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CFSCE is great for SigOps

muffin said:
Eh?! Frequency hopping is allowed in Canada now?! wow... I learned something today.

Sure it is ;) Technically though, IIRC, you are required to be authorized to do so by CRTC
Well it is about time!  :) That is great :) Give us old EW guys a workout spinning around to find you that way ;) We used to practice with cellular - lol
"I was then told by the two guys about some of the new standards, and they absolutely blew me away.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for safety, but, I'm also against stupidity which these days seems to be running rampant there."

I once walked by the standards meeting room. It was behind a 1ft wide metal padlocked door. Evidently it was made from an old crypto locker or something. It really said something about their attitude though. Use the rear ladder my A**!

See the reason behind that decision was that no one was getting hurt using the back ladder, since no one was crazy enough to try it, so that the back ladder should be the only one in use. By the logic we would only allow blind people to drive on the highway, because there are no statistics of them getting into crashes :threat:
Are there any base hockey teams in Kingston? I don't imagine I'll be playing during BMQ in St Jean or during SQ, but was wondering about during Sig Op QL3 in Kingston. Maybe I'll have to wait till Petwawa?
Zombie, if there isn't you could always try to get a some people an play at the Gym.
I was hoping for some competitive ice hockey, I've read about the base teams in Pet and Halifax and about the annual tourney in Borden, and the inter-base leagues as well. Also, if anyone knows about the calibre of play on the base teams, I wasn't able to find that out on the web. Floor hockey games would be fun, but I was wondering when I should get back home to pick up my equipment...
I've been told by some members and former members that Kingston is like BMQ all over again, others saying its more of a college environment with evenings and weekends off etc. I know theirs a team here in Borden, but not sure about Kingston.
I am a young Sig who just completed my 3's and recently got posted I would like to rebut to your saying that CFSCE is "great" but before I go completely negative I will agree to some of your points. The instructors are good and they do know their stuff but they are seriously hindered by the teaching plan which is so convoluted it drags out lessons to the point of obscurity and I found myself a little lost at times simply because we were reiterating points so often I was unsure if we were reviewing or "moving on". (The fact that I often found myself daydreaming out of boredom didn't help :).

As to your points about the Staff I have no rebuttal they are amazing and do amazing work, I only wish we saw them a little more often. I found it a little irritating to be confronted by Civ instructors, don't get me wrong I have the utmost respect for their time in it was just a little diffcult not having someone green at the head of the room.

The PT is great in the fact that your doing it every day, other than that its a little weak and not very challenging, I know your rebuttal will be "do PT on your own time" but thats my 2 cents.

My biggest problem with CFSCE is their lack of real world training, they teach a lot of outdated stuff you will not use in your career (or use to such a limited capacity that you could have fumbled your way through when you got there) and don't teach a lot of things that you could be using on a regular basis. I also found that there is little challenge to the course as whole nothing that really drove me to give 100% day in day out, that might be a lack of personal drive but I do believe that you have to be driven a little, on that note the field phase is all good training it drives you and its a real world stuff (mostly). Its not the hardest EX Ive ever been on but it is the most demanding Ive seen in my short career, but keep your morale high and remember CCDC and you should have good times.

lol, Des, there I was reading your post thinking "Weren't you on the same course as Hamel?"  ;-)

Anyways, I suspect that the reg force and reserve experiences of CFSCE are dramatically different.  I think Hamel's right on the money on a lot of issues.
Combine that with the fact that the reserve units send in their pooched equipment first (of which they usually have lots), and you end up with a poor training situation, overall.  Beyond that, the reservist instructors aren't always top notch, for a number of reasons.  Don't get me wrong, I liked my course instructors...but I don't think that my course was well-instructed.  (Partly because of the instructors' attitudes and skills, but probably more because their hands were tied by CFSCE administration.)

Let's face it, you get instructors who just go from course to course - BMQ/SQ, 3's, 5's, PLQ - and then they start teaching this stuff without ever having actually USED it in any intensive sense (sure, they've done a fair number of small-scale weekend exercises, maybe a small handful of larger exercises, but there are often substantial aspects of what they're supposed to be teaching that they don't really know anything about, themselves).  Back at my unit, I'm finding that the best teachers are the ones who don't usually teach.  It's the ones who take summer taskings other than courses, or who go overseas, who actually know what's going on.
Hey Buch!

glad do see they gave you that second hook, guess they'll give it to anyone at Res EW ;D

I'll agree that they do send some green staff for the Comm Res courses, a lot of the time the ones that have that "new-leaf shine", just getting used to instructing.

I found that most of the technical stuff I learned from experienced MasterJacks and Sgts who taught me the equipment on long-term taskings and excersizes, and I think I learned more from those than at CFSCE.

What I got from my 3's was pretty much the technical specs of equipment and the theory. Either way, CFSCE is like any other military school. Just play their games, and try to have fun with it 8)