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Dealing with being home from Kandahar

Michael Baker said:
This one you mean?  :D



Thanks... ;D
WARNING....Complete all your projects now, get your hobby rights entrenched and read the fine print before you sign!!!! (how can you tell I married a lawyer) Oh and by the way Congrats!!!!
Mike_Baker said:

Heh... Nice... I don't think the wife would like that one...  ;D good stuff.

Well..  I'm back, and nicely tanned. (actually... more like burned.)

I'm not going to flood the forums with pics, but I will be putting them online somewhere (for the family and such.), but not today...

Cheers :cheers:
You still have time before it's too late......"temporary insanity" can be cured :)

Oh well - married life isn't bad - congrats

Congrats Piper Family...will we see PiperJr???
Welcome to the Club.
BYT Driver said:
Congrats Piper Family...will we see PiperJr???


We have too many plans for travel (and possibly more tours... maybe...) so we're not planning on rugrats for a long while.
RHFC_piper said:

We have too many plans for travel (and possibly more tours... maybe...) so we're not planning on rugrats for a long while.
;D There's always the Infamous Aftertour Accidental Discharge  ;D
Hopefully you are both well tanned and well rested.  :D
Did you ever make it to Trenton to "pipe off" your platton mates?  That would've been heart wrenching. 
Cheers,    :army:
BYT Driver said:
Did you ever make it to Trenton to "pipe off" your platton mates?  That would've been heart wrenching. 

Unfortunately, no.  A slew of issues came up; Vehicle breakdown, Gas prices and 'contract issues' (aka. no money).  I was unable to make it when they landed.  What bothers me more is that my home unit sent a group to meet with the troops coming in, who were attached to 1 RCR, and I knew nothing about it until a week later when they asked why I wasn't there... Made me feel even worse.  oh well..

I was also planning on playing for the memorial last week, but I had made the wedding plans even before I deployed, so I had no choice but to miss that as well.

I miss the boys and haven't really been in contact with them since they've been home... But I'm going to try to make my way back up as soon as I can.  But, again, it all hinges on my contract and weather or not they (MO) think I'm fit to return to duty... and by return to duty, they mean; back to civilian work and part time army.  If I have to go looking for a job, I won't have much time to get away.  It's all up in the air right now.

Anyway, it's not all bleak.  I did have a nice vacation.  Very relaxing.  I think I'll be going back to St. Lucia in the future, as there was a lot I wanted to do, but didn't have the time (or physical ability - still healing) to do it.  And the wife loved it there...  so we'll be heading back again (cash permitting).
I was going to contribute a token marital joke but the ones I could think of aren't that great. So I'll just say congrats to you and your new chain of command wife.

I hope you were able to visit Pigeon Island while you were in St. Lucia and see the fort.
career_radio-checker said:
I was going to contribute a token marital joke but the ones I could think of aren't that great. So I'll just say congrats to you and your new chain of command wife.

I hope you were able to visit Pigeon Island while you were in St. Lucia and see the fort.

Thanks.  :)
BTW; The RSM (Residential Sergeant Major) loves the jokes... since they usually reinforce her position in the CoC.  ;D

As for Pigeon Island;  I didn't get the chance to get to the fort, due to all the wedding stuff (and drinking :blotto: ). 
There were a few things I didn't get around to;
- Friday Fish Fry in Dennary
- Saterday Night street party; both in Dennary and Anse-La-Raye
- Rain Forest Canopy tour (Zip line through the canopy - couldn't do it physically)
- Hike up Gros Piton (again, couldn't do it Physically)
- Cruise to Martinique
- and of course, Pigeon Island National Park (Fort)
(to name just a few), But thats why I want to go back when I have more time and am in better shape.

But I did get to see quite a bit; We took a land and sea tour through a bunch of fishing villages (Dennary, Anse-la-raye, Cannaries, Soufriere, etc.), got to see the 'Volcano' and the Sulphur springs (which stank, and hurt my legs - too much walking and stairs), then we had a nice cruise back to Castries and even stopped to go snorkling on the way. 
I wanted to try to get a SCUBA qualification here in Canada before going (since the qual there is only for the resort and cost $200) but I didn't have the time (or ability). I did end up going snorkling quite a bit, and even managed to get a little sting from a jelly fish.  Good times.

Anyway, we had fun... and we're going to go back.  ;D


Thank you.
That was one of the best things I have ever read (and I am a huge book nerd)
It got me all chocked up and now I need to go work my job on the telephone, but that is alright!
Thank you for what you did for your country and your friends and for having the courage to write about how you felt.
Glad you guys had a great time and your photo is beautiful! Thanks for sharing Piper :) From reading your story about the trip, you're making me want to go and visit there someday too, as I've yet to visit somewhere Tropical.

I'm still curious about the metal detector ....

Want to share a bit on that one ?
Yrys said:
I'm still curious about the metal detector ....

Want to share a bit on that one ?

I went through and nothing happened... The security guard asked me if there was something wrong, 'cause I was kinda shifty as I walked through, and so I explained the situation.  I got her to use the wand metal detector and the shrapnel set that off, but it's too small for the big metal detector.

In St. Lucia, I set off the detector before we left, and had to explain the situation again... But still had no trouble getting through.  We got to the airport about an hour and a half early, and were able to zip right through security as there were very few people there.  By the time my folks got to the air port from the resort, the place was packed and security had tightened. It took them 10 times longer to get through the checkpoint.  Good timing for me.

Anyway, in conclusion; I'm guessing the pieces in me are either too small for the standard metal detectors, or they're not metal (possibly rock and debris, possibly DU... oh well.)
RHFC_piper said:
or they're not metal (possibly rock and debris, possibly DU... oh well.)

Are you saying that you're sad that there may not be metal, or ''not enough ''  ;D ?
Yrys said:
Are you saying that you're sad that there may not be metal, or ''not enough ''  ;D ?

Definitely not enough... metal that is.

As for the DU; we'll see what happens if I'm glowing in 10 years.
RHFC_piper said:
we'll see what happens if I'm glowing in 10 years.
The human glow stick. You never have to crack it and it will always work. Only one size though. Comes with wife.

I had to Piper ;D
*muahahaha*  ;D just watch out for your children piper. It's always the kids that exhibit the X gene. Remember, it comes form the male side of the family!  ;)