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Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

Hey- I'm also merit listed for COMM RSCH. I get the feeling that they are going to be making calls in Sept. Some people think they will start near the beginning, others think they will start making calls towards the end of the month. I guess we just need to wait and see??!

I'd also like to know how many positions are needed and how many people on the list?
I think that would give us all a better feeling as to how good(or bad) our chances are.

Hi Rashomon

I have been merit listed for Comm research for a few months now - there is a bit of a hold up with the selection and filling the spots that are available - Not 100% sure what the hold up is but I think it is a combination of a few things,

e.g. lots of intake of new recruits to the available spots at BMQ to the current ASAP requirement to push through new personnel for specific trades.

Specific to Comm research, I have read in a few places that there are quite a few people post BMQ and BMQ - Land waiting for level 3 clearance and or spots to open up in Kingston for the trade specific training.

This could be a reason for the delay in filling the spots that are available, from an administrative side of things, it does seem to make sense. Why put more people into a post BMQ purgatory when other people/trades have spots that can accommodate the new personnel.

As to if they will start filling the Comm Research spots at the end of September... I don't know who interviewed you, but my guess is that the word "probably" was snuck into that sentence.  Not to say that the person is wrong, but also keep in mind that they are just trying to help and going off of the most likely scenario overall based on time of merit listing to job offer,  He/she may have said end of September because there are 3 BMQs in October so it was a general likelihood but he she may not be privy to the administrative side of things.

I say don't hold them to that as fact because I was told a similar thing back at the start of June when I was first merit listed, along the lines of  "You have been merit listed, it should only take a spot opening up in the next BMQ and you should get your job offer then. You should receive a call in 2 - 6 weeks"

This would have been true for some trades, I know I went through the process and was merit listed about the same time or just a little after R* (will hold off on the name till I get his ok to use it), who was merit listed for a combat trade. He received his job offer, I am still waiting, no date as of last Friday for a selection board for the trade - I talked with the Toronto CFRC on last Friday, Aug 26th 2011.

With that said, I hope that it is true and they will be selecting some Comm Rsrch for the BMQs in October.

but for us it is just the waiting game, but everything tells me that the wait will be worth it in the end.

The Newt
Rashomon said:
I'm currently on the Merit List for a NCM trade (COMM RSCH).  I was wondering if any one has any information on the enrolment offer process.  What happens now?  Wait?  I was told in interview that there will be enrolment offers at the end of september.  Can anyone varify this?
That's all you can do, keep calling every couple weeks and stay patient.

I'd also like to know how many positions are needed and how many people on the list?
I think that would give us all a better feeling as to how good(or bad) our chances are.
-Posted by: AlltheFixins

Nobody here can possibly answer that question for you, I can say 50 if that makes you feel better...ya 50's a good number.
Contact your recruiter and ask him/her to provide you with your "MP" score. If it's high your chances are good, if not then well...I'm sure you can figure that one out.

This would have been true for some trades, I know I went through the process and was merit listed about the same time or just a little after R* (will hold off on the name till I get his ok to use it), who was merit listed for a combat trade. He received his job offer, I am still waiting, no date as of last Friday for a selection board for the trade - I talked with the Toronto CFRC on last Friday, Aug 26th 2011.

Are you talking about me? :pop:
Are you talking about me?

Yes, yes I am. - Haven't seen you at the gym for a bit.  ;D

I hope you don't mind me using you as an example, I just wanted to show that it is different for each person and each trade.
TheNewt said:
Yes, yes I am. - Haven't seen you at the gym for a bit.  ;D

I hope you don't mind me using you as an example, I just wanted to show that it is different for each person and each trade.
Small world ey?
Yea man I moved so I'm going to Premier Fitness in Mississauga, leaving for BMQ next week.
Hope everything's going good with you!
They're running 2 concurrent courses for 291 right now, both filled with pers. CFSCE will run the courses once they have enough people with clearances, that's the biggest backlog. Backlog in PATs means backlog in recruiting.
Thank you PuckChaser.

This confirmed what I thought was going on.

Sounds like it is just the waiting game for us Communication Research hopefuls!
I've also just found out I am merit listed for Coms Rsch.

Here's hoping we get some news sometime soon!

