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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

Oh good... this should foster institutional trust:

"For the RCMP to reveal it will investigate security leaks to media, which the prime minister suggested should be done, while declining to investigate the details of the leaks, which the prime minister had declared weren't worth investigating, is an alarming optic."
Trudeau isn't waving a white flag he's trying to buy himself time and throw people off his trail.

A while flag would be the public inquiry the majority of Canadians seem to be in favor of.
I don’t think a single statement will be sufficient, just as Justin can’t simply say he is not a lackey of China. Only time will tell…but until then I do have extremely serious reservations about who he is willing to cozy up to in order to gain power.
Trudeau has lost my trust TOTALLY! And as I said previously, he should step down. As for Poilievre, I must say he has done or said little to convince me that he is a responsible leader. If you’re of the belief that his cryptocurrency proposals are worth the gamble, then I have some valuable land in Florida to sell you cheap.
If you’re of the belief that his cryptocurrency proposals are worth the gamble, then I have some valuable land in Florida to sell you cheap.
Are you saying you're worried about Poilievre cozing up to cryptocurrency moguls in order to gain power?
I feel that Harper had the same problem as Poilievre, which is why he insisted In much of the information coming out of his mouth rather than that of some of his MPs. We’re not that far removed from what Trump did or tried to do in the U.S. Many people said that Trump was mainly bluster and he turned out to be a disaster for the country. As for Poilievre being a gay parent, etc. Mitch McConnell‘s ended up tolerating if not supporting much of Trump’s racist rants despite being married to a woman of Asian heritage, Elaine Chau (the Secretary of Transportation).

Poilievre just hasn’t done enough to distance himself and the party from the racists and the neo-fascists. Erin O’Toole did a much better job of trying to get rid of the extremists and look where that got him.

You lose me when I read neo-fascists and racists. Yawn. NDP or Green is your team then, enjoy.
I can’t say what he is going to do, but for him having been the Opposition finance critic and to tout cryptocurrency as a solution, I am quite worried. And I do fear that as prime minister, to suggest such a thing could seriously weaken Canada in the world financial markets.

The fact is, there’s no magic solution to any of this. As I’ve said before, I would love to see a PM with the insight and abilities of Louis St. Laurent. Yes, Canada was a different country back then, but that’s partly because Canadians themselves have changed. Back then, thrift and hard work counted for something. People generally loved their country. Homes were affordable for the vast majority. Today, the situation is considerably different and we are much too fragmented as a society. The cost of homes is through the roof…excuse the pun. There is extensive poverty. But there are also lots of people who are living well beyond their means, racking up their credit cards with expenditures on fancy cars and exotic vacations.

Rather than a politician who simply tells people what they want to hear and to say that he will make things right, I want to see a true leader who knows how to listen and also is promoting the traditional values I’ve already referred to.
If you have read much of what I’ve written you wouldn’t be saying that.

You don't like him because cryptocurrency and neo-fascists and racists. I get it. And that's cool. I'm assuming you're age of majority so your entitled to your position.
I’m 73 and don’t mind admitting it. So would you be against a guaranteed annual income?
The reason I raised the question about the guaranteed annual income is due to a past discussion I had with one prominent conservative, Hugh Segal. Having grown up extremely poor, Segal is a strong believer in the GAI and continues to advocate for one. Despite that, I don’t think anyone could accuse him of being anything but a “Red Tory” as he proudly referred to himself, at least back when our paths used to cross professionally. So the point I’m making is that if I don’t like one person’s ideas that doesn’t automatically put me in the opposite camp. I continue to believe strongly in a viable slightly right of centre conservative party and a slightly left of centre liberal party. I want both parties to be strong and to have good leaders (which neither party currently has). The NDP, the Green Party, Bloq Quebecois and the Peoples’ Party I see more as pressure groups for the Big Two.

Having said all that, I realize we’re getting off topic about Chinese interference and at least it’s something I can agree with Poilievre on.
Nope. As long as my taxes don't go up and we cease other social welfare programs diverting that money to fund it.
Last comment I’m making here unless it’s China related is that I’m with you on that. I feel there are way too many dubious social programs to groups and foreign aid programs to countries that don’t deserve it.
Not suggesting this is you here JLB but it seems like people are still fighting to push this ridiculous narrative that Poilievres shortcomings and criticisms are in the same ballpark as Trudeau's.

How many times has Trudeau changed his story about Chinese interference now? He can't give a straight answer to save his life. It's looking like everyone was warning him about China for YEARS and he blatantly ignored it. Its taking some CSIS employees committing career suicide and risking jail time to bring Trudeau's duplicity to light. Its pretty fucked up.

Years of covert AND overt influence on our politicians. Million dollar donations. Illegal police stations. Our politicians skip out of Parliamentary votes to avoid upsetting China. But people seem more worried about Poilievre and cryptocurrency.
Poilievre can probably say all the right things people are demanding he do, and they will fall back on "oh well, I can't vote for that party; it has people who might bring up a private bill to abolish SSM or something". Poilievre is unlikely to get any pro-cryptocurrency legislation passed; meanwhile, the Liberals have done real economic damage with their ill-considered jump back into deficit spending.
Not suggesting this is you here JLB but it seems like people are still fighting to push this ridiculous narrative that Poilievres shortcomings and criticisms are in the same ballpark as Trudeau's.

How many times has Trudeau changed his story about Chinese interference now? He can't give a straight answer to save his life. It's looking like everyone was warning him about China for YEARS and he blatantly ignored it. Its taking some CSIS employees committing career suicide and risking jail time to bring Trudeau's duplicity to light. Its pretty fucked up.

Years of covert AND overt influence on our politicians. Million dollar donations. Illegal police stations. Our politicians skip out of Parliamentary votes to avoid upsetting China. But people seem more worried about Poilievre and cryptocurrency
I’m largely in agreement. Trudeau’s and the LPC’s faults are obvious, glaring and horrendous with regards to China. I’m not sure I’d necessarily say that their actions are traitorous though, but possibly so. Poilievre’s faults haven’t yet been put to the test even though he has me quite worried in other ways I’ve already mentioned. But I’ve lost all trust and confidence in Justin and see him now as a detriment to this country.

I’m not sure I’d necessarily say that their actions are traitorous though, but possibly so.
Loaded and polarizing words. We Canadians don't like using them and we're quick to associate them with US politics and the likes of Trump.

But do they fit a leader who not only knowingly ignored a foreign government's political and monetary influence but benefited from it?

traitor (according to Merriam-Webster)

-one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty
-one who commits treason

treason (according to Merriam-Webster)

-the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family
the betrayal of a trust : treachery


-violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence : treason
-an act of perfidy or treason