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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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I'm in the process of filling out my security clearance forms; will it matter if I was released (fired) from a job, or have several jobs listed on the form? (I'm going to my RC to pick up an extension form for employment). There is a spot on the form to indicate if you have been released from a job, and I will check off yes and provide the employer, I just hope this doesn't have too much effect on my clearance - I've been told by others, not to worry.
I don't think so, but make sure there are no gaps on the form.
include things like "Sept 2011 - Oct 2011 Unemployed"

I was told this by a former Unit Security Officer
SentryMAn said:
I don't think so, but make sure there are no gaps on the form.
include things like "Sept 2011 - Oct 2011 Unemployed"

I was told this by a former Unit Security Officer

Awesome! Thanks a bunch, I'm going to the RC right now to get the extended sheet, thank you.
Their issue is more "Where was this guy during x period of time and how can we verify it?" more so then "Was he employed continuously for 10 years".

I had some periods of unemployment on my security sheet - nothing ever came from it.

Good luck!
Hello everyone,

Its been awhile since my last post and I'm still awaiting results of my fingerprints so they can decide on wether to grant me reliability status or not and then resume with my file...  I've had 2 interviews and I'm inching ever so close to getting on the merit list.

Back on track, my question is to clarify exactly are the possible out comes once they receive my fingerprints from the RCMP? Can they just downright deny me? Is there a chance to redress the decision if it is denied? Or is it possible that they give me a conditional approval (Condition being something like recieving a pardon).

Its been along time since my last offence, and I'm coming up on the usual time it takes to retrieve the fingerprint check results so I just want to hope for the best but be prepared and educated for my options if the worst happens.

I've always been one to keep in steady contact with the recruitment centre but with my file manager being on course and renovations and well just the sheer number of applicants its sometimes difficult to get ahold of someone, so I thought I would post this here and perhaps get some insight from people who have experience with it.

Thanks in advance and would like to say good luck to everyone in 2012 who is applying.

tanman89 said:
Can they just downright deny me?


Or is it possible that they give me a conditional approval (Condition being something like recieving a pardon).

No. You have to let the process do its thing. Find something more productive to do then trying to find a way around the system.
Did you ask your MCC any of this?

I haven't been in the recruiting system for a few years now so take this for what it is worth (policies on things like this have a tendency to change from time to time). 

I will assume you were not counselled out from the get go or even as of yet.  So you are still in the process as far as I can tell.

Things will depend on what the fingerprint results turn up.  A lot of times they are for confirmation purposes.  Other times it could turn up outstanding legal issues.  Can they deny you (ie counsel you out)?  Of course they can and will if they have a reason to. 

Wait for the results.  Anything we tell you here isn't going to change the outcome or allay your fears.

With that, good luck to you.
Of course, I'll assume you were honest with them from the get go?  Then the results of any fingerprinting should not reveal anything they don't already know, right?

Nothing to do but sit and wait...
Thank you CA, I've always appreciated the "bluntness" of your posts. But as I said im not looking for a way around the system just want to be educated in my options if the situation arises. I have been working/volunteering where I can and doing everything i can to improve my file to show them that i have shed the ways of my past and moved on to become a mature person of good character. I guess I was just stewing about this question for a little while and decided to post and just get some ideas of what has happend to some people.

Thanks CA

As well thank you Crantor for your post I just read it as i was replying to CA
Yes I've always been honest theres no point in hiding things if they dont find out right that day theyll find out down the road... so i always found it better to be honest and show what ive done to learn and better myself from the mistakes ive made
Then you have nothing to worry about.  If it was "make it or break it" situation then I'd suspect you'd know by now.

Good luck.
Hi Everyone,

Just a quick question in regards to the Employment History section of the form.

There is a section in the Employment History where I have to write my past work history up to (5) years and on the right side it ask of me to write my employer contacts, email addresses and an option where it states, "May we contact = yes or no". My question is, if I put  "May we contact? = No", would that affect my application in any way?

Today after almost a year of running around getting paperwork getting fingerprints done and doing anything els the recruitment center has asked of me, my journey has come to an end. I found out today that the results of my fingerprints came back and I have been declined my reliability status. Yes I have a bit of a bumpy past but I have learned from it and tryed to better myself from it. Anyways as I await my letter comming to me, I was wondering with anyone with experiance in this matter could help me. The person I spoke with said I will have an opportunity to redress this as well as a couple other options, I was curious exactly what this entails and what paperwork I should get started on getting on now well i await for my letter so i can be 1 step ahead of the game. Any advice is appreciated.

Thanks for all the helpful advice with everything you guys have helped me with, hopfully with your experiance and guidance I will be able to fight through this obstacle to.

Thanks in advance.
If it is due to legal issues and charges being laid, try to acquire a pardon for anything on your file you can.  It is not overly costly if you do it yourself and wil take upwards of 6 months.

Once you have a pardon, you can stop explaining to various levels about what you did and what you learned from the experience(to a certain extent).
So what'd ya do in your past?

Reliability Statusis a very very basic check, I've never heard of someone failing that before..
I am not a CF recruiter, but I do work in a law enforcement agency.

If you have been denied Reliability Status, for any reason, you must know what you did for them to not clear your papers. Now, you are only 22, so time is to your advantage. Whatever wrong you had done, try to do things which will prove that you are not the same person you were. The best thing to do is volunteer. From my experience, I can say that recruiters give a lot of importance to volunteering.

However, volunteering can not compensate for employment.

Go to school - trade, university, whatever.

Your employers (paid and volunteer group), teachers, etc will all make excellent references.

Again, you are young and with determination the table can be turned around.

All the best.

PS - This is just my two cents. An actual CF recruiter will steer you in the best direction.
If they didn't tell you in person it should be in the letter, but did anyone specify what it was that caused you to be declined?

Is it past credit issues, or is it criminal background?

If it's credit, do you currently have high levels of dept and/or are you currently under collections? Have you previously declared bankruptcy?

If it's criminal, do you currently have legal proceedings in process against you? If not, how many charges have you previously been convicted of, and as previously mentioned, have you obtained pardons for them?

If you were declined due to ongoing issues, then you obviously can't be cleared ERC until proceedings are done.

If it's because of past records, then you need to take the steps to clear it before you would be.

Do you have questionable contacts, ie, an uncle in the HA? Who were your references, and would they be considered upstanding citizens? Would they have had good things to say about you? Do you actively associate with people who have a criminal background or are involved in questionable activities

Once you get the letter, it'll state "based on the information currently available. If anything has changed, contact..." or something to that effect. At which point this is where you would provide documentation that ex: you've paid off your debt, been pardoned, completed legal conditions, etc.
I believe it is for a criminal background, I have done many things to show i am not the same as i was... such as volunteering even completing my grade 12 (although i dont expect points for something that shouldve been done years ago) I am in the middle of the paron process at the moment as they highly suggested that i start the process the year before being eligable (Which i am next year) i believe this is for the 12-14 month wait time a pardon now takes in order to get granted etc.

Thanks all for the advice, I mean if i must wait then i must wait its just that simple but they can be reassured i will be in there next year pardon in hand ready to roll :)

Seriously thanks to everyone on this forum been a big help.