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Commuter Allowance- Merged Thread


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I am trying to find out if I am eligible to receive commuting assistance.  I live 46 km from my workplace.  The one point that I am not sure if it affects entitlement is the fact that I am living in the closest PMQ's available to the base.  I read the applicable CBI and could use some help to decipher it.

Any comments are appreciated

EDIT:  I should add that these PMQ's are outside the geographical area for my base, and I was given approval to live here.

What exactly is it about the CBI which you need clarification on. We cannot assist unless you detail what it is exactly which you are uncertain about.

Extracts from the DCBA Aide Memoire dated 01 February 07.
Commuting Assistance

1. Intent
When the member’s worksite is located outside a suitable residential community, to compensate them for the distance traveled in excess of 16 km between the worksite and their residence.

2. Definitions

2.1 Adequate Modes of Public Transportation
Public transportation that is scheduled at appropriate times to permit employees to work their allotted schedule and return home within a reasonable time after work.

2.2 Suitable Residential Community
A residential community that has regular and frequent access to modes of public transportation.

2.3 Worksite
The actual building or other location where the member regularly reports for work.

3. Eligibility
All members of the Regular and Reserve force who report to a new or existing worksite that is not served by adequate public transportation and is situated more than 16 road kilometres from the nearest suitable residential community.

Based solely on the information provided above, it seems you would have an entitlement. However the actual merits will have to be addressed through your chain with your support BOR to ensure all criterias are met, that any geographical MOU is adhered to and that no other specific conditional authorization has been previously issued for your area.
The part I am unsure of is "Suitable Residential Community"

The base is located within a town which is served by public transportation, but I live 46km outside of that town.

Is that to say I am not entitled because there is public transportation within the town the base is in, or I may be entitled because there is no public tpt to get to said town/base?

Is there any suitable residential housing in the town that the base is located in?
Yes, there is lots of housing available, although I live in the nearest MQ's.
Skip__ said:
Is that to say I am not entitled because there is public transportation within the town the base is in, or I may be entitled because there is no public tpt to get to said town/base?
As I mentioned, you have to address this your chain and your BOR, there are factors which could determine your entitlement. Anything here would only be speculative; you want a sure answer ask those who can provide it to you.
All members of the Regular and Reserve force who report to a new or existing worksite that is not served by adequate public transportation and is situated more than 16 road kilometres from the nearest suitable residential community.
"nearest suitable residential community" is not the same as nearest PMQ patch.  Though it is possible that a PMQ patch is the "nearest suitable residential community" this does not sound like it is your case.  If there were insufficient housing in the town around the base, then you might have an argument.

However, as was noted, take it up with your chain of command.  They may interpret the CBI differently than I, and it may still be possible that you will get the money.
I have a problem that no one in my chain seems able to help me with.
I am being posted this APS. My posting message says I am posted to "City A". I have been told that my actual worksite will be in "City B", 150km away. Problem is, Brookfield will only move me to CityA, because that's what is on my posting message. I have to pay the difference in cost myself. What?
I asked OK then, if I have to live in CityA and commute to CityB every day, fine. I get commuting allowance, right? Apparently, "NO". So either way, this posting could end up costing a lot of money out of my pocket. I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to work that way. I can't fiind a reference saying that Brookfield has to move me, or that I have to get some form of commuting assistance. Can anyone help?
In 23 years of Reg Force service, I have never heard of a situation like this before. I'm actually thinking of packing it in over this.
I've never heard of anyone posted to a city.  Typically, you're posted to a unit. 

You're going to have to be more specific about your situation if you want any decent answer.
You also want to look at the geographical boundaries for whichever location you're posted to. For example, this is the one for the NCR (CFSU Ottawa). It is BIG.


Commuting allowance for reg force pers is something I have no knowledge of.
I agree with the rest.  Need more info as you are never posted to a place.  You are only posted to a unit and every unit has geo boundaries.  You may reside anywhere in those geo boundaries and it is your resp to get to work every day.  To reside outside those boundaries requires a memo and CO endorsement.  If the CO agrees, then it is again your resp to get to work on time every day as it was you that requested to live outside. 

Your case does not make sense unless unit X has just relocated from A to B and "the system" has not yet caught up to this reality (an easy fix).
Is it possible he has an RSS posting with a 'split' [wouldn't know the term] unit?
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Is it possible he has an RSS posting with a 'split' [wouldn't know the term] unit?

