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CEOTP actually open?

Here is an update on myself for those of you looking for an idea of what is going on.

I sat down with a MCC at CFRC today and they informed me that there is a problem with my offer, having to do with conditions of rank/promotion/pay etc. Because of my education and backround, I am entitled to certain items not expressed in my offer.

I've informed the recruiters if they can't get this things fixed (I won't go into details, but they ARE signifcant) I will have to reject the offer. They have told me (off the record) that would be a prudent course of action as the errors are due to oversights with involving CFRG, not myself, and that the errors are significant enough to warrant a rejection.

I should know more by tomorrow.
maniac779 said:
Here is an update on myself for those of you looking for an idea of what is going on.... *snip*

Wow, I'm not sure exactly what could possibly be the problem but hopefully it works out for you!  I hate to see people go through so much trouble with the recruiting process only to run into problems when the process is finally complete!  Hope it works out for you and keep us posted.


Changed the wording of my post a bit since for one, it didn't make much sense gramatically, and another it had a different tone to it than what I wanted
Okay, here it is.

I rejected the offer this morning, citing the errors on it.

Got a call back around 4pm today. They fixed the offer and loaded me on 10 Apr IAP/BOTC.

100% correct offer. On course right away. No PAT...

Doesn't get any better than that.

The girlfriend is gonna be pissed.  :-\

Good luck to everyone else.
Wow thats awesome, they must really want you in there!

Wish I could say the same myself........ my medical file is still in limbo so I think I'm screwed...
That's absolutely great man. Good luck with basic. Update us after your basic to let us know how you did.
P.S. Jealous, Jealous, Jealous......lol
Congrats man, great to hear everything is working out for you.

  I got a surprise the other day when a Captain called me. Unfortunately he was just looking for information on my degree program and didn't offer me a job. Hopefully I will have an offer by next week, Im gettin' ancy! haha

Hey, I hate to start on an old topic again, but I have been following the same program(CEOTP) as well, as I want to be a pilot. CEOTP has been open as of October 2005...here's the bad news...to civilian applicants. They will be opening it to military members, but there is a catch. I have been following this since the message was drafted in October, and a message was supposed to follow in January on how the BPSO's would direct serving members applications. January came and went...nothing. The date got bumped to FEB/ MAR. Came and went ...nothing. July was the next I heard( I keep in regular contact with BPSO's from both coasts...very friendly people, never met an ignorant one) and of course July came and went with no message. I was talking to my PSO last week( starting my application to UTPNCM) and here's the scoop. It's easy for civilian applicants, because the terms of the "contract" with CEOTP is that you finish your degree on your own time by the end of your contract. So, they sign Civies up for a nine year contract in which they must finish their degree, or get booted off the island!! FOR MEMBERS...because there is so many different contracts,(some people are on their first BE, Second BE, IE 20, IE 25, CE....etc...etc...) and so many people are different ones, they are having trouble trying to find common ground where they can be fair and give everyone a "reasonable amount of time to complete their degree" So that's the scoop. My daily routine is to go onto the intranet daily, check the CANFORGENS, and DMHRR message boards, because when that message comes out, it will be on either one of those sites. In the meantime, here's my suggestion, if you have to requisites for UTPNCM, apply, the worst they can say is no, and then you just apply next year. The BPSO did tell me that the instruction for CEOTP will be out sometime, but it could be 2 weeks, or 12 months. I'm going to chance it with UTPNCM, and hope for the best.