Gunshark said:
Is it possible for officers to get specialized training? e.g. explosives disposal, pathfinder. Or are specializations generally reserved for NCMs? Thanks.
Well here are some, from the same thread when you asked this question earlier... :facepalm:
Engineer Officer
Air Ground Range Safety Officer
Ammunition Technical Officer
Armoured Vehicle Administrative Movement
Army Direct Fire Specialist
Conventional Munitions Disposal – Advanced
Deployable Technical Analysis Laboratory Operator
Deployable Technical Analysis Laboratory Supervisor
Expedient Route Opening Capability Section Commander
Geotechnical Engineering in Northern Regions
Geotextile Engineering
Improvised Explosive Device Disposal Assistant
Improvised Explosive Device Disposal Operator
Joint Improvised Explosives (HME) – Intermediate
Joint Improvised Explosives (HME) – Advanced
Junior DND Realty Asset Manager
Patrol Pathfinder Insertion-Extraction Operator
Patrol Pathfinder Leader
Post Graduate Degree - Research and Development Explosives
Reconnaissance Patrolman – Basic
Tactical Exploiter
TECHINT Level 2 Exploitation Facility Investigator