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Does anyone have anything good to say about CSS?

Actually I think the quote was "Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics", or something to that effect.

And I think Von Paulus' chief concern was being surrounded and destroyed by a massive Soviet pincer attack (hence, operations).
Eowyn said:
If I understood my time as a Maintenance Officer, EME (Vehicle tech included) do belong to the army, although there are some in the Air Force.

There are some trades that only wear one DEU.  All Ammo Techs and EME branch pers wear army DEU.  All CE wear Airforce (I believe).  There are other examples.  This doesn't change regardless of where you are employed.
And I think Von Paulus' chief concern was being surrounded and destroyed by a massive Soviet pincer attack (hence, operations).

True... However, if logistics had not failed he would not have been concerned about the pincer attack. Lets be realistic... logistics failed the 6th Army... not Paulus.

And Von Richtofen (sp???)
Rommel failed at logistics in North Africa, Von Paulus stumbled into a trap.
No, von Paulus was a dumbass with too much faith in Hitler. Failed to see realism of the situation.
No, von Paulus was a dumbass with too much faith in Hitler.

Hence, the trap.  The Soviets new the psycological value of Stalingrad to the Third Reich and exploited it to the utmost.  A clear-thinking stratagist would not have employed sub-par Romanian Armies to guard both flanks of the spear head (and back them up with sub-par Italians).

Anyways, were turning this discussion into another history debate.