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Engineer Stories From Germany

Flash back to 88 or 89...GOC's.  We all were lined up in front of the carriers (I was a troopie then), pitch black out.  7:30am, the old man shows up.  Starts walking down the line, the BRSM walking behind the carriers to look at the kit.  The general comes to our recce, which I believe was Sgt. (PO) Lockhart, and Cpl Gary Reddic.  Gary is a big black fella, stood about 6'3" ish.  General looks at Gary and askes: "You play football son?" Without skipping a beet, Gary answers: "Hell no sir, that's a white man's sport!" 
The entire troop broke up laughing! 
It was the best GOC we ever had!
For yous who want to know...Gord is now a reservist working at CFSME as the caretaker of Austier village! ;D
Hello all you thumperheads!  Big Al from Winnipeg here.  I typed in Podzorski on Yahoo and the 49th page of the search showed this site.  If Any of you former combat engineers are bored then drop me a line.  I may not remember your name but if you send a pic I probably will.

I got out in 96 and work at the Red River College in Winnipeg.  So drop a line sometime and we'll chat.

I don't know what's more surprising, that there are 49 pages of search results for 'podzorski', or that you looked at them all.
I remember doing a T-breach in Wilflichen thru a ditch filled with water myself in the middle Lyndon Laube on the right bank and Sgt Wiegert on the left bank ant the ditch had about 5 inches of water in it all you could see of me was my face and the tip of the barrel of the C-9 with the bi-pod extended to the max, all i could feel was the water running into my sleeve and out my pant leg was in that ditch for 20 min felt like hours so cold.