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Edmonton Red Rally- Support the Troops

Can West News Service 0
Edmonton Free Press +10

Must have been a slow news day here in Calgary as the Support the Troops Rally made the Herald's Top New's Section and recieved a full page of coverage. Under the headline of "Edmonton War Rally", an excellent story was provided. Well done folks.

I went, I froze, I had Timmies. Pretty good turn out for the weather, good speakers. Cant wait till the next one.
First I would like to thank everyone come out and brave the cold, I believe I am finally getting feeling in my feet again. It was a good turnout and it was great to see so many people there.

Natasha has made a video tribute for those that maybe were not able to be there.


Until next year.. and we promise it will be held when it is still warm outside. A special thanks goes out to members of 1 VP and you all know who you are. Thank you for volunteering and helping us with the First Red Rally in Edmonton.
