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Do soldiers get extra money for going into combat?

every time we leave the wire there is a manifest turned in to higher, covers all css and us, its an accurate record of who is where and when
Guys in CM have no idea of how good they have it.

Actual plates to eat on fer cryin' out loud and they were complaining    ::)


In '67-68 I got $50 US for 'hostile fire pay' while in Vietnam.  Same as the infantry guys got.
I earned mine by dodging mortar attacks and the occasional rocket.
They got theirs the hard way.

Let's see . . . $50 US . . . what's that in Canadian scrip?

Heh.  :)

Old Guy said:
In '67-68 I got $50 US for 'hostile fire pay' while in Vietnam.  Same as the infantry guys got.
I earned mine by dodging mortar attacks and the occasional rocket.
They got theirs the hard way.

Let's see . . . $50 US . . . what's that in Canadian scrip?

Heh.  :)

I got $60.00, or was that by rank (dunno-was Sgt) So, total monthly pay of $260.00...sheesh, how time they do change.. ::)
No, it wasn't by rank, but the amount did change over the course of the war.
Officers might have gotten more.  I can't remember.

I was an Sp5 the whole time I was in country.  $450 total pay.  I still have the pay records . . . somewhere.
I was married, so some of my pay was separation allowance and who-knows-what.

And just to note, not alot of CSS trades leave KAF, so it would be way easier to control the pay situation due to the low numbers that leave. Plus they usually belong under the NCE or NSE and the KAFinated ( Chuck  ;) ) troops  are under the BG meaning that there respective  Pay offices can handle there own.
in a nutshell, everyone wants to take away the "hazard" pay from the CSS types because they haven't had it as bad as the Combat arms types who are outside the fence?

Might as well take away the campaign medal as well while we're at it.... or am I being cynical?
No No Geo. come on now!  rockets hit KAF too, but add more to the pers that leave on a regular basis.
not take it away per say, however

there is no comparing someone's hardship who lived in hardshacks with AC and ate at a DFAC for 6-7 months to the ppl who lived outside the wire for 26-28 days/month ( average ) getting IED'd- VBIED'd or under contact for long periods of time

the few times i was on KAF when it was rocketed, we turned up the volume on our TV to drown out the siren

CSS performs a vital role, no doubt, no arguement, and lots of support trades from mechanics to medics and truckers etc where in dangerous spots with us, a sliding scale makes sense, and to me seems a fair way to recognize the far increased dangers that lurk when you leave that bubble around the PX

perhaps im the cynical one

Just be careful what you wish for, as you might just get it.  I don't know if we want benefits tied to days outside the wire.  I doubt that we'd see extra money thrown in.

Another issue that would arise would be controlling who goes out the wire.  Can you imagine the rise in military tourism outside the wire if it was tied to extra money?  To get into theatre requires many approvals that prevent most extraneous trips.  Trips outside the wire aren't controlled as tightly.  Some people need to stay inside the wire because their duty is there.  You can get killed on your one and only trip outside the wire, and I'd like to make sure that people are going out for the right reason.

As has been mentioned by someone else, a Combat Action Badge for 30 days outside the wire might serve as a useful way to give some form of recognition. 
2Bravo said:
As has been mentioned by someone else, a Combat Action Badge for 30 days outside the wire might serve as a useful way to give some form of recognition. 

Which we were told is being look into at very high levels of the military right now.
MJP said:
Which we were told is being look into at very high levels of the military right now.

As it should be.

on the change of commad parade the 'highest' authority told us he was pushing for the combat action badge and the combat infantry badge, we shall see i guess

the Americans we fought with couldnt fathom 'not' getting a badge for being in combat-we'll give out awards for spreadsheets ( true kaf story ) but not for closing with and destroying

as to the outside the wire tourist, its already happening, folks would come out for their 'safari' up to the red devil inn, get their picture taken then go back to kaf in time for supper, complete with a story and photograghic evidence of their excursion.....

now i know im cynical
The Combat Action/Infantry Badge should be given for Combat not just 30 days outside the wire , because there were alot of what BDS just said also but just for say 30 days.
silentbutdeadly! said:
The Combat Action/Infantry Badge should be given for Combat not just 30 days outside the wire , because there were alot of what BDS just said also but just for say 30 days.

Just because you did not get the opportunity to "reach out and touch someone" does not mean you should not be eligible for The Combat Action/Infantry Badge or some form of recognition. There are literally thousands of guys over the various conflicts, who have reached out, and thousands more that patrolled, swept,were boobytrapped,  patrolled and patrolled and never came in actual contact. Sometimes we did it for weeks on end. Was the fatigue, stress, readiness, and fear any less? We preferred to be in contact, because then we knew where the suckers were!! No contact is more debilitating  then contact is.
GAP said:
Just because you did not get the opportunity to "reach out and touch someone" does not mean you should not be eligible for The Combat Action/Infantry Badge or some form of recognition. There are literally thousands of guys over the various conflicts, who have reached out, and thousands more that patrolled, swept,were boobytrapped,  patrolled and patrolled and never came in actual contact. Sometimes we did it for weeks on end. Was the fatigue, stress, readiness, and fear any less? We preferred to be in contact, because then we knew where the suckers were!! No contact is more debilitating  then contact is.

Bingo....For our Company for the first half of the tour this was the exact situation.  BDS and SBD know all to well how nerve racking a patrol around Gumbad was due to the extreme IED threat.  It got to the point we would have rather to be in contact as it meant there was something tangible to hit back at rather than taking hits from ghosts.
The whole idea of having a TF deployed to Afghanistan is to put forward a complete team, working as one to take care of No 1 and get the job done.  That would suggest that we/they are all equals. 
Mucking around with pay & allowances isn't a good way to build cohesion....
Crowing about I'm better than the next guy isn't doing much for me either.... but that's just me......
Of 26 months incountry, probably only 6-8 were actually outside the wire because of my MOS. I had to finangle situations to get outside the wire, and sometimes it worked, most times it didn't.  That all aside, my point is...I got my $60.00 combat pay whether I was in or outside the wire. It made no difference. Inside, we faced daily rocket/mortar attacks, plus ground probes, outside...well, you know. It should not distinguish the two by pay differentials.

my 1 cent...I need the other
geo said:
The whole idea of having a TF deployed to Afghanistan is to put forward a complete team, working as one to take care of No 1 and get the job done.  That would suggest that we/they are all equals. 
Mucking around with pay & allowances isn't a good way to build cohesion....
Crowing about I'm better than the next guy isn't doing much for me either.... but that's just me......

Absolutely. There are not two sides, two forces, two of anything. It's one team. Everyone has a signifigant part of the show to play. No group or man is an island, or more important than the rest. Everyone is green (or tan, I guess). Overblown sense of elitism will destroy an organisation faster than almost anyting else. Everyone has a specific job, you should just bask in the self knowing, quiet pride that you are doing the best you can, lest someone accuse you of having no morals and only doing the job for the money, not because it's the right thing to do.