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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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I applied and did the aptitude test in Sept '09 however now I realize I missed a past employer on the application sheet. Is this going to affect any outcome? Should I call my local recruiter asap and tell them? I didn't lie i just forgot about the job because I was only there for 1 month. As well, I've moved a bunch of times in the past year, twice because it didn't workout with a gf, once because my landlord was selling the house, and another time because I moved back to my original province after a year. So I only had my original address instead of 4 different addreses in a one year span. Is this going to affect anything?
I've read through almost the whole thread here and am a bit confused.

For the references, do they only get interviewed over the telephone or in person?

I'm asking because I read a post that stated that if you use a reference that is far from the local area, it would consume more time to "coordinate" an interview.

Just wondering because I have to fill out a security clearance form and was told by the recruiter that it can take up to two years.  :(  I have an application processing for regular infantry.  It's been over a year since I started the application, and I've completed the CFAT test, interview and medical exams already.  From what I read, this requires level II (secret) clearance?  And I've been in Canada for 17 years, ever since I was 3, but I was born in a scheduled country.  >:( 
It doesn't really matter.  It is their job to contact your references.  How they do it is up to them.

As you have now added a further delay of one year before even submitting your application forms, the onus is on you to do your part......Get the forms filled and turn them in.

If you are joining the Infantry, you need a Security pre-screening.  As you (Not being born here.) have been in Canada since you were three, you will need your Citizenship certificate.  As for clearing to Lvl II, that is something that you may want to clarify with the CFRC about. 
I don't understand what you mean by me adding another one year of delay before handing in my application forms?

I have my Canadian citizenship certificate, I think I just have to attach a photocopy with the form.


Did you mean me adding the further delay because I've had my application in for the CF for over a year already?

I just received a call yesterday morning from the recruiting center and I thought the recruiter said I had to do a criminal background and credit check.  When I got to the recruiting center, I spoke to a different recruiter and he looked up my file and gave me the long form (the form with the security clearance with level I, II and III) to fill in all the information.  I thought it was a mistake, so I went back a couple hours after, they looked at my file again and said I do indeed have to fill it out.

I asked why I wasn't informed to fill this out from the start, and they didn't know.  The only answer was because I was born in a scheduled country.  (Which was on the application thing similar to this security clearance form, and the recruiter who interviewed me knew about it too.  But it frustrates me that no one informed me to fill this out until yesterday)  :crybaby:
I've read through almost the whole thread here and am a bit confused.

For the references, do they only get interviewed over the telephone or in person?

I'm asking because I read a post that stated that if you use a reference that is far from the local area, it would consume more time to "coordinate" an interview.

Just wondering because I have to fill out a security clearance form and was told by the recruiter that it can take up to two years.  :(  I have an application processing for regular infantry.  It's been over a year since I started the application, and I've completed the CFAT test, interview and medical exams already.  From what I read, this requires level II (secret) clearance?  And I've been in Canada for 17 years, ever since I was 3, but I was born in a scheduled country.  >:( 

Personal Experience:
Handed in my documents a year ago (DEO) and needed a pre-secure check because I hadn't lived in Canada for 7 consecutive years. They called up all my references (It is a detailed check) and then it took them (CSIS, most probably )around 10 months to do a backcheck.  After that there was to be a detailed interview in Feb 2010 (postponed to April now... budget considerations) with somebody (a DND employee) at the recruiting center.

They -will- tell you what documents and information to bring along, and give you ample time to prepare. I don't know if this helps, but this is just my experience with the process. 

Just an update if anyone was interested...

It turns out I didn't have to fill out the pre-sec forum, and that I actually indeed have to fill out the background check, credit and criminal check only. 

And hoping there will be more infantry slots come April...
I called the CFRC today and ask for a follow up on my application. Seems my background check isn't completed on the Ottawa side but everything else is a green light... which is kind of disappointing. Feels pretty bad when you see people posting their BMQ start dates for the Combat Arms when your in limbo due to Ottawa. Oh well.. hopefully god speed will be on Ottawa's side shortly for a lot of people and we can all get the ball rolling..

Does anyone know why these background checks can take so long? I only broke my foot years ago (causes no problems unless a car was to drive over it lol) and I don't have a criminal background nor anything major :S Maybe if it is at all possible, someone that works in Ottawa can look over my file for me? I can PM you my full name and service number I was given at the CFAT test.
charlee said:
How long has it been since you handed in your background check form?
I handed everything in around Oct. I was completely finished the medical and interview within a month. They did call all of my references because my neighbor came outside and mentioned he received a call from the Gov. Then by the end of the day, everyone was contacted. So I assumed everything was good. I do have a little bit of debt (under 15k due to my lost of employment from a very good job which resulted in my vehicle being taken.) and I was completely honest with the Sgt that interviewed me. So he gave me the OK everything is good and if you can clear it up some that would be better but that's the only thing. Everything else is clean. Also my Grandpa was a MCpl in the Infantry along with my great uncle who was a PO1 in the Navy. Not to mention CFB Petewawa has part of our family land (Brumm Shore).
Does anyone know why these background checks can take so long?

