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Do you still shake hands with people?

Roy Harding said:
I'm a cabinetmaker - buy me a beer sometime and I'll tell you about the time I failed to properly clean my hands before peeing, after using cyanoacrylate glue (crazy glue)!

I hope it's ok to post this, but I thought it was funny:

A little boy came down for breakfast one morning and asked his grandma, Where's Mom and dad?"
And she replied, "they're up in bed."
The little boy started to giggle and ate his breakfast and went out to play.

Then he came back in for lunch and asked his grandma "where's Mom and Dad?"
And she replied; "they're still up in bed."
Again the little boy started to giggle and he ate his lunch and went out to play.

Then the little boy came in for dinner and once again he asked his Grandma "where's Mom and dad?"
And his grandmother replied; "they're still up in bed."
The little boy started to laugh and his grandmother said;
"Every time I tell you they're still up in bed you start to laugh what is going on here?"

The little boy replied, "Well last night daddy came into my bedroom and asked me for the Vaseline and I gave him super glue."
At my first appointment with this new therapist
I was sitting in the waiting room
The man came out of his office and went straight to the bathroom
I heard him pee for a good 20 seconds, then I heard him flush
And then I saw him come out of the bathroom right away

He said hello Ms, he shook my hand and welcomed me into his office... :o

Hello!??!??! I heard you pee, I know you just touched your "baby maker"... I really don't feel like shaking your hand... come on... that is just discusting :-X

Since that day, every time I shake someone's hand... I still wonder what they just touched with it... ;D
Protect Yourself and Others
All strains of influenza can be dangerous; however, good infection prevention measures can help protect you and others if this virus begins to spread rapidly in Canada.

•Wash your hands often and thoroughly in warm, soapy water or use hand sanitizer
•Cough and sneeze in your arm, not your hand
•Keep common surfaces and items clean and disinfected
•Stay home if you’re sick, unless directed to seek medical care
Prevent H1N1 flu virus with frequent handwashing
Handwashing, when done correctly, is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Good handwashing technique is easy to learn and can significantly reduce the spread of infectious diseases among both children and adults.

hihi that is kind of weird because we are not used to it... but in a couple of generations... they will say "can you imagine that they used to shake hands and kiss etc..."

the_girlfirend said:
hihi that is kind of weird because we are not used to it... but in a couple of generations... they will say "can you imagine that they used to shake hands and kiss etc..."


Yes - and they will have invented a NEW way to greet one another in a respectful way.  And then, a couple of generations after THAT, they will say "can you imagine that they used to ... "

And so the cycle continues.
this thread turned out to be pretty hilarious,

i just came back from a week of camping where i was playing with dogs, gutting fish and using the outhouse, but my hands never got more then a rinse in the lake when i went swimming. spent the whole time eating sandiches and throwin around high fives, and as far as i know im not bleeding out of every orfacis. people get too worked up over germs, we have immune systems and they can handle a few bugs. you dont need to break out the purel every time you shake hands with somebody. theres my :2c:
the_girlfirend said:
At my first appointment with this new therapist
I was sitting in the waiting room
The man came out of his office and went straight to the bathroom
I heard him pee for a good 20 seconds, then I heard him flush
And then I saw him come out of the bathroom right away

He said hello Ms, he shook my hand and welcomed me into his office... :o

Hello!??!??! I heard you pee, I know you just touched your "baby maker"... I really don't feel like shaking your hand... come on... that is just discusting :-X

Since that day, every time I shake someone's hand... I still wonder what they just touched with it... ;D

At least you like to think his baby maker is the only thing that he touched, and not his posterior with leftovers from last night  :o
ruckmarch said:
At least you like to think his baby maker is the only thing that he touched, and not his posterior with leftovers from last night  :o

Oh thank you for the wonderful picture... even better... ;D
the_girlfirend said:
Oh thank you for the wonderful picture... even better... ;D

Remember "Poppie" the pizza pie maker on Seinfeld?
"Paulie Walnuts on personal hygiene":

That's why I avoid the mints at restaurants!
wet shoe laces... eeuuurrkkk!

I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to make my grand-mother freak out, I was sitting at the kitchen table and I licked the sole underneath my shoe...  >:D

But anyway if I start analysing too much... I will just go crazy...  :blotto:

Gloves and/or a small portable bottle of hand sanitizer, used at the appropriate moments, can handle a lot of these issues...
I always shake hands. Unless my hand is dirty. In which case, I say so.
I never offer my hand to a woman, unless she offers her's first.
If a man out ranks me, I wait for him to initiate.
Whatever I do, if I don't offer my hand, I certainly don't cross my arms or clench my fist. I try to convey that I want to shake hands, but, in some cases, out of respect, I think it is appropriate to let the other person decide if they want to shake my hand.
In all cases, I stand, smile, look them in the eye and say their name ( if I remember it ).
I was looking for a handshake smiley, but I guess not.  :(
mariomike said:
I was looking for a handshake smiley, but I guess not.  :(

PMedMoe said:

Thank you, PMedMoe! Sometimes a friendly handshake and a smile are better than words.  ;D
According to the Chronicle Herald, two of Nova Scotia's major health districts (including HRM) now want people to bring their own reading material to help control the spread of infectious disease like H1N!. Just taking the hand washing, hand shaking topic to a whole new level.
kratz said:
now want people to bring their own reading material to help control the spread of infectious disease like H1N!.

Kinda makes you wonder how many trips those 1968 issues of National Geographic and Reader's Digest have made to the rest rooms.
I'd sooner bring my own book than read the outdated MacLean's and fashion mags available anyway.  ::)
I shake hands all day long. When I leave the client's premise I just use the employer supplied hand sanitizer I keep in the van. The only time I get the heeby jeebys is when I inspect a hospital or long term care facility.
Gen Natynczyk visited us cadets in Valcartier this summer, when he offered me his hand I made a horrified face and promptly moved away. 

I think that for hygiene's sake, it was worth it. ;D