Thanks to all that replied.  I appreciate the information and advise.  Hope to see you in the near future.  The input gathered gave me an idea of what to expect (if anything) in the weeks.  Thanks again! :nod:
Hey guys and gals :salute:,

I completed my application process as an Infantry Officer back in August. At the end of my interview, I was told that I was exactly what they are looking for, and that my strongest point is my motivation. They also told me that my CFAT scores could be a little better, however they did not recommend me rewriting the test until I find out if I made the cut or not. They also recommended that I try to obtain some real leadership experience. However, when I was contacted at the end of September, I was told that I was put on a merit list as recruitment for the Infantry Officer position had concluded. I asked again if there was anything I should do in the meantime to help advance my file, the Captain in charge of my file told me that my CFAT scores were not bad, and to not worry about them. He also told me (in so many words) that I was high up on the merit list.

So basically my question is, for those of you who are currently merit listed as an infantry officer, what was your experience like? Is everyone (more/less) told the same things that I was?

Thanks for your time, I look forward to hearing your experiences!

p.s. I use the word "they" because I was interviewed by two Captains.
I was selected a couple weeks ago for the January 2012 BMOQ.  I had my interview in early September and was told that I blew through their standards in all areas but the only thing that I have to worry about is the lack of jobs at the time.  I am also bilingual and have a brother doing the exact same trade in Valcartier so maybe that played a factor in my selection.  He has told me a lot about the trade so I have a good idea what I am getting into.

  If the recruiters told you that you are very competitive they probably are telling you the truth.  If I were you I would just keep patient because with BMOQ 2 months away, selections may not be completed.  I also would not re write the CFAT test.  It would be a disaster is you scored lower! 
Congratulations on being accepted Clarkyo! ;D

I am curious as to the trade you were selected for? I was told that Infantry Officer selection was closed until the end of the fiscal year in April (potentially), so while there are still BMOQ's being scheduled, it does not necessarily mean that they are open to the Infantry trade.
I was selected for Infantry Officer

I was informed in late September/early October there probably were no more positions and then received "The Call" late last month.  Things must have changed.
Mostly the same here, I was told that I scored strangely high on the CFAT for someone who was interested in Infantry Officer. I was also told that there would be no more calls until April
I was merit listed 21 Oct.

Knowing that at least one Infantry O call has gone out makes me that much more excited every time the phone rings.
kenmnuggas said:
I was told that I scored strangely high on the CFAT for someone who was interested in Infantry Officer.

I hope:

1. He was joking and
2. If he wasn't, you kicked him/her in the junk.
He clarified afterward by telling me that I'd scored in the 96%th percentile, and normally the people who are scoring that high are aiming for engineering or medical positions.
Since my degree is in advertising, I figured he'd meant that it was strange that with a score so high I wasn't eligible for more trades.
We joked that it turns out I'm smart, just not well educated. Semantic difference!
I'm waiting to continue the process.  Got slowed down by some financial issues I needed to clarify.  The captain from the RC I've been with called me last week and told me that they wouldn't process further until positions had opened up.  He encouraged me to get in contact with them right after the New Year and to remain determined about it. 

The new year is only 2 months away, and believe you me, I'll be making that call in January!

Stay positive!
Yea i'm not sitting on my thumbs. I've been contacted over a Correctional Officer job, I'm scheduled to write two tests next week. To be honest i'm not sure how I feel about it. I want to join the military, but can I afford to pass up this opportunity?
ward0043 said:
Yea i'm not sitting on my thumbs. I've been contacted over a Correctional Officer job, I'm scheduled to write two tests next week. To be honest i'm not sure how I feel about it. I want to join the military, but can I afford to pass up this opportunity?

You should never bank on a job offer from the military until they give you a call. A better question would be - how would you feel if you skipped the opportunity and no military call came?  Unless it is a job you know you will hate, persue what comes your way.

My .02
Thanks for the input, I agree that I have no choice really. But it is a shitty situation none the less. Should corrections accept me, I honestly don't think it would be a smart idea to accept any potential military offers (even though I'd want to), because even if I get a call it does not mean I will successfully pass the military training. Not to mention, that by leaving corrections shortly after being accepted, I might effectively be burning down that bridge as well. But what can I do but play with the cards i'm dealt :P 