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CF application consultant

  • Thread starter Thread starter aesop081
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Yes cdnaviator I want the secret cheat sheets to passing BMQ and all those hidden shortcuts the instructors don't want you to know.  :blotto: :dontpanic:
cdnaviator said:
Bump...its old but i need new business.....

Maybe you should extend your services beyond application consultant then.  Oh wait, maybe not.  Then you would stop answering my questions before silver crossed your palm, wouldn't you??  ;D

Ahhh, what the heck, who needs money.  I'll have a driver waiting for you at the airport.  Exam starts at 8.....today....  :D
Screw the BBB, I'm from Rev Can, this is an audit, stay calm, put your books on the table and step away, slowly...You are under audit for discrepancies in your latest tax return.  You have the right to a tax accountant, if you can not afford one, you're SOL...all we'll provide for you is a telephone book, a phone card and all the time in the world to call anyone who can add 2 and 2.  We on the other hand, will have every forensic accountant available in the country at our disposal, and the power to mail your tax records (should your ex wife forge your name on the request) to your ex wife's divorce lawyer.  Do you understand the above rights and obligations? If not, let me refer you to our remedial communication and listening program offered to all government employees on a sliding scale payment basis. (no wait, sorry, that was clawed back on the last budget cut - it's now only available to Opposition defence critics and polar institute staff). 

Have a nice day!

cdnaviator said:
I just had an idea while in the "what trade should i choose" thread :

Canadian Forces Application Consultant

I would hold everyone's hand through the entire recruiting process.  For a small fee i would answer every single possible detail you can think of, no matter how meaningless.  I would fill out all the forms, gather the required references and comfort you during the long waits.  Other services could consist of follow-up calls to the CFRC, Deciding which trade you should do, co-ordinating medicals and PT tests and pre-study for the CFAT. This would absolve you of the headache of deciding your own future and taking any sort of chances.  "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" can be a thing of the past.

Do you have you CFAC yet ?

Not as funny as you may think. I know a company that does exactly this kind of consulting work, not just for the CF but for lots of companies/ organizations that are hiring.

Here's their website. There are lots of other groups like them across Canada. http://www.wcginternational.com/about_us.html

Good luck following your dream!

Mod edit....fixed your quote box
When i started this thread it was out of frustrations that some people ( actualy quite a few at the time) cant make a damned decision on their own.  They were comming here asking people what trade they should choose, asking every single excruciating detail......basicaly looking for someone to hold their hand through the whole process.....If you are old enough to join, you are old enough to let go of momma and do something on your own
Just think,..that was pre-Mod, he can probably do twice as much nothing for the money now.......
niner domestic said:
Screw the BBB, I'm from Rev Can, this is an audit, stay calm, put your books on the table and step away, slowly...You are under audit for discrepancies in your latest tax return.  You have the right to a tax accountant, if you can not afford one, you're SOL...all we'll provide for you is a telephone book, a phone card and all the time in the world to call anyone who can add 2 and 2.  We on the other hand, will have every forensic accountant available in the country at our disposal, and the power to mail your tax records (should your ex wife forge your name on the request) to your ex wife's divorce lawyer.  Do you understand the above rights and obligations? If not, let me refer you to our remedial communication and listening program offered to all government employees on a sliding scale payment basis. (no wait, sorry, that was clawed back on the last budget cut - it's now only available to Opposition defence critics and polar institute staff). 

Have a nice day!

On closer review GST was not paid on all consultations  ;D.  So in polite terms  :pushup:
So, I hear there is this new How To book coming out called "Canadian Forces for Dummies". Or was that "BMQ for Dummies"?
You can't miss it, the cover is cadpat and it comes with an "I love (insert element)" bumper sticker to decorate your ride with.  Anyways, it should be available at Chapters soon so stay tuned... LOL !  ;D
In all seriousness it's not that bad of an idea.

I recall the money that was spent on consultants to write resume's for those taking the FRP in 95(myself included)

After all was done and said I found a job on my own....................
Penny said:
So, I hear there is this new How To book coming out called "Canadian Forces for Dummies". Or was that "BMQ for Dummies"?
You can't miss it, the cover is cadpat and it comes with an "I love (insert element)" bumper sticker to decorate your ride with.  Anyways, it should be available at Chapters soon so stay tuned... LOL !  ;D

BMQ for dummies...Is it a one pager...."You have two eyes to ears and one mouth, use them in that order and proportion. Stop, look, listen, STFU show up prepared and do what you are told."

That'll be $29.99 please.
Talk to a recruiter.

That'll be $150.00 please.

$20 for listening to your "what can I do in the Forces?" questions

$20 for the amount of coffe I had to drink to keep awake listening to your life stories

$20 for deciding to see you

$20 for the time that I had wasted on you

$20 for even remotely have considered to talk with you on this subject

$20 for making this breakdown

$20 for wasting my airtime

$20 for making me come up with this idea

And finally

$10 for the revisiting costs.

How much was the advice you ask?

FREE! Pffft advice is cheap! Time is not! ;D
I want to be a groundpounder  031, but I am am scared fo gun will you carry  mine and fire it for me? How much?

All joking aside I cannot and could not keep in step while marching with myself or ina group, if I go back to the forces after my  6 month job in Afganistan will you do my  drill clases for me? I would pay  cash and a cash bonnous if you pass them for me and do all major parades for me?
How much?

This the funniest post i have read here, the humour is way  over the top. Have you had any  serious offers yet?
Dead as it may be...

Will you give me some sort of "born to be in the CF" discount? I have the proof that I was, I was born with a uniform on...i swear  :nod:. I'm really good at shooting video games and I like war movies. So waddya think? Im hoping for 30-50% off. Plus I got my mom to do my application so I would just need your help getting through BMQ, maybe you could just dress up like me or something?

Now I wait for someone to dig up the posts I have made (past and present) asking my own stupid questions and throw them in my face  ;D.
traviss-g said:
Dead as it may be...

Will you give me some sort of "born to be in the CF" discount? I have the proof that I was, I was born with a uniform on...i swear  :nod:. I'm really good at shooting video games and I like war movies. So waddya think? Im hoping for 30-50% off. Plus I got my mom to do my application so I would just need your help getting through BMQ, maybe you could just dress up like me or something?

Now I wait for someone to dig up the posts I have made (past and present) asking my own stupid questions and throw them in my face  ;D.

Only if you can work without sweating in high 50's to mid 60 temperatures.

[and yes I am bored, in case someone asks why I responded]