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CF on TV forum...

gnplummer421 said:
You are right, the Canadian media does tend to look for weakness in military coverage and then exploit it. I remember standing on Parliament hill on parade waiting for Madam Sauve (sp) to come out and the media did not take any pictures of the soldiers on parade until one covered his ear because of the freezing cold wind, then all the cameras whizzed and next day there it was,front page,   a guy holding his ear and a negative image story to accompany the pic.....nothing about how we stood at attention for a half an hour in the freezing cold waiting for the Politician to finish her tea until she finally "graced" us with her presence...what a joke

Unfortunately, these days the media looks for those things because thats what the public wants to see, its what sells !!
how we stood at attention for a half an hour in the freezing cold waiting for the Politician to finish her tea until she finally "graced" us with her presence

I'd say that anyone who has spent any time in uniform at all has been in that situation...What did the media find so scandalous about it? Was it just because someone moved and held their ear?

If that all the media can find to whine about I'd say that they're having a slow news day or something...?

Slim :cdn: :salute:
Our military gets cold too.

First we have to feed them now we gotta clothe them too you would think that they are human or something with the way they carry on like this.
Putting the left wing extremists aside (Canadian media outlets).  Maybe CBC can pick up Truth Duty Valour and place in the time slot between the early game and late game on Saturdays, my bad I forgot no hockey this year. >:(
How many of you watched the Disocvery Channel's series on the Navy SEALS...after I finshed seeing that one I was thinking of how cool it would be if there were some Canadain Military Films/Documentaries out their. Like modern ones, not nessacerily history. Do any of you know of any?

How many of you watched the Discovery Channel's series on the Navy SEALS...after I finshed seeing that one I was thinking of how cool it would be if there were some Canadian Military Films/Documentaries out their. Like modern ones, not necessarily history. Do any of you know of any?

A good series that is based on the Canadian Military is Truth Duty Valour (TDV) its talks about pretty much everything about the CF,  season 2 starts sometime this month,
militarygirl88 :salute: :cdn:
TDV has already started this season.  It certainly does a good job of portraying the CF.

As for earlier comments of the media being anti-military, I'm going to have to object.  The flavour with them right now is that they are against the government's treatment of the military (QOL, budget, etc).  A prime example is the coverage of Ex Narwhal on the National awhile back.  Other then the whole "the Sea King is broken -- again," the focus was more on why we are not prepared to fight/defend the North.  They had no problems praising our work given the less than ideal climate.  What they did have a problem with was that we don't have the people/gear to stay up there for any length of time AND carry out any other deployments.  And they didn't hesitate to blame the politicians for this problem.

We were living in the same rooms as these people and sitting next to them during meals.  They were nothing but professional and didn't force themselves on anyone.
There was a show a while back called Forbidden Places on the Discovery channel. It was a documentry series including the Brigade in live fire training, clearance divers, UNPROFOR and Toronto's  ERT. It was a pretty good series. there was a couple of other shows in the series but I cannot recall what they were. They were made during the mid 90's.
ok look at this video http://www.cbc.ca/clips/mondayreport/kabul_greetings.rm  its speaks for it self if you havent already seen it or was there doing its filming

Oh man, I laughed my ass off. That was great! Its only a shame it won't actually do anything as far changing anyones minds.
B.McTeer said:
that clip is just awesomes hats off to the CBC

More like flip off to the CBC, they have done zero for the military.  Once Mercer gets a regular journalist type job at Mother Corp. watch his attitude change.  But, it was funny and I'm sure the 12 people that support the military AND watch the CBC will write their MPs to demand change. ;)
Tonight at 9:00pm to 11:00pm  EST History Channel will be playing "Canadians in Afghanistan"

9:00 - "Chasing Shadows" Canadian soldiers quickly adapt to life in Afghanistan as they join the coalition in the fight against terrorism.

10:00 - "Friendly Fire" This is an intimate portrait of the compassionate work being done by Canadians in Afghanistan. A liaison officer must deal with local warlords as he oversees the construction of schools and wells in the local countryside. This episode also documents a Canadian captain's brave decision to contradict an American order to shoot two Afghans who are spotted near a mine area at night. His decision saves the lives of two farmers who were planting grape vines out of the sunlight.

These have been on before, but I (and I imagine others) have yet to see them. :)

They will be replayed at 1:00am and 2:00pm EST.

You should check your local listings to make sure of the time.
Did you know Army News is up and running on the army.gc.ca website and distributed across canada now via DVD and multicast....... Questions are welcome.

Congrats on the product! - I think you guys are doing an excellent job; as our unit's PAFFO I will make sure we channel it through our website,  ;)

cheers, mdh
I saw this amazing documentry on the History channel called Canadians in Afghanistan. It was great. Did anybody else see it besides me? ( History television from 9-10 pm and another one at 10-11pm on i Saturday night i think...:S
hey, on the outdoor life network (OLN) channel, at 9:00pm in ontario time, it's going to be on.   military security experts from the us, uk and canada compete in shooting and fitness.   check it out......   its on tonight (friday)