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CPF: 57mm Bofors

Correct me if I am wrong but was not the Javelin trialed years ago on the MCDV already?

Yep-   You can find the TACNOTE in CFCD 106(D).

BTW, I was the Javelin Troop Commander on HMCS PROTECTEUR during Gulf War 1.   The concept of MANPADS on warships is workable (since we stole the idea from the USN), but is not without it's limitations.

Chief among them is operator training and currrency- it is difficult to do on a warship.   Another (Canadian) issue is that Javelin is about to be retired.   Something like Stinger (an IR guided system) is not without it's limitations also, particularily in the hot, humid environment of the Gulf.   And a suddenly appearing helo can be easily dealt with by the 57mm Bofors, so why buy a more complicated and expensive round (a shoulder-launched missile) that can only do one thing?

The "swarm threat" can probably be dealt with fairly easily by clever use of the helo and it's door gun (those tactics also exists, because I wrote them), good ship driving and the Ship's organic machine guns.   A CPF is relatively well provided for in terms of .50 cal HMGs and C9s.   While it can certainly be argued that replacements in the form of maybe C6s and some form of 20mm gun might be useful to a Frigate, I think it is actually pretty well armed to deal with the so-called "asymetric threats" right now- IF- the CO and Combat Officer on each ship understand the capabilities that they already possess.

Upper deck evolutions/Harbour Defence Stns--RAS--Passges through straits/canals...when RADHAZ/Personnel considerations would limit Radars/Big Weapons.

Stinger has a passive optical feature also. But I do agree with the training aspect.

Sea King would be very suspectible to a SA-7 hit!.(MAWS?) Especially from a multi-axis swarm

Maybe even an RPG!
Upper deck evolutions/Harbour Defence Stns--RAS--Passges through straits/canals...when RADHAZ/Personnel considerations would limit Radars/Big Weapons.

Fair enough- for peacetime.   I would hope, however, that the appropriate radars are being kept in STANDBY during these evolutions, ready to go to RADIATE.   As I understand it, the SG-150 is almost always useable (but, I stand to be corrected...).

In any case, you are depending primarily on the alertness of your lookouts and OOW.   Still don't think this argues for a MANPAD missile being added to a frigate.

Stinger has a passive optical feature also. But I do agree with the training aspect.

I was more getting at the generally poor atmospheric conditions in the Gulf which (generally) do not favour long range shots with IR based systems.   Can't go into too much more without breaching OPSEC.

Sea King would be very suspectible to a SA-7 hit!.(MAWS?) Especially from a multi-axis swarm

Maybe even an RPG!

While there are no guarantees on the battlefield, an appropriately equipped and well-flown Sea King is not at all that great of risk of falling victim to the more common IR based missiles .   Again, OPSEC does not permit me to go further, but I was on the first Det on Op Apollo to receive the appropriate countermeasure equipment and training and I stake my life on it.

As for RPGs, we did some heavy thinking on that subject and I believe that it we have developed (well, stolen from the USMC) a good enough counter to that threat that I was not overly worried about it.   Think about the fire control problem for the gunner: he is standing in a small boat which is moving, trying to shoot a fairly slow rocket at my helicopter, which is also moving, but in three dimensions.   And hopefully, my door gunner is kicking the crap out of him with 1200 rounds per minute of 7.62mm 4B1T.   All in all, I like my odds.
