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Defence Analyst Sunil Ram

recceguy said:
Anyone see any reason to continue this train wreck? At least til there's a meet?
I don't....

Until his ID is confirmed, it seems somewhat trivial...

For the record:
1)  The grammar and vocabulary used by "Sunil Ram" the poster is very similar to that used by the Analyst/TV commentator.
2)  I like the TV commentator a great deal.  Regardless of what he did or did not do in his military career, the guy raises the bar of the debate in any interview I've seen.  Frankly, I wish he were on much more often, rather than the CBC/CTV hacks who currently enjoy the privilege of shaping public opinion in this country in their own slanted way.

Matthew.  :salute:
I'll wait for regulator's report before I decide anything about his guy.  I'll watch CTV tonight as well.

A few things I didn't like though.  He came off as pretty arrogant.  "I'm the international analyst and you're not!" "I'm in the media and you're not!"  "My dad can beat up you're dad!" (Ok I made that one up).  He claims not to care what this forum thinks of him yet he seems to be going out of his way here.  He also tried playing the race card... ::)

However, if he is indeed looking out for the CF's best interest then good on him for that. 

Sunil, Professor Ram, Sir, whatever (not sure how you want to be addressed), I think that if maybe you had come here a little less aggressively and explained yourself more professionally this thread could have gone another way.  Do I think you were misrepresented here, partly.  Do I think you have an ego problem?  Yes.  Nothing personal, you just come off that way.

Also, well done on your military service.  Everyone is proud of what they do for the CF.  I am.  So is everyone else here.  Some have done greater things than others (I'm on the others side  ;) )  You threw in security clearance stuff about what you did then a few posts later called military security a joke.  I don't doubt your service, just stick with the facts.  Or at least clarify them.

Basically I think this thread has gotten a little out of hand.  People on both sides have circled their wagons and don't want to come out.

Crantor said:
I think this thread has gotten a little out of hand. 
With the shots being given from bot sides, it is far past "a little" and so it will now be shut down for both sides to cool-off.
This is just my own curiosity here.  But it said this guy was an ex officer.  Anyone know what his rank and trade was?
RCDtpr said:
This is just my own curiosity here.  But it said this guy was an ex officer.  Anyone know what his rank and trade was?

Not sure what his rank was, but his handle "oldlineman" might prove to be a good hint of his trade.
RCDtpr said:
This is just my own curiosity here.  But it said this guy was an ex officer.  Anyone know what his rank and trade was?

You can Google his name or some of his 'work' like: “The Sword of the Prophet: The Strategic Implications of the IED War”, and find out who he is and come to your conclusions.  If you really start to research him, you will really discover who he is.   ;)
George Wallace said:
You can Google his name or some of his 'work' like: “The Sword of the Prophet: The Strategic Implications of the IED War”, and find out who he is and come to your conclusions.  If you really start to research him, you will really discover who he is.   ;)

Well I stopped being lazy and took a look.  After finding out who he is and what he was.....well personally I feel he is more than qualified to come lecture me about combat operations and IED's  ::)
RCDtpr said:
Well I stopped being lazy and took a look.  After finding out who he is and what he was.....well personally I feel he is more than qualified to come lecture me about combat operations and IED's  ::)


You will notice quite a few lead right back to Army.ca and Navy.ca, etc.  There are also links that will tell of his 'Service'.  It is not a simple fifteen minute waltz through Google.  It does get interesting for the decerning minds.
Well I just managed to find his trades.  Didn't look too deep into things.  I'm guessing there's more to him than meets the eye eh?
I have also found reference to a Michael Coren show interview he did that ticked off a bunch of Tibetan people. Spouting misinformation about the whole Tibet thing.
Hmmm, most "civilian" military experts I am used to reading/seeing typically have Rank (Ret'd) in front of their name, and CD behind it. I would hope that someone who sells himself/herself as an "expert" has at least a CD and a couple of operational tours under their belt.

Would also shed some light on the perspective if we knew the rank of the individual and the trade... No need to get into specifics of what we did in trade, however, one's view point of the Army from the inside could very well be very different then say a sailor looking in from outside.

(If this is not the standard, can I quit now, and start selling myself off as an "expert"? I even have a CD and a couple of tours! What does an "expert" make anyways?)
RCDtpr said:
Well I've read that navy.ca thread.  Very interesting........

Yeah, but what did happen with that RCMI invitation?

I saw Mr. Ram on a Michael Coren show a few months back and could swore he claimed to have "lost men" [paraphrase] the first Gulf War [\paraphrase]. I thought this claim was odd, in that he said it in a very nonchalant way more to sell the validity of his 'educated' opinion. There was something in the arrogant way he conducted himself during the program that didn't sit well. Maybe he just drank a bit too much pompous-assed tea before the show. I don't know.
oldlineman said:
This is Prof. Sunil Ram speaking... the real one not the guy up in Hunstville.

For what it is worth I started at 734 Comm Sqn Regina, I have served briefly with 1CSR Kingston and 731 Com Sqn CFB Shilo and I was a lineman!
Now if any of you know what the Pine Tree Line was and know anything about CFB Shilo at the height of the Cold War... then I don't need to explain myself anymore. For those of you who do not... read your own CF military history. Years later due to shortages of CELE officers I came back to the CF for a short stint as a SIGS officer. Now unless you happen to have a TS/level 3 SC you don't need to know any more.

Sounds like a variation of the old "If I told you what I did, I would have to kill you!" line. Its one thing to use it as a joke, but to use it as an excuse for not providing info career is something else. In fact, I can go to the CF Director Senior Appointments webpage which lists all Senior officers Colonel/Captain(N) and look up the bios for intelligence personnel of that rank. These people also have TS security clearances and they are not afraid to post info on their careers.  For MR. Ram to use it as an excuse not to is just a cop-out

Just my opinion.
I don't get impressed by anything under a TS SCI L4

By losing men - maybe he meant he really lost them, he was navigating and he got them all lost... Or maybe they got sick and tired of his BS and walked off - and he could no longer find them - hence he figured they where lost.
..or he has "lost some men" in the same sense that I have "lost some women" over the years.... ;)
Retired AF Guy said:
Sounds like a variation of the old "If I told you what I did, I would have to kill you!" line. Its one thing to use it as a joke, but to use it as an excuse for not providing info career is something else. In fact, I can go to the CF Director Senior Appointments webpage which lists all Senior officers Colonel/Captain(N) and look up the bios for intelligence personnel of that rank. These people also have TS security clearances and they are not afraid to post info on their careers.  For MR. Ram to use it as an excuse not to is just a cop-out

Just my opinion.

Exactly.  This guy is only alluding to having done something, and leaving everything to the everyone else's imaginations.  "I was an Officer in the CF" could just as easily mean "I was an OCdt in RESO and made it to Phase III in three years."  I worked in a "Secret Bunker" could mean "I worked in a bunker that had a Restricted Access, but there was nothing in it.,"  He may have been telling tiny bits of the truth, but, by omission of the real facts, have been in essence lying.

For example:

A person has a high Security Clearance to work in a Secure facility.  All he says is that he works in that facility and has a high Security Clearance.  He fails to mention the fact that he has a high Security Clearance because he needs one to work in there, and that his job is that of Janitor, and he empties waste baskets that may contain confidential docs for destruction.  A far cry from someone imagining that he may be some sort of super Intelligence Analyst.  By omitting to say that he was a "janitor", everyone is left with a completely different impression of what he may or may not do. in that Secure environment.
Good Point George.

  I need a clearance of a certain level to go into a building a morning brief, and the brief is SBUC.