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Combat Hospital (ABC and Global) Premiere June 21st

Say what you like about the Gerries but they knew how to choreograph a war..... >:D
One of my favorite stories about Hollywood and the war concerned David Niven.
"About to lead his men into action, Niven eased their nervousness by telling them, "Look, you chaps only have to do this once. But I'll have to do it all over again in Hollywood with Errol Flynn!" "
Simian Turner said:
Try explaining how they got the Afghan female with the infected tonsil through gate security disguised in CF Arid CADPAT.

Ah the life of the Neurosurgeon - alcohol, king size four poster bed and a potential harem of combat hospital employees.  I don't think the young Dutch girl's acting was far off the mark. ;D
German girl. Typical.
RIP Combat Hospital

Aside from Karaoke Battle USA, it’s the lowest-rated original series currently on the network (ABC).

Simian Turner said:
RIP Combat Hospital

Aside from Karaoke Battle USA, it’s the lowest-rated original series currently on the network (ABC).


Good Riddance.
I quite enjoyed the series however I like hospital style dramas.  To each their own.  If it does come back it won't be on abc
Simian Turner said:
RIP Combat Hospital

Aside from Karaoke Battle USA, it’s the lowest-rated original series currently on the network (ABC).


I saw each episode aired and although not a great show by any means I found it watchable enough to distract myself from real medicine for 45mins a week.  Entertainment not truth.

But as for it being low on the ratings, I don't put much faith in ratings.  Case and point, one of the highest rated shows in recent broadcasting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_Shore_(TV_series)

High ratings don't equal good television, and the opposite is also true.  As said before, to each their own.
ColdNorth said:
High ratings don't equal good television, and the opposite is also true.[/b]  As said before, to each their own.

Exactly.  Kings (NBC) and Firefly (if you're into Sci-Fi) pretty much proves this.
Loved each episode of that Firefly show. First of many good programs cancelled that left a hole in my "good shows" viewing.

I despise this show. The first episode left me LIVID beyond words. From the King size ultra luxury suites to the staff wearing scrubs out and about around KAF, everyone screwing each other pretty much on the boardwalk. The seriously scary part is there are people that think that this is the way it is over there. :rage: I have one of those wives that think the guys are screwing every woman deployed and work hard to dispel that myth, then this comes along and guess what everyone has that tour wife/girlfriend boyfriend Awk!!!!! I sent a strongly worded letter correcting the inaccuracies, complete falsities, and conveying the serious insult that this show has slaped on the Role 3 staff, to the network and the show itself. I was a "Guest" at Roll 3 after an IED strike took out my vehicle and tried to take me and my gunner with it. The hospital staff, with a few notable exeptions, were very professional and do not deserve this abortion of a show to soil their reputation. That is my 2 cents. I do however take this show as a personal insult to me and the CF as a whole, and I am not even a medic.
Jeez . Imagine  how nurses feel about all the porn movies about them.. it's a TV show get over it. I'm a Corrections Officer and we are never shown as lawful or professional in TV or movies.
I gave up on "accuracy ahead of entertainment value" with Top Gun and Thunderbirds

It's the Executive Producer's idea of what it's like...including the surgeon doing IPSC shooting of the snake in the OR -- right after that was when I shut up (so as not to piss off my wife) and just enjoyed the soap opera drama for what it was...drama.  :nod:

Fotoshark said:

If ppl take tv drama serious I'd hate to see what they think of reality tv.


Just a caution to those who watch "reality" television... Although presented as such, often times it is far from reality.  Just throwing my  :2c: out there...
ColdNorth said:
Just a caution to those who watch "reality" television... Although presented as such, often times it is far from reality.  Just throwing my  :2c: out there...

After having just watched the show on "Experts" that Bruce found, I'd have to say the same goes for the News and all the Infotainment shows..... In fact given that show Combat Hospital looks to be a more "truthful" representation in that it doesn\t purport to be the truth. ;)
ColdNorth said:
Just a caution to those who watch "reality" television... Although presented as such, often times it is far from reality.  Just throwing my  :2c: out there...

Lol true that would also depend on which reality show indeed!

Reality TV is only as real as the producers let it be. That explains why Johnny Rotten never got punched out on Survivor......