mariomike said:Someone correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like if / when the GTA goes its own way, there will be 5 million people left in Ontario.
Shrek1985 said:City-states would not help us.
We need to change the fact that our governments at the federal and provincial level are chosen by the special interests inherent in a few large cities and the rest of us be damned.
What we'd need to do is find a way to severely reduce the impact of the votes of people living in population-dense areas.
Re-arranging voting districts to give an actual balance between east and west would help, but ultimately you need to come back to a system where the denser your population; the less power that vote has.
None of this is my ideal solution (which is service guarantees citizenship) but it's something.
Chris Pook said:No, the philosopher king had his followers here in Canada. They are betting on his heir just now.
No. The "judge" has limited powers - much like those of a constitutional monarch, or his/her rep - much as we have today.
Likewise, I accept a uniformity of representation, in the Commons.
My point is that the Senate should not just be a home for Regions, or even Provinces. Make it a home for Churches (read that as Synagogues and Mosques and Gurdwaras and Mandirs and Kamis etc), for Greenpeace, for Unions, Rotarians, Lions, for any organization that can sign up a minimum number of followers - provisions being made to prevent one voter from supporting too many organizations.
Bird_Gunner45 said:Give or take, yes. Still the second biggest province then
daftandbarmy said:Alternatively, governments could do a better job at educating citizens, and voters, in all areas about the unique situations and specific needs/ change drivers facing their home province. And not just from a political slant near election time. It should be easier to do in population dense areas like cities.
Educated citizens make better voters, and citizens.
Bird_Gunner45 said:Give or take, yes. Still the second biggest province then
Bird_Gunner45 said:Unless PET and Trudeau Jr lived in ancient Greece I don't think that Plato was referencing them.
The point is that aside from the notion of the "philosopher king" asking for a completely neutral judge isn't feasible. Everyone will have self interest to some level. Even the King/Queen or president have some interests, unless we make them figureheads (like the monarchy).
I agree on the senate and think there would be some value in having equal representation for each province. The trouble would be the inevitable reversion to party-ism, so instead of a senate with, say, 23 senators (2/province, 1/territory) you would end up with 13 Liberal/10 conservative (or however the numbers work out).
jmt18325 said:If Quebec remains whole, wouldn't that make Ontario sans the GTA or GTHA the 3rd biggest?
E.R. Campbell said:Actually, I think that making more small provinces is the worst possible choice ... all that accomplishes is to make the federal government more intrusive by making it "needed" to effect fiscal redistribution. We would do better to have five larger provinces:
1. Pacific Canada (BC + YU: population 4.7 million);
2. The Prairies (AB + SK + MB + NT + NU: 6.6 million);
3. Ontario (13.6 million);
4. Quebec (8.2 million); and
5. Atlantic Canada (NS + NB + NL + PE: population 2.4 million).
Or we might have, my preference, just three:
A. Canada West (population 11.3 million);
B. Central Canada (population 13.6 million; and
C. Canada East, a bilingual province with a distinctively French flair, population 10.6 million).
The three province solution would, I think, improve productivity and intra-national trade and commerce thereby improving our overall prosperity and it would render the national, central government less "necessary" and, therefore, cause parts of it (powers) to migrate back where they belong (constitutionally) and it would, eventually, grow smaller and cheaper to operate and, thereby again, better focused on its core responsibilities.
Chris Pook said:ERC.
You talk efficiency. I'm talking democracy. Democracy isn't efficient. Dictatorship is highly efficient.
You can only start to achieve a sense of balance when democracy occurs locally, when everybody feels connected to their neighbour and their communal fate. Large bodies create distance that results in a loss of connection.
Chretien said he would never ask Ralph to write him a check. Implicit in that was that Chretien owned the cash and Ralph and his followers got it on sufferance.
In point of fact Confederation is built on the notion of Canada being a collection of self financing provinces each, in turn, composed of individual communities that raised funds for their own churches, their own schools and their own doctors and hospitals.
Community started locally.
I agree with the notion that the Feds are excessively intrusive. I don't agree that the answer is more petty dictators.
Is that like federal politicians pondering the idea of making certain cities bilingual?E.R. Campbell said:Actually, I think that making more small provinces is the worst possible choice ... all that accomplishes is to make the federal government more intrusive ...
mariomike said:Read this recently on , "Poor, rural and small town Canada gets paid by urban Canada, simple as that."
The GTA can always dream of the independence enjoyed by Prince Edward Island, but I doubt it will become a reality any time soon.
Metro Chairman Godfrey brought it up back in the 1970's in front of a Royal Commission.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending upon one's political point of view,
"Political observers say the change is unlikely to happen, given it would require the approval of Parliament and seven of the provinces, with at least 50 per cent of the population."
Toronto Star March 16, 2010
What Ontario premier wants to go down in history as the one who lost the GTA? Not just votes in another provincial election. I mean permanently lost it.
Chris Pook said:Torxit? >![]()
mariomike said:What Ontario premier wants to go down in history as the one who lost the GTA? Not just votes in another provincial election. I mean permanently lost it.
Hamilton. Sheila Copps already stole HMCS Haida and moved it to Hamilton where no one will see it.George Wallace said:Hell; we'd have to move the Legislature to Hamilton or Windsor.