Conservatives grossly distort Stéphane Dion’s recent comments on Pakistan
January 17, 2008
Contrary to the erroneous claim and distortions of Mr. Harper and the Conservatives, in a press conference in Quebec City yesterday the Liberal leader did not propose a military intervention in Pakistan. Mr. Dion obviously did not propose any sort of military intervention. Mr. Dion believes that Canada must focus our diplomatic efforts on Pakistan in order to secure the border with Afghanistan.
There can be no doubt that one of the single biggest factors in the ongoing struggle for security and stability in Afghanistan is the border with Pakistan. During the recent visit to Afghanistan by Mr. Dion and deputy leader Michael Ignatieff, they heard time and again that a major impediment to improving the security of Afghanistan is the existence of Taliban training centres across the border in Pakistan. The location of these centres are known according to Afghan authorities. Canada must not only diplomatically intervene with Pakistan to convince them to take necessary action to shut down these centres and stop the flow of insurgent personnel and equipment across the border, we must also put pressure on our NATO allies to make this issue a priority in their own bilateral dealings with Pakistan.
It is incumbent upon Canada, in close collaboration with our NATO allies, to pressure Pakistan to deal seriously and swiftly with these Taliban centres if we truly want to see an improved security situation in Afghanistan. Canada will need to take its diplomatic efforts more seriously than the Conservative government seems to deem necessary.