Further to my last - and regrouping
1 Enhance the Canada Pension Plan
21. Excuse Student Debt
22. Raise the Minimum Wage to $17/hr
25. Share the work and shorten the work week to 32 hours
23. Build Social Housing
31. Focus on Food Safety to justify government activity
34. Incorporate Gender Identity in the Human Rights Act.
19. Stop enforcing immigration laws
24. Repeal the Clarity Act
7. Legalize Cannabis
International Relations
2 Out of Libya
8. Out of NATO and Out of Afghanistan
9. Out of Haiti
20. Out of NAFTA, FTAA, FTA, GATS and WTO
10. Boycott Israel
29. Solidarity with Cuba
30. Defend Chavez’s Venezuela and Morales’s Bolivia
6. Make Mother Earth a Legal Entity
The Economy
4.Close the Alberta Tar Sands
3 Nationalize U.S. Steel
11. Nationalize the Auto Industry
12. Nationalize Big Banks and Insurance Companies
13. Nationalize Big Oil and Gas
18. Nationalize Telecommunications
32. Social ownership (Nationalization) of banking, manufacturing, communications, energy, health
care, insurance, medical drugs, natural resources, and mass transportation
33. Social ownership (Nationalization) of primary industries such as forestry, mining, and fishing
28. 25% of Public Funding to go to Ridings to support grassroots activity
27. Strengthen Affiliations of NDP with Unions
26. Extend the Right to Strike
14. No Coalition with Liberals, BQ or Greens (or any other Business oriented party)
5. Institute Proportional Representation Within the NDP
15. More policy discussions at conventions
16. Enforcement of NDP policies on NDP governments
17. End One Member One Vote decision making
And let us keep in mind that the sponsors of these resolutions also believe this:
Class Politics
The NDP must also commit itself to becoming a party that represents and leads the self-organized fight for the interests of wage earners, the unemployed, self-employed people and family farmers. These popular sectors encompass the overwhelming majority of Canada's population. Excluded are only the owners of industrial and finance capital, their political and administrative managers, and the enforcers of their rule. The notion of a party that represents and seeks to govern in the interests of "all the people" is not only wrong in principle, but is in fact quite impossible. This is because the interests of workers and small farmers can never be reconciled with the interests of the owners of Capital.
Democracy seems to be a relative term for these democrats.
And Redeye - this caucus within the NDP is no less inconsequential to NDP policy than social conservatives are to Conservative party policy.
The Rose in Fist insignia is the registered trademark of the Socialist International which elects many goverments which actively campaign on just these issues and win elections and set policy.