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Cpl. Francisco Gomez, & Cpl. Jason Patrick Warren

R.I.P. soldiers.

My  condolences to the families and a speedy recovery to the wounded.

Quagmire said:
Pictures here.  The second pic is the guy I knew.

Where was he from? I realize he's based in Edmonton, but do you know his hometown?
:salute:Get well soon troops ,,,,,, And my sincere condolences to the families of the two fallen soldiers .... :cdn:
:cdn: Cpl Gomez,  :cdn: Cpl Warren, stand...easy. 

           :salute:               :salute:

To their comrades, Regimental Families, loved ones, and friends, my sincere condolences.

Speedy recoveries to the wounded.

For all of our soldiers who did, who are, and who will fight the good fight, I salute you.

:cdn:  :salute:   :cdn:

G-G's message:

  OTTAWA, July 22 /CNW Telbec/ - "My husband Jean-Daniel Lafond and I were
very saddened to learn today in Italy about the incident near Kandahar,
Afghanistan that cost the lives of Corporal Francisco Gomez and Corporal Jason
Patrick Warren and that also injured eight other Canadian military personnel.
    The increasing toll of our brave soldiers killed or injured while
conducting reconstruction operations in Afghanistan, on behalf of Canada and
in solidarity with a civilian population that has suffered such hardships,
serves as a painful illustration of the tense predicament in which this
country finds itself.
    With each new incident, we are getting a sense of the sacrifice and
efforts needed to restore peace and justice to this part of the world. We lack
the words to properly recognize the immense determination and selflessness of
the members of the Canadian Forces who day in and day out carry out their
noble mission to ensure the safety and improve the living conditions of the
Afghan people.
    Corporal Gomez and Corporal Warren served their country admirably. From
the bottom of our hearts and with the utmost respect, we wish to express our
deepest sympathies to their families, friends, loved ones and comrades, and to
assure them that all Canadians stand with them during these very trying

    Michaelle Jean

Edited:  to add PM's Statement:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement on the deaths of Corporal Francisco Gomez and Corporal Jason Patrick Warren:

“On behalf of Canadians, I extend my deepest condolences to the families and friends of Corporal Gomez and Corporal Warren, who lost their lives today as a result of a suicide vehicle attack in Afghanistan.  Today's tragic incident also injured eight other Canadian Forces members, who are currently receiving treatment.

“Canadians will never forget the sacrifice these men made on behalf of our country. While deeply saddened by their loss, we are proud of the men and women of the Canadian Forces, who continue to stand on guard for Canadian values around the world, in spite of personal risks to their own safety.

“We are confident in the ability of our Canadian Forces members and know that they have the skills they need to succeed.  We honour their commitment and their sacrifice on behalf of our country.

“The nation extends its deepest gratitude to Corporal Gomez and Corporal Warren and prays for the swift recovery of their injured comrades.”
RIP Cpl Gomez and Cpl Warren.

My thoughts and hopes are with the families of the fallen, and the wounded and their families.

Bless you all.
Every single time I read about our boys being hit over there, and every time one passes away, it burns me to the core! Makes me want to go over there and... Do things not appropriate to post in this thread or on this site for that matter!

RIP to you two fine gentlemen and some of the very best Canadians!

I wish those who survived the best of recoveries possible - You did you're part! BE PROUD!!!!

R031 Pte Joe..............

I can appreciate your anger over the situation, but flying off the handle doesn't help the situation.  I know I sure as h*@# wouldn't want someone standing next to me who thinks like you over there when something like that happens.  Your methods of operation are a fine way to end up dead and having others around you killed.  Take a deep breath, calm down, and take stock of yourself. Calm heads prevail.

RIP Cpl's Gomez & Warren, your country will not forget your sacrifice.  :salute:
Another sad day for the PPCLI, The Black Watch, the Canadian Forces, Canada, and Friends and Families of Our fallen Troops. Here's to a swift recovery for the injured lads.
R.I.P. Gentlemen.  Stand Down, you've done your Duty.
:salute: :cdn:
R031 Pte Joe said:
Every single time I read about our boys being hit over there, and every time one passes away, it burns me to the core! Makes me want to go over there and... Do things not appropriate to post in this thread or on this site for that matter!

We understand your frustration, but remember mate, in our line of work, the violence we dish out is business, never personal, and we should strive to keep it that way for obvious reasons.

RIP brave souls. My thoughts are with their family and friends. Another sad day for the military community, and Canada as a whole.  :cdn:
RIP, my condolences to the families, friends and regiments of these fine men. Speedy recovery to the injured.
My condolences to the families of those passed on and those injured.

The good Lord will look after those who have died for their brothers.  My prayers go out to those and their families who have served and died, so that others may live free and in peace.  God bless  :cdn:
