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Darn...File lost.

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Yes Man

Well looks like my file got lost somewhere, it kind of sucks, but I was expecting it to happen. When I went to sign up 3 people were there as new recruits, and 3 were there because thier files got lost, not a good ratio.

Oh well I guess I will have to keep bugging people till it gets found. :threat:
not a good ratio.
I‘d have to agree.

Assuming you mean Recruiting apps. Better start filling out new ones in the meanwhile.

Just incase you know..
Fill out new ones, and find another recruiting office if possible. If they can‘t even keep track of the files, I‘d hate to see how long it takes them to process them.
A lost file is a breech of security it contains alot of personal information that if it ends up in the wrong hands can cause you some pretty big problems (identity theft etc.) I have a friend who was doing a component transfer and had the same problem the WO from our base told him that he could have someone in alot of **** if he wanted to take the neccessary steps.
this is bad, i mean, This is the department of National Defence, and we are or will be working for the Federal Government and files get lost, and it takes months upon months to get things processd, There is somthing not right here! I am all finnished up this week, and I want to get in this summer really bad, and It will be in the back of my mind that the file could be lost!
I am hopping its not that bad...It got lost somewhere between the recuiting center and Borden. Maybe its just taking a really long time to get there, well I hope it is found soon.
Originally posted by Murray Belfort:
[qb] this is bad, i mean, This is the department of National Defence, and we are or will be working for the Federal Government and files get lost, and it takes months upon months to get things processd, There is somthing not right here! I am all finnished up this week, and I want to get in this summer really bad, and It will be in the back of my mind that the file could be lost! [/qb]
Yes I have to agree, It does take a bit to get applications going but its only because they have so many ppl applying for some many different jobs, they have to sort through all the files see which ones are suitable which are not...ect So you can imagine with respectable reason they‘ll take a bit to get things off the ground.

As a member of the Department of National Defence I feel obligated to stand up for them on a certain degree. Yes it is a serious problem that they lost your file and Yes they are the DND but they are still human and we all make mistakes it might not be even thier fualt for the misplacement of your file so dont let it discourage you, i‘m sure your file will surface somtime. ;)
Patience is a Virtue...that being said, yeah start banging on doors cost lost files..what a pissoff that would be
Meh I‘ve herd about that happen a bunch of times...maybey thats thier unofficial way of telling you to **** Off
There is absolutely no reason that the recruiting center/DND should loose any files. Having lots of people applying nor the number of different jobs should have no effect. Take a university for example, how many majors are offered and how many students apply between now and the August? Sure it may be human error and we should be allowed to commit one every now and then, however four people from the same recruiting center is horrible. How many others have been lost from that center and others around the nation?

If the Canadian Forces are starving for members, would it not be common sense to stop loosing files and aggravating potential employees? Seems like the procedure of application is terribly flawed. Is there not someone that could possibly change it? I for one would not be very interested in working for an organization that is disorganized.
This seems to becomming more and more like a norm in the Canadian forces recuitment process. Its is really getting Ridiculius. Simililar things have happend too me dureing the process also, iTs all sorted out now ( i think). But they really need to get more Organised and come up with a Better and faster way for recuiting applicants.
Well maybey a inquiry about that specific recruting office should be made, it not the whole CF‘s fault but one or two dumb ppl not doing thier job right or somthing you can hold the whole organization accountable for a single person‘s mistake.
The problem seems to be spread over many recruitment centers across the country. It seems to me that the problem is a little more deep then just a single person. The system as a whole needs to be reviewed. Until then its gonna be part of the whole "military Expierience".
Lajeunesse; have you recieved an offer yet? just wondering how your doing with your whole process.