TCBF, I see this as a failure of some in the Canadian Press because they are always finding ways to beat-up the Canadian military. ALL institutions and organizations have internal problems with drugs gambling, theft, etc. The larger the bureaucracy, the more complexity and the more problems. A while back, one of the Toronto papers did a piece on STD's in the CF. It was very biased and designed to do only one thing besmirch the CF in public. When I know for a fact, that STD's are a much huger problem on Canadian campuses! Yet, we don't hear about that.
But the Canadian Press and moreso the Toronto papers are merciless in their pursuit of tearing at the throat of our military.
Why? IMO, because the Canadian military is in the business of defending Canadian freedoms and values; they are not in the business of defending themselves. Therefore,
some journalists and newspaper editors drag out their favorite punching bag on a slow news day: the Canadian Forces. Easy pickins.
I have told them this too.
Don't worry TCBF, Canadians are beginning to clue in. Increasingly, we are turning to news forums like this one and blogs. We're beginning to realize the print media is no longer reliable.
Thank goodness for Ruxted, Mark Collins, Tony Pudori, Christie Blatchford, Terry Glavin and others.
I got so upset at one point at the G&M coverage of the Afghanistan mission, that I wrote to the Kabul Centre for Strategic Studies to show them the lies being written in Canadian newspapers. :rage:
They were appalled. BTW, the man who emailed me back had nothing but good things to say about CF work in Afghanistan--a country that he loves.
Disclaimer: I'm speaking in general terms and I'm not inferring that all journalists are failing or that all newpapers are failing. Small local community papers especially seem to be doing a good job with local news.
Edit: Toned down a tad to be more polite.