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Hey guys,
I'm currently thinking about joining the CIC. Does anyone have any comments or info that I should know?
I "retired" from the Air Cadets two years ago as a Flight Sergeant and my record is pretty good.
Canuck725 said:
Hey guys,
I'm currently thinking about joining the CIC. Does anyone have any comments or info that I should know?
I "retired" from the Air Cadets two years ago as a Flight Sergeant and my record is pretty good.

Find a corps that will take you, provide the required paperwork and wait till the recruiting centre calls you.
I recommend that you find a unit, and take some time as a CI to really learn what to work within the cadet movement as an officer. I was a CI for three years before I enroled, and I appreciate the time that I had to learn and mature before becoming an officer.

Good luck!
Depending on where you are be prepared for a little wait during the enrolment process. For some of my colleagues it was much quicker then it was for myself ( about 9 months ) in those nine months I was a CV at the unit that i was going to become an officer in. I went straight for cadet to officer and was told by many that it would be a hard transition but I myself did not find that it was.  I have yet to take BOQ ( basic Officer Qualification )  but I must say so far my experience as an officer has Been a good one. It is different from being a cadet despite common belief, and it even differers from being a CV at my unit at least. I look foreward to BOQ and MOC hopefully this year I will be on those courses. If you are looking to be an officer make sure to check with the unit you wish to join that they are taking officers ( if they say no put up a Little bit of an argument on why you should stay). You may not get paid right away I know I am at a unit that currently has filled all it's paid positions with 2 officers waiting to move into one. I personally am glad i have done it so far and plan to go regular force after university.
I agree, go and talk to the unit CO and see if they have and vacancies, if not may be able to recommend a unit that needs Officers. While you are waiting get signed on as a volunteer and see it it's what you really would like to do.  The CIC can be an excellent way of contributing while continuing your education and desciding other avenues of employment.  Good Luck
Hey guys,

i'm not sure if you'll be able to help me but i'm interested in becoming a CIC, and i was just wondering if you need to write the aptitude test. if someone can get back to me with that information that would be grately aprciated.

Weston :D
Unless I am mistaken, everyone going into the CF must pass the apptitude test.
Big Foot said:
Unless I am mistaken, everyone going into the CF must pass the apptitude test.

Yes Big Foot you are mistaken.   CIC applicants do not have to write the CFAT and they don't have to take the physical test.

Further to my last:

Doctors, lawyers, dentists, chaplains and other specialist officers do not have to write the CFAT either.
FYI the new Cadence magazine has some info for future CIC members.

Hope it helps for anyone who's interested.