourselves in public.....They wouldn't get away with that in Singapore!  Let's send them there!  The cleaning with a toothbrush with a sign telling passersby of their misdeed would be a grand idea.

Police Launch Probe

CTV has also published one more picture



I say if you recognize these characters, please do your civic duty and report them to the appropriate authorities.


I would favour extending the Parliamentary precincts to include the War Memorial and have it secured by the same combination as secures the Hill - Commissionaires and RCMP.

And as an aside - before we talk about "military" presence and "not our way" - while the Mounties in their "quaint" Red Serge are considered sufficiently non-threatening and non-military today, we might do well to remember that when they were raised in 1873 Red Serge was the working uniform of Queen Victoria's armies.  They were raised as a regiment of Dragoons, armed with carbines, Gatling guns and 9 pounder cannons, and originally designated the Northwest Mounted Rifles before a last minute pre-deployment change.

They were raised as a military force and morphed into a police force when the threat warranted.  Perhaps we could ask some Metis whether or not they think the RCMP was a military force.
Kirkhill said:
I would favour extending the Parliamentary precincts to include the War Memorial and have it secured by the same combination as secures the Hill - Commissionaires and RCMP.

And as an aside - before we talk about "military" presence and "not our way" - while the Mounties in their "quaint" Red Serge are considered sufficiently non-threatening and non-military today, we might do well to remember that when they were raised in 1873 Red Serge was the working uniform of Queen Victoria's armies.  They were raised as a regiment of Dragoons, armed with carbines, Gatling guns and 9 pounder cannons, and originally designated the Northwest Mounted Rifles before a last minute pre-deployment change.

They were raised as a military force and morphed into a police force when the threat warranted.  Perhaps we could ask some Metis whether or not they think the RCMP was a military force.

That's sort of my point - we didn't "tame the west" with gunslingers and cowboys, but with law and order. Regardless of how the NWMP were armed (and they also provided drafts for the First World War, incidentally) I see a large difference between how they did business, and how, say, the US Cavalry waged open war on the plains. The response to the Metis was appropriate given the circumstances, it wasn't a matter of policy to do so but a reaction...no?
You might have a point there Michael - circumstances were different.  That allowed a different response.
Anyway Off topic.  We'll stick to the Pissoirs par icitte.
To find the solution to stop people from defacing the memorial, you simply need to ask yourself 1 question. The answer should lead you to a reasonable solution.

Why did they urinate on the memorial?

Was it because there were no sentries? Absolutley not. Sure sentries would of stopped them, but they just would of moved somewhere else to relieve themselves. The (possible) truth is, the memorial was convienent for them and since they didnt know any better, they acted this way. I really fail understand how people always go for the most extreme solution (sentries). The best answer is educating these people, teach them how it was wrong to do that in public, and on the memorial and dish out whatever punishment they earned for the crimes committed. Posting sentries is a band-aid, and a very big waste of a bad-aid, its definetly not a cure.

I think we should cut the lads some slack, in lieu of hard jail time, 3-years mandatory service in the CF should suffice!  ;)
If these young men( and I use that term loosly) do not know by now that peeing in public is a no no  then maybe we need to send most teens and twenty year old's back to kindergarden. Now could you see these same men (again loosly) pissing in their mothers front rooms "cause they didn't know any better"?
I have a simpler, cost-effective solution, brought to you by the makers of the game "Dont' Whiz on the Electric Fence".  Have a solar charged battery somewhere near the monument (not on it, Jack Leyton, but near it).  In periods of darkness, the power is put on.  When someone whizzes, well, you know the rest ;D
geo said:
two out of the three look military....

Which makes the Ottawa Police's assertion that this is a "priority" a hollow one.  What if they're presently on their way to the sandbox? Or Wainwright?  Or Halifax?  Le's say they get ID'd and picked up in Vancouver (or Kanadahar).  Is the Ottawa Police really going to pay for a returnable warrant on three drunks who had a leak in public?

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