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Chopper shot down, crew executed....

  i didnt notice this post before, or else i would have said something, but seeing as ive just come back from the funeral at skylink i will put my 2 bits in. the 2 fijians on board were my friends, i am at skylink almost everyday and enjoy talking with all the guys there, some of the most genuinely kind people a person can hope to meet. the fact that they were killed in such a manner really tears me up inside, but i remember one very important thing : we all know the risk associated with being here.  no matter who you work for over here, if you are supporting OIF then you are officially a target, doesnt matter if you are riding in an apache or a helo with a big red cross on it, the insurgents really dont care. we are here, they want us gone.

  a lot of things were said at the service tonight, and as someone who has been to a few military style funerals i would rank this one at the top. the most important thing that was said in my opinion is something im sure everyone has heard, if we give up and start packing our bags then they have won, and our friends died for nothing. it is so true, and if anything it makes me want to double my efforts over here.

  before anyone starts talking about right and wrong, remember where you are. chances are you are somewhere quite comfy and the only Iraq you have seen has been on the TV. before i got here i wasnt too supportive, just wanted some extra cash and some adventure, now after being here and experiencing everything first hand i can honestly say i support it 100%, but lets not get into politics.

  Rest In Peace my Fijian friends, as well as the 3 crew and 6 members of blackwater
Slim said:
Lady From heck

I'm having a real hard time with the background you say you have...Would you care to give us some proof please. You can PM me if you don't want it posted for all to see.


Slim .
First if i would Divulge the Real Back ground I would be putting myself in Jeopardy.

Bu Yes I had served in Canadian Armed Forces(Army) since i was 16 & then some Served in the European Campaign & other place did Infiltration & more .

If you like to know more you send me your personal Address & where u r located .

That Symbol with theLarge teeth was a ERROR  >> SORRY<<< :cdn:

[Moderator note:  Edited for clarity - response was inadvertently included in
2332Piper said:
I saw the video on CNN. I'm disgusted, but for some reason, not surprised. Maybye the Americans have made mistakes, but they own up to them eventually. Difference between them and the insurgents is, the insurgents do it on purpose and LIKE it.

How do you know what they like or don't like?

Maybe they like it because it comes so easy for them to do it. If we did not have access to the video, I am not so sure I could answer this question. The fact that it comes so easy to them is probably the most chilling part. And for them to be yelling Allah Akbar, and carry out gods will etc. etc...is just really twisted in my opinion.


If you like to know more you send me your personal Address & where u r located

No thanks. I'll keep my address thank-you. I am sure you have your own.


My deepest sympathy's buddy.
2332Piper said:
The jubilation amongst these people after every murder (remember, I said murder and not killing in combat of an American soldier) kinda tells me all I need to know, I don't know about you. You don't see Americans cheering in the streets after some Iraqi civvies get killed, often the opposite. But see these people when some Americans die......

Maybye I'm just biased because I'm pro-American, very very pro-American. I can't read the Iraqi insurgents minds, but I figure I can make an educated guess after watching so many of these videos.

We've seen, on this very forum, footage of Marines cheering when an enemy combatant was killed.  I have no opinion on that one way or another, but I kind of think it doesn't mean the Marines enjoy killing people.  More like relief that an unpleasant part of their job was done and they were still alive. 

I would suspect "they" don't see what they are doing as murder any more than the Marines...
Lady From Hell said:
Slim .
First if i would Divulge the Real Back ground I would be putting myself in Jeopardy.

Bu Yes I had served in Canadian Armed Forces(Army) since i was 16 & then some Served in the European Campaign & other place did Infiltration & more .

If you like to know more you send me your personal Address & where u r located .

That Symbol with theLarge teeth was a ERROR   >> SORRY<<< :cdn:

[Moderator note:   Edited for clarity - response was inadvertently included in ]

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Someone post the flag again!!!!!
o.k...Enough is enough.

This istuation is being handled a little differently due to some of the info we as mods have received regarding this issue. The vote is still out. Thanks for your patience.


I would like to request all others refrain from posting here until this situation has been resolved please. If you have info for me, shoot me a quick PM.

Was this in regards to challenging LFH, or no posting period, including about the topic?

Excuse me Mr. Lady from Hell but here is a site which I think will interest you.


Enjoy! ;)

LFH replied in this thread :

Ghost778 said:
Showing real life human beings being killed on TV is less gruesome than violence on video games?

No way.

??? Killing in a Video game is less gruesome than human beings being killed on TV.... ONE IS A GAME ONE IS REAL LIFE.......

It is a fact that violence in video games does not contribute to real world crime, in fact violent crimes have decreased over time not increased.

If you can't tell the difference between a game, and real life, then don't play it!  IT is no different than watching Saving Private Ryan...... Or any other movie that shows humans getting killed
I have seen the video in question but what really  :rage:'s me off is that they tell him to run, and he starts walking, someone says something, he turns to see what it is and BAM! They told him to run then shot him point blank.
Sub_Guy said:
It is a fact that violence in video games does not contribute to real world crime, in fact violent crimes have decreased over time not increased.

If you can't tell the difference between a game, and real life, then don't play it!   IT is no different than watching Saving Private Ryan...... Or any other movie that shows humans getting killed

Utterly incorrect - violence has increased - just advanced medical care has reduced the death rate from these things.
You really ought to read some of the studies - linking TV violence and community violence - its shocking.
KevinB said:
Utterly incorrect - violence has increased - just advanced medical care has reduced the death rate from these things.
You really ought to read some of the studies - linking TV violence and community violence - its shocking.

Ah, but correlation and causation are not the same ...
Sub_Guy said:
??? Killing in a Video game is less gruesome than human beings being killed on TV.... ONE IS A GAME ONE IS REAL LIFE.......

It is a fact that violence in video games does not contribute to real world crime, in fact violent crimes have decreased over time not increased.

If you can't tell the difference between a game, and real life, then don't play it!   IT is no different than watching Saving Private Ryan...... Or any other movie that shows humans getting killed

I must say I haven't exactly done a ton of research on the correaltion between the two (violence and the media)...but after reading Grossman's "On Killing" it certainly gave me a new prespective and a few things to think about in regards to this. IMO I think KevinB has summed this up nicely.

O.K> all... the thread is open once again.

Due to recent developments I have turned the matter over to Mike B as the situation is far more complicated than it first seemed.

I thank you all for your patience and support of both myself and the forum during this rather unusual issue (even those after the fact ;D)

The thread is now once again fully open.

STAFF :salute:
KevinB said:
Utterly incorrect - violence has increased - just advanced medical care has reduced the death rate from these things.
You really ought to read some of the studies - linking TV violence and community violence - its shocking. 

Violent crimes have decreased (since the 90's)  Although this study was completed up to 2002.  The media, granny's against teens, and everyone else are always looking to point the finger.  There is more to it than violent videogames and TV