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Dental Officer Training Program DOTP

  • Thread starter Thread starter robjoseph
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Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has any information regarding this program.  I have applied to the CF, and I am waiting to hear.  What is a typical response time to hear back?  Any other information would be of great help. 


robjoseph said:
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has any information regarding this program.   I have applied to the CF, and I am waiting to hear.   What is a typical response time to hear back?   Any other information would be of great help.  



Typical response time ?

Hi Aesop, does it take a long time just hear from them about aptitude testing, etc.?


Well actually, I heard from them for my Physical Fitness and Aptitude testing very quickly. I handed in the application and the recruiter called me in 48 hours to book the PT test and CFAT. The Medical and Interview came about a month, give or take a week, after that. The offer is what came a LONG time after though. I think this is because they wait till all applications are in to CFRG before they decide who is accepted.
Thanks for your reply, the only time line I was given was Feb., but the recruiter I spoke to previously said my application was very competitive and that she could "move on it" so to speak, so I am getting a few mixed messages.
On another note, I was wondering if you could tell me what is involved in the medical, the National Defence website does not tell you much, I understand the usual ie Blood Pressure, Physical Assess, eyes, ears etc. etc. but what else specifically??

Thanks for your time,

Urine test for drug use, i believe. Along with some poking and proding everywhere. They don't inspect your privates though, or else they might have found my big giant coiled snake tattoos and fifty piercings, j/k ;D
Hello Rifle Team Captain.  Thanks for all of the information, it was a great help.  Although I was told about all of the tests, interviews, when I asked of timeline, they said - February.  At least now that I know they must look at the application within a short time, that makes me feel much better.  I've looked at people applying for employment, and the timeline to first hear was around 7 days as a rough average, so I'm glad to hear that they won't just let the app. sit in a drawer. 

Thanks again,

Rob Joseph
You need to be accepted into a civilian university before you can be accepted into the DOTP program. I have been trying to apply to the MOTP program and I found an internal posting called MMTP, which gives soldiers that have served for at least 2 years supernumary seats at the civilian university. I beleive there is something similar with the DOTP program, called MDTP. Contact Cpt. Anne Johnston at 905-516-8197 for medical recruiting details. Don't wait.

I am currently in high school and a future prospect university student. My main goal is to become a dental officer but that requires an undergrad degree before acceptance to the dental program. I tried to find information about ROTP and DOTP combined, but no such luck, is it possible to obtain a undergrad degree through the ROTP and then take the DOTP after completion and acceptance into the dental program? Or am i being to cheap here...

cheers, J.
You may have to earn your Bachelor degree in the standard medical first (which I believe is required by all students in the medical field before entering a specialty such as: Dental, Neurology etc.)

Your best bet is to call your local Recruiting Centre and ask them; they know all about this kind of stuff.
As far as I am aware, the CF will not subsidise you for both ROTP and DOTP. It is one or the other.
I have recently realt with an applicant who wanted the CF to cover ROTP and Med O TP. The answer was no, we ( the CF) will only cover one program. She was informed if she wants MOTP she has to get her first degree on her own hook. Similarly, the CF will not enroll pers in ROTP who already possess a degree.

I will do some investigation and get back to you.


I completed ROTP a few years back.  To my knowledge there is no such thing as a combined ROTP/DOTP.  If you wish to enroll directly out of high school you would have to complete ROTP and then apply for DOTP in the future.  Note though, you cannot start a second period of subsidized education if you are on a period of obligatory service.  For ROTP your obligatory service is a minimum of 36 months to a maximum of 60 months depending on how long you were subsidized for.  If you were subsidized for a four year undergraduate degree you would have to serve out 5 years of obligatory service before the military would entertain an application for DOTP.
I have seen cases where members have joined under ROTP, graduated, been commissioned and then served as an officer in the CF for a number of years and then later applying for and being accepted into further subsidized education plans to become doctors, lawyers, dentists, etc.
thanks for the replies, but i seem to be getting mixed opinions here, from what i gather is there isn't really a plan for that but it is possible? Say if i enroll in ROTP through RMC and serve my obligated years of service and some after, would there be a good chance for further subsidized education for my dental training?


After consulting w/ my UPSO and the production staff here your options appear to be:

1)  Go ROTP, serve your min obligatory service period then apply for MMTP. MMTP is the in-service Med O trg plan. Apparently there is no in-service Dental O plan according to the PSO world. ( For ROTP ensure you take B. Chem Eng or B. Chemistry w/ Bio Option > the pre-med minor) Remember that in applying for MMTP you must merit it and you must apply AND compete for the prog.

2) Go RETP, pay your own way through RMC but w/out the obligatory svc period. Once you complete your program at RMC you can apply for a component trnasfer from the Reserves to Reg Force asking for DOTP. ( You must first obtain unconditional acceptance to a Dental prog at an acredited Canadian Uni)

3)  Go civvy side, obtain your required courses and then apply DOTP. ( Again, the above comments about unconditional acceptance to a Dental Prog apply)

Hope this helps


That is exactly what i was looking for Steel badger. Thanks for the details and option plans as well, although i have one final question, and that is if i do go with the first option and go ROTP then MMTP, would that work for the dentistry program and not just medical?
MMTP is strictly for Medical Officers (i.e. medical doctors).
Pusser is correct. MMTP is for MEd O's only. According to the fonts of all knowledge ( the PSO world) there is no "in service" program for Dent O's.

Hope that helps


I had a few questions about joining the Canadian Forces Dental Services, I posted in the Dental Services area but it seems that this would be a better area.

I'm born and raised in Canada and went to a foreign country for dental education, I have written my board exams and am expecting acceptance into the 3rd year of dental school (advanced standing) shortly. Am I eligible to join the forces through the Dental Officer Training Program? Also, I was wondering if there were any CF Dentists or anyone else who could comment on what a normal days work would be,  I'm really interested in joining.

Any help would be appreciated.