From what I gather security checks usually just take a month or so to administer. The only problem is that due to the current security climate, there is a huge backlog of personnel (from a myriad of govt. depts.) awaiting clearance.
Rahul said:
From what I gather security checks usually just take a month or so to administer. The only problem is that due to the current security climate, there is a huge backlog of personnel (from a myriad of govt. depts.) awaiting clearance.

As a prospect to the CF, you fill out the "BACKCHECK" forms and they are then sent to the company by the same name.  It is a private company hired by the CF to do background checks on all prospective CF applicants.  There is NO LINE UP of other Government Departments trying to get their people through this system.  The company has been hired to handle only CF applicants.  For a better idea of what may be the problem, read this topic.
George Wallace said:
As a prospect to the CF, you fill out the "BACKCHECK" forms and they are then sent to the company by the same name.  It is a private company hired by the CF to do background checks on all prospective CF applicants.  There is NO LINE UP of other Government Departments trying to get their people through this system.  The company has been hired to handle only CF applicants.  For a better idea of what may be the problem, read this topic.

I completely understand... my only concern is being one of files on someone desk that gets piled on with more work and then forgotten till months later and then someone goes "oh look, someone's file" then takes a minute to review and give me the go ahead. I know that sometimes happens and I really don't want to be a "forgotten one".
I have read all the thread, and I had not find what I'm looking for.

If they already offer me a job (in my case a 6yrs contracts Logistic Officer) and I do my BMOQ in september. Do that mean that the security check is already done? Some say that they did one at St-Jean. I'm bit confused... What happend if this check fail during my BMOQ? Why they don't do it before to send you there?

In my case I have lots of debts (yeah, studying at university cost lot of money (rents, university fees, foods, etc.) + the time you are looking for a job, money continue to be spend, etc.
I'm just wondering what can happend if they think I have too many debts? Well, with the Officer salary, I have no doubts that I will be able to refund all them, but according to some, FC don't like debts.

What is the security level needed for a Logistic Officer?

I'm just worry to drop my current job, to go there, and to learn that it doesn't work because of the security check... that would be the worst scenario. Thanks
Don't confuse the Security/Background Check with the application for a Security Clearance.  They are two different things.  You will have had to do a Background Check (BackCheck) in order to join.  This is done by a privately owned company contracted by the CF to conduct background checks on prospective CF applicants.  The Security Clearance checks are done by several Government agencies, which include the RCMP, CSIS, and DND.
Ok, so? I guess they already check my credit and everything is fine since they offer me a job?

Other then the debts, I have nothing in my past that can pose a security risk. And for my debts I have no late payment, everything is in order, and last time I checked, my credit score was good.
Just an update. I have call my recruting officer and everything is fine. I already have my security level that I need for my work. So nothing to worry about.
I'm not entirely sure if this situation is typical, but  I was born in South Korea in 1988, moved to Australia when I was 4, lived there for 6 years, returned to South Korea for a year, and arrived in Canada in 1999. Since then, I've resided in this country for 11 consecutive years. All my immediate family are located within Canadian borders. In addition, I became a naturalized citizen in 2008. I was informed by one of the officers at the CFRC that there was a possibility that Ottawa would conduct a security clearance pre-assessment. Do the foregoing conditions necessitate a pre-assessment? I was informed that a query would be sent to Ottawa, and that I should expect a response within 2 to 3 weeks. That was on May 6th, 2010 and nothing has really materialized yet. I'm aware that there's a significant backlog of queries and files on Ottawa's hands, but I was wondering how long I should expect to wait for an answer to the query. In addition, I told several other officers about my circumstances, and they stated that a pre-assessment wasn't necessary and seemed puzzled that a query was even sent. I realize that there's no real way to answer this question, but how long does the query process itself, and not the pre-assessment, take?
I would assume it would probably vary from case to case depending on how busy they are, etc., etc., but what I would do if I was in your situation would be to call or stop by your RC and just ask to check up on your file.  You never know, your query could have come back and for whatever reason they have been busy and not gotten back to you or if it isn't back they may have more info for you.  Just a thought, good luck!