Hmmmmm.....  Back to square 1 - need more info.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Is it possible he has an RSS posting with a 'split' [wouldn't know the term] unit?

^^THAT seems highly probable.  I was a Cl A reservist in the "detached subunit" of a Res Unit, and when RHQ stopped using our UIC when referring to us, I warned that it was a bad idea.  Given my experience, I could see the Reg F RSS posting message saying "posted to Unit" (with the UIC of the main unit) but the CO/Reg F Ops O or whoever saying "but we want you to work in 'detached subunit.'"  Whose UIC has dropped out of use.  One unit/one UIC made a lot of things easier in our Regt, but administratively we needed our own UIC for a lot of things.

If that's the case, that detached subunit should still have a UIC, and the posting message would need to be amended with the correct UIC.

Or if they want you to work alternately between the two locations, the CO will have to cough up mileage (not commuting assistance, but high rate).  I'm pretty sure you can only have one "place of duty" and if you go to a second place, you get mileage to you that location.

My only knowledge of commuting assistance for the RegF is a couple of people here get commuting assistance in lieu of a cost move.  They live and were last moved to Trenton, received a posting to Kingston and instead of taking a cost move, get commuting assistance.  I don't think it's possible to take a cost move and then get commuting assistance. 

In a normal situation, if you choose to live outside of the geographical boundaries (and get permission to) you assume all related costs for that decision.  Brookfield is right in what they're saying...if you are posted to "city A" and move to "city B", if "B" is farther from where you are now than "A", you have to pay the extra costs.  Likewise when you're posted out - if you live in "B" and "B" is farther away from where you're going than "A" is, you'll have extra costs then.

All this said - Brookfield isn't going to be able to resolve this.  Career Manager and your new CoC will have to clarify the posting message.  And/or deal with the commuting issue.
Guess I should have been more specific. My posting message says 37 Svc BN Saint john. I have been informed that I will actually be working at Detachment Moncton, 150km away.
alpine67 said:
Guess I should have been more specific. My posting message says 37 Svc BN Saint john. I have been informed that I will actually be working at Detachment Moncton, 150km away.

The Reserve Svc Bns have recently been amalgamated, renumbered, and some are being assigned additional Reg F pers to provide support; it's not surprising that some positions are currently appearing in the wrong place.

Looking at the HRMS Reg F positions listing, they are showing in two geographic locations: Saint John and St John's.  As structured in HRMS, the det in Moncton doesn't show.

I would recommend contacting the CC at the gaining unit as well as the Career Manager and explaining the problem - posting message says Saint John, Brookfield is saying Saint John.

Taking initiative and sorting out problems looks good on your PER, as well.
alpine67 said:
Guess I should have been more specific. My posting message says 37 Svc BN Saint john. I have been informed that I will actually be working at Detachment Moncton, 150km away.

If you're posted RSS, then you are posted to that specific geographical location for employment (theoretically).  There is absolutely NO way they would post you to 37 Svc Bn and then "tell" you your actually working in Moncton.  It just doesn't happen that way.  Mind you, I have seen CM's issue posting instructions thinking that City A was actually rather close to City B.  Come to think about it, I know of positions which are identified in City A but are actually in City B.

As mentioned by dapaterson, there has been some movement and amalgamation with units.  So I would suggest you try to get this sorted out with your OR before dealing with Brookefield.
DAA said:
If you're posted RSS, then you are posted to that specific geographical location for employment (theoretically).  There is absolutely NO way they would post you to 37 Svc Bn and then "tell" you your actually working in Moncton.  It just doesn't happen that way.  Mind you, I have seen CM's issue posting instructions thinking that City A was actually rather close to City B.  Come to think about it, I know of positions which are identified in City A but are actually in City B.

As mentioned by dapaterson, there has been some movement and amalgamation with units.  So I would suggest you try to get this sorted out with your OR before dealing with Brookefield.

Actually it can happen that way.  I was the Chief Clerk (RSS) with the G&SF.  The HQ, on paper and my posting message, is in Owen Sound.  However, my office was in the armory in Barrie.  Which is bout 130 km away.
Actually it can happen that way.  I was the Chief Clerk (RSS) with the G&SF.  The HQ, on paper and my posting message, is in Owen Sound.  However, my office was in the armory in Barrie.  Which is bout 130 km away.

I will ask the next question before the OP does.  In your case, how did you provide Sp to the unit which was not geographically co-located with your office?  TD on an as required basis?