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Day to day life in the infantry....

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As an infantry man in the reg force what do your day to day taks/jobs consist of when not over seas on course or on excresises.what i mean is for instance a clerk may come into work on the base in the morning and do his paper work for the day and go home at night what might someone in the infantry be doing on a regular day at base?,and how long is the average 9-5 type of day for an infanteer i would imagine we would have much longer days than most but who can complain its the most rewarding job there is!
Dude seriously your posts are showing a serious lack of effort on your part.  Most of the topics you have asked questions on in the last few days have been covered to death in other threads.  Show that you have some iota of initiative and do a search and IF your questions aren't answered fully then ask for clarification.
Discussed before........alot. I think MJP summed it up pretty well.


army.ca staff
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