Ive already looked on the forums here (and elsewhere) and there was NOT an answer about this particular matter. Best way to fail to communicate is to deny the use of questions.A BAD briefing leader will say "and dont dare ask questions" Dont worry some mouthy snipes dont deter a soldier.
The existing pages here talked about how to do them NOT how to >build up< to them.
Famous quote: "Questions show interest."
As it is there is now some tips on exercises to do. Thanks Frieght, the negative version is something I can try out on what I have access to. Strong and Zombie thank you as well. I recall once using one of those machinces in the past (though I dont have access to it now).
I've also been using a loaded backpack for arm curls and a pipe with some heavy stuff hanging off of it. These curls though work with my arms level or below rather than above me as in the chin-up. Was concerened that it was missing the needed muscle